Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Antoher moronic take, how far in history we should go in history to claim some legitimacy? Even worse those are false religious claims printed by zionist in early 20th century. Do your research, get some brain and then come back.
By your idiotic logic, everybody can make some maps convinient to their interests and disregard rest of the history, people and established international criteria and laws and claim it is their own.

You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.
I pray all is well. Your advice and your concern for the innocent victims of Palestine as well as your nation.
What is happening to you right now is a test from Almighty Allah. When Allah loves someone, He tests them, so show them Allah's love. God's most beloved creation also went through severe trials - God's Messenger, may Allah grant him peace.
Alhamdulillah, I see a conscientious revert in you who have returned to the wonderful teachings of Islam! May Almighty Allah strengthen and preserve you!

Also, The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]

A believer is a prisoner in this world, given the eternal bliss that Allah has prepared for one on the Day of Resurrection. As for the unbelievers, their paradise is their worldly life, given the eternal punishment that Allah has prepared for them on the Day of Resurrection
God bless you 💚
Thank you.
You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.
Why not since muslim conquest of Jerusalem? In secular world view it has same merit as jewish claims.
Kingdom is israel were much smaller than their claims and it lasted several decades, but that is irrelevant, shall we now move to religious claims as norms in international relations?
And how this map is relevant for today affairs, why not make states like on map today?
Congratulations to the IDF for rescuing four living hostages. All, I believe, taken as civilians at a music festival on October 7, 2023. Condolences to the IDF for one of their policemen losing his life in the operation. The deaths of many Palestinians shows the depravity of Hamas using them as "shields" to prevent the IDF from rescue attempts without causing such unintended deaths. It is obvious that Hamas wants Palestinian deaths for the publicity it garners. The concept of "martyrdom" of such Palestinians is sick, twisted and evevil.

Nice loyal goyem.
Urgent | An American official told CNN: The American cell that helped rescue the hostages has been in Israel since October 7 to collect information


@RescueRanger Remember what I said in the old PDF: Americans have been there since day one. Not only that, US Air Naval Assets have also bombed Gaza actively.

This pier was never about aid; they needed a bridge and got one.
You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.

You have no say in the dispute between the Abrahamic faiths.

Stick to worshiping cows and rats.

They don't even think you are a human and despise idolaters

Yet here you are demeaning yourself supporting the occupation of Palestine just because you can't stand that Muslims ruled you for centuries. It's a shame your family decided to stay in the gutter and did not embrace true monotheism.

Noa is free! Israel rescues Noa Argamani who was kidnapped by Hamas motorbikers along with three other hostages seven months after they were snatched in deadly October 7 attack





More than one thousand Israeli soldiers dead to rescue a few dozens of hostages.

Bad business from a numbers point of view.

I think Israel deep state and USA deep state dont give a shit about hostages or soldiers lives.

USA wants mayhem in the world richest oil zone, middle east.

And Israel is the perfect useful idiots to unstabilize the zone, Gaza is just the first trigger.

Hezbollah the second.

Iran the third.

And GCC richness the final target of all this bad USA movie.

Like Ukraine mayehm final target is destroy EU richness, useless from a USA interests point of view.

Nobody in USA elite give a damn fck about Israeli or Ukrainian people, they are just tools to unstabilize Middle East and Europe.

USA is the source of all current world problems. They have drown world opinions in a ocean of lies and deceptions for retarded people, but their interests are clear in coming world peak oil age.
You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.
You tell me how far? Kingdom of Israel existed 3000 years ago. State of Israel has existed for 70 years. When has Palestinian state existed ?

By the way, Israelis did not make this map. This map based of the Bible old testament.
lol when has Palestine existed ? Even before Israel since you claim the bible as proof.

Genesis 26.1
26 Now there was a famine in the land—besides the previous famine in Abraham’s time—and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar.

Nahal Gerar is named after the Biblical sites mentioned in the Book of Genesis 20.1: "Abraham went thence into the country of Negeb, and settled between Kadesh and Shur; sojourning in Gerar."[5] The city of Gerar is now generally believed to be located at Tel Haror/Tell Abu Hareira.

Btw the original descendants and name of the land is Canaan. The city of Jerusalem was founded by canaanites

“The Jebusites (/ˈdʒɛbjəˌsaɪts/; Hebrew: יְבוּסִי, lit. 'Yəḇusi') were, according to the books of Joshua and Samuel from the Hebrew Bible, a Canaanite tribe that inhabited Jerusalem, called Jebus (Hebrew: יְבוּס, romanized: Yəḇus, lit. 'trampled place') before the conquest initiated by Joshua (Joshua 11:3, Joshua 12:10) and completed by King David (2 Samuel 5:6–10),”

The modern day descendants of Canaanites are the Levantine arabs ( Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, and Jordanians)


Noa is free! Israel rescues Noa Argamani who was kidnapped by Hamas motorbikers along with three other hostages seven months after they were snatched in deadly October 7 attack







Use the American air peer to send U.S team hiding in a aid truck

Massacre and bomb 200+ civilians, to rescue 4 Israel settlers

Get head of Israeli operation killed

Hell and most likely get another 20 of the settlers shot

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