Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.
Talking shit again.
Indian trying to be more Jewish than israeli. Your knowledge of the land is poor and clearly made in India.
The thread is about the current conflict. Ethnic cleansing, collective punishment and murdering over 40,000 innocent Palestinians- yet you little Indian want to talk to us about historical landscaping?
Your hatred for Muslims steams through and blinds you to view the topic objectively
Talking shit again.
Indian trying to be more Jewish than israeli. Your knowledge of the land is poor and clearly made in India.
The thread is about the current conflict. Ethnic cleansing, collective punishment and murdering over 40,000 innocent Palestinians- yet you little Indian want to talk to us about historical landscaping?
Your hatred for Muslims steams through and blinds you to view the topic objectively

The Indian Zionist is handing out Biblical lectures. It is the joke of the day.

What do you make of the GCC Arabs though? Aren't they a little absent? 🤔
The Indian Zionist is handing out Biblical lectures. It is the joke of the day.

What do you make of the GCC Arabs though? Aren't they a little absent? 🤔
Really don’t get it.
I don’t see any difference in an innocent child - people seeking gratification and content when death is happening are a disgrace to humanity. Sad to see this Indian fellow trying to be extra Jewish.
This conflict is a sensitive issue and people like him just ravish and show pleasure in the death of Muslims…..
I really hope Hamas goes through with this. This is not a regular war but attempt to exterminate the Palestinian people. Israel is using this prisoners argument to engage in a prolonged genocide in Gaza. It's not going to agree to a ceasefire if no Arabs or Muslims put pressure on Israel to stop the genocide. It might release a few hundred people and rearrest them days later. Might as well execute them all, let it backfire on Netanyahu and the Jewish terrorists.

Most importantly, this will force negotiations to take place around the basis of ending the war, and not a prisoner exchange. This will show US and Israel have no actual will to stop this genocide on Gaza. And no intent to come to the table. And they won't be able to negotiate around basis of a 'pause' for prisoner exchange. They would then have to negotiate around ending the war and the day after.

If these captives remain, Netanyahu and the Jewish terrorist government and the US will use it as excuse to keep waging war on Gaza for years to come in their extermination plan.
Killing all captives will also give strong boost to the likes of Ben Gvir. Whole Israeli society will unite and protests will be shelved to eradicate the "evil".
Killing all captives will also give strong boost to the likes of Ben Gvir. Whole Israeli society will unite and protests will be shelved to eradicate the "evil".

Your dealing with a monstrous Zionist state that has commited decades of massacres, at some point you have to reach a tipping point that is clear and declare that the Jews have no place in the middle east

Wherever these people have gone they have turned the local population against them, they have then faced multiple pogroms, expulsions and a holocaust

And now the clock is ticking for them in the middle east,, they are horrendous evil people and they just be eclipsed
Really don’t get it.
I don’t see any difference in an innocent child - people seeking gratification and content when death is happening are a disgrace to humanity. Sad to see this Indian fellow trying to be extra Jewish.
This conflict is a sensitive issue and people like him just ravish and show pleasure in the death of Muslims…..

Goes to show that Hindutva and Zionists are bhai bhai.

Nevertheless, where are the Arabs?
Goes to show that Hindutva and Zionists are bhai bhai.

Nevertheless, where are the Arabs?

Come on.

Half of them are artificial creations(GCC and Jordan) that were designed to be "trojan horses" for the west during WW1.

Some of the rest have Zio-US implanted dictators like Morsi in Egypt.

Others like Iraq, Syria and Libya were destroyed by US/West to keep the Arabs in check and to safeguard that Zionist entity implanted into the heart of the ME.

Most Arab countries are tightly controlled by the Zio-US and so not point expecting anything from them.
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More than one thousand Israeli soldiers dead to rescue a few dozens of hostages.

Bad business from a numbers point of view.

I think Israel deep state and USA deep state dont give a shit about hostages or soldiers lives.

USA wants mayhem in the world richest oil zone, middle east.

And Israel is the perfect useful idiots to unstabilize the zone, Gaza is just the first trigger.

Hezbollah the second.

Iran the third.

And GCC richness the final target of all this bad USA movie.

Like Ukraine mayehm final target is destroy EU richness, useless from a USA interests point of view.

Nobody in USA elite give a damn fck about Israeli or Ukrainian people, they are just tools to unstabilize Middle East and Europe.

USA is the source of all current world problems. They have drown world opinions in a ocean of lies and deceptions for retarded people, but their interests are clear in coming world peak oil age.

