Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Great three YouTube video's, one of which is a accusation and excuse used by the Jews to murder and bomb

What part of all occupied people have the right to self defence and fight back don't you understand?

The Jews have been absolutely monstrous, horrible horrible people

We need peace in the middle east and these Jews need to go, immediately

In fact Hamas and intifadas bring suffering to Palestinian, because the liberty they want from river to the sea is destruction of other sovereign country (Israel).
Like people in North Korea, they have to support their own leader (Hamas) instead of against them because of being afraid of persecution.
3 rare videos while the whole world speaking against zionist pigs but three rare videos hold more value to fktards like yourself!

You mean the whole of muslim world maybe? because many part of the world condem Hamas.

There are tons of video saying Hamas as terrorist.
I'm sorry for what you had to go through. I hope you make a quick recovery!!!
My neighbor is also former Naval Intelligence. A Zionist. His last words to me weeks ago was telling me I have no rights.

My troubles is just beginning.

I do not think any of you can understand the crackdown on people like me in the Bible Belt that will be coming for those like me who are willing to stand up and talk about the evil in this world.

I will end up with nothing and thrown in jail. I have held my peace, will take the hits as they keep coming. Otherwise, I will be looking at felonies.

Really need some decent Muslims to be at least friends, come visit me in jail, to make sure I will not be attacked behind bars. And when I walk out, help me get a new start, somewhere.

Had a talk with my mother this morning. She understands and supports me converting to Islam. Even she is disgusted with what is happening to me.

Again, this is the spiritual battle of our lifetimes. It will eventually affect each one of us.

I see comments here on what the Palestinians should and should not do with the remaining hostages. Be careful that you do not sink to the Zionists' level. I am not going to be a Muslim to be any part of that. And I do not think Allah would approve (give me time, I will improve on my thoughts as I learn)

Instead, I will be learning. Found the following:

One cannot fight this evil with evil.
Congratulations to the IDF for rescuing four living hostages. All, I believe, taken as civilians at a music festival on October 7, 2023. Condolences to the IDF for one of their policemen losing his life in the operation. The deaths of many Palestinians shows the depravity of Hamas using them as "shields" to prevent the IDF from rescue attempts without causing such unintended deaths. It is obvious that Hamas wants Palestinian deaths for the publicity it garners. The concept of "martyrdom" of such Palestinians is sick, twisted and evil.
Do not choke on jew penis,
As predicted Israel/US will now turn on Lebanon and wreak destruction

Antoher moronic take, how far in history we should go in history to claim some legitimacy? Even worse those are false religious claims printed by zionist in early 20th century. Do your research, get some brain and then come back.
By your idiotic logic, everybody can make some maps convinient to their interests and disregard rest of the history, people and established international criteria and laws and claim it is their own.
My neighbor is also former Naval Intelligence. A Zionist. His last words to me weeks ago was telling me I have no rights.

My troubles is just beginning.

I pray all is well. Your advice and your concern for the innocent victims of Palestine as well as your nation