Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If I didn't know,I'd think she's Pakistani or Afghani near the Pak-Afghan borders or something northwest of you guys

She sure has a great deal of semitic DNA.
Turns out that "special force" = American soldiers from those sent to deliver "Humanitarian aid" to Palestinians

Hebrew media

Officer Arnon Zamora, commander of the Yamam Division, which carried out the Nuseirat operation, was killed


Another picture of the commander of the Yamam unit

Turns out that "special force" = American soldiers from those sent to deliver "Humanitarian aid" to Palestinians


This is a similar sort of a clandestine operation the Americans did in Pakistan when they killed OBL. A fake vaccination program was setup back then through a handler. A lot of similarities can be found.
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A journalist at Axios:
An American official told me that the American kidnapping cell in Israel supported efforts to rescue the four kidnapped.

(Local reports: Soldiers and prisoners were evacuated through the temporary American port and under the protection of the American C-RAM defense system)

A brief perod, just over 200 years ago....

Some of the early founding fathers of America had character. No doubt. Compare that now with the scum in the White House.
Hamas treats their Captives much better than Israel treats their Hostages. Why is that??

Where did this American team come from? Was it the pier ??
Yes, they also snuck in an Israeli unit. The “damage” to the pier looks like was used as cover to get them in. Pier of death not aid which was always the case considering the remains of Palestinians in rubble was used to construct it.
Forget about Muslim nations and the world for arguments sake and imagine if just the surrounding Arab states blockaded and boycotted Israel; this genocide would've never gone this far.

The dirty little secret is that the Arab leaders in countries such as the UAE with still over a 100 flights a week to Tel Aviv, Egypt with their Sissy Peace Treaty, the Jordanian king with his British bloodline, the Saudi MBS with his dreams of Neom and belly dancers ALL want this genocide so they can be Zionist slaves and secure their thrones.

The truth is ... Palestinian Genocide is being facilitated by the so-called Muslims. But God will destroy them for their evil alliance and treason against the Nation of the Nabi.
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