Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Strong reports coming in that the Israeli 'special forces' who were in the garb of aid workers to launch the hostage rescue mission gunned down women and children in cold blood, who realised it wasn't aid but an Israeli military mission after running up on them. That explains the large civilian death toll.
Strong reports coming in that the Israeli 'special forces' who were in the garb of aid workers to launch the hostage rescue mission gunned down women and children in cold blood, who realised it wasn't aid but an Israeli military mission after running up on them. That explains the large civilian death toll.

And there the Zionists shot themselves in the foot for future 'aid' missions; got the four hostages, but probably several Zionist Special-Forces injured trying to rescue, while one confirmed dead Zionist officer. Next time: Women and children would shoot at any suspect incomers: I hear the Gazans are pretty self-sufficient in rifles, even in the 'Ghoul' rifles.
And there the Zionists shot themselves in the foot for future 'aid' missions; got the four hostages, but probably several Zionist Special-Forces injured trying to rescue, while one confirmed dead Zionist officer. Next time: Women and children would shoot at any suspect incomers: I hear the Gazans are pretty self-sufficient in rifles, even in the 'Ghoul' rifles.

Yep it was a desperate "one-off" to give the terrorist entity some "good news" after months of disappointment.

I suspect that Hamas snipers would now be trained on EVERY aid truck coming into Gaza that is not part of large convoy and so it would be impossible to repeat this dastardly act that is a war crime anyway.
And there the Zionists shot themselves in the foot for future 'aid' missions; got the four hostages, but probably several Zionist Special-Forces injured trying to rescue, while one confirmed dead Zionist officer. Next time: Women and children would shoot at any suspect incomers: I hear the Gazans are pretty self-sufficient in rifles, even in the 'Ghoul' rifles.

This action, it epitomizes the monstrous Jew state

The use the U.S aid peer, with U.S compliance

They use aid trucks

They drop.bombs in the middle of a refugee camp and murder 200+

They get 4 settlers out

Leaving 100+ who could be killed in revenge

Not only is Israel guilty, but the U.S is complicit, if their was justice in the world then the major news story would be U.S collusion and complicity in a massacre

The second major story would be,, how these bastards are so easy with massacre of brown or black people to save 4 white people

Makes me hate Jews beyond words
Killing all captives will also give strong boost to the likes of Ben Gvir. Whole Israeli society will unite and protests will be shelved to eradicate the "evil".
They are already radical terrorists. Western Jew-run media deceives people to believe you have to be religious to be radical. Or have to cover your body. It's not the case. Israeli society is the most radical and psychopathic society on the planet. Get rid of captives is what needs to be happen as they are bent on destroying Gaza anyway. Take that card away from them that they use to justify continuation of the genocide. It will force them to have to talk about the day after. And work to facilitate it.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.

I've been seriously wondering about this since yesterday morning and the news of the 4 hostages. Why were they rescued alive? There's a lot to dissect in that regards, especially at the cost of 200 slaughtered & butchered women & children. Doesn't make sense. I thought Hamas would be prepared for such a scenario, and never allow a rescue of hostages that are not only alive, but well. A bit strange, to say the least.
I pray all is well. Your advice and your concern for the innocent victims of Palestine as well as your nation.
What is happening to you right now is a test from Almighty Allah. When Allah loves someone, He tests them, so show them Allah's love. God's most beloved creation also went through severe trials - God's Messenger, may Allah grant him peace.
Alhamdulillah, I see a conscientious revert in you who have returned to the wonderful teachings of Islam! May Almighty Allah strengthen and preserve you!

Also, The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]

A believer is a prisoner in this world, given the eternal bliss that Allah has prepared for one on the Day of Resurrection. As for the unbelievers, their paradise is their worldly life, given the eternal punishment that Allah has prepared for them on the Day of Resurrection
God bless you 💚
Again, thank you.

Copied and paste it in my notes to reread, to keep focused on the bigger picture.

Incidentally, a fine older Christian lady I have known for almost ten years told me the same thing a few weeks ago, from the Christian perspective.

While re-reading your post again early this morning, Allah blessed me with great news. My last missing cat finally returned home after being gone for four days, safe and sound.

You may understand, but many around me will not. I am very spiritual due to what I have endured from the day I was born into this world, deaf and homeless. Didn't get my first hug until after the age of one. I have the photo. Clearly shows I didn't know what a hug was. Didn't talk until the age of six. Yet older relatives (adopted family) told me I was the happiest baby they ever saw. How can that be? There was always someone, something, always watching over me.

Again, this is a spiritual war. I am nobody special. But I have known this before I could put it in words.

Should have joined up with the Muslim community 30 years ago when Muhammad Ali and I had a heart to heart talk. Mr. Ali handed me a Islamic pamphlet after our talk, wrote a short message and signed it. It was my ticket to enter any Mosque I wanted to enter.
Hamas should go a step farther and kill them all. Let it backfire on Netanyahu. And on Israel. Israel wants them alive to try to reduce the political fallout from the genocide they're commiting. And justify prolonging the campaign on Gaza.

While also make them a headline once every six months. There's no so called 'hostage' rescue operation that goes on for years. It's a occupy and destroy Gaza 'operation'. And they'll continue it for as long as American taxpayers foot the bill of resupplying Israel and giving them free money to boost their economy.

Hamas should thus kill all captives. Take excuse away. Backfire on Israeli government. And this forces Israel to have to make a stronger case to justify its continuation of the terrorist campaign on Gaza. Which it wants to continue for years. Without this card, they're gonna be seen as just trying to increase Palestinian death count.

because Hamas are true Muslims and accordingly to Islam is it forbidden to kill prisoner of War

even if they know IDF is coming they will martyr themselves but never kill the hostages

they wont give up on Jannah in their last stand

for them hereafter is first

Allah will give them the victory Inshallah

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