War is big business here! Job creations!! I live in the Deep South and it seems every 3rd house has a 'veteran'. I dated a US Navy officer years ago. She never saw combat even remotely or was ever in danger. But enjoying a cushy retirement. A few days ago, a WASP friend came to my town and boasted about 'never having to pay a dime for healthcare'; he too is a 'veteran' but in reality more like a couch-potato-veteran. And then there is a relative WASP veteran who got priority liver transplant otherwise he'd die of alcohol liver cirrhosis.
America has become a very sick society, addicted to wars, something which Eisenhower had warned about in his farewell speech. Mass Killing people in remote lands is a favored way to enrich the few in this country.
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Talking shit again.
Indian trying to be more Jewish than israeli. Your knowledge of the land is poor and clearly made in India.
The thread is about the current conflict. Ethnic cleansing, collective punishment and murdering over 40,000 innocent Palestinians- yet you little Indian want to talk to us about historical landscaping?
Your hatred for Muslims steams through and blinds you to view the topic objectively

It actually pleases me to see Indians unveil themselves in the blogspace like this one. They have been noted globally since October 7. So come on Modi worshippers: Keep doing the great job of exposing yourself to the world. Pakistanis already knew that. Now the Spaniards, the Americans, the Bosnians, the Arabs and the world is seeing your love for the Zionists!!
It actually pleases me to see Indians unveil themselves in the blogspace like this one. They have been noted globally since October 7. So come on Modi worshippers: Keep doing the great job of exposing yourself to the world. Pakistanis already knew that. Now the Spaniards, the Americans, the Bosnians, the Arabs and the world is seeing your love for the Zionists!!

Said this before and I will say it again.

India has exposed it to be the utter snake and not to be trusted by the rest of the "Global South".

Those pictures of "Made in India" labels on bombs and missiles used to kill women and children in Gaza will haunt them for decades to come.

Hinduvta Indians think this will be forgotten but they will reminded even decades from now.

This is a decisive event in the struggle between US/West and the "Global South" and we see where India is at.

Carry on my Hinduvta friends as you are just tightening the noose even more around your necks.
Killing all captives will also give strong boost to the likes of Ben Gvir. Whole Israeli society will unite and protests will be shelved to eradicate the "evil".

You are correct. The hostages are still a card to play with. The cards the Zionists are playing is simply butchery of civilians while more quietly and more rapidly stealing the land in the West Bank.
War is big business here! Job creations!! I live in the Deep South and it seems every 3rd house has a 'veteran'. I dated a UN Navy officer years ago. She never saw combat even remotely or was ever in danger. But enjoying a cushy retirement. A few days ago, a WASP friend came to my town and boasted about 'never having to pay a dime for healthcare'; he too is a 'veteran' but in reality more like a couch-potato-veteran. And then there is a relative WASP veteran who got priority liver transplant otherwise he'd die of alcohol liver cirrhosis.
America has become a very sick society, addicted to wars, something which Eisenhower had warned about in his farewell speech. Mass Killing people in remote lands is a favored way to enrich the few in this country.
You are absolutely correct.

On top of what you wrote, there is also obligatory news articles in the local papers nearly every week and Sunday morning sermons to remind the Southern hymn singers the veterans are fighting for our freedumbs. Anyone daring to challenge the narrative is labeled a devil worshiper.

Last October was the last time I will ever walk into a church. Left after a half an hour, sick from all the singing and praying for God's little darlings. Can't imagine how bad it is now.

Tried opening the eyes of a young man, otherwise very sharp. Warned him if Americans do not wake up, he and his friends will find themselves drafted to fight another useless war. Instead of doing some research, he flippantly told me he is looking forward to shooting America's enemies.

How does one challenge this idiocy?
You are absolutely correct.

On top of what you wrote, there is also obligatory news articles in the local papers nearly every week and Sunday morning sermons to remind the Southern hymn singers the veterans are fighting for our freedumbs. Anyone daring to challenge the narrative is labeled a devil worshiper.

Last October was the last time I will ever walk into a church. Left after a half an hour, sick from all the singing and praying for God's little darlings. Can't imagine how bad it is now.

Tried opening the eyes of a young man, otherwise very sharp. Warned him if Americans do not wake up, he and his friends will find themselves drafted to fight another useless war. Instead of doing some research, he flippantly told me he is looking forward to shooting America's enemies.

How does one challenge this idiocy?

Unfortunatey the majority of people have average or below average IQs.

That is why the elite gets away with it as they know it is easy to brainwash the masses with a narrative.

In a world in flux where even now US cannot impose its will, there is no benefit to be seen as an enabler of wars and genocide.

US has just lost all moral authority it had as it has shown itself to be a hypocrite as it even ignores the international and domestic laws it itself helped create.

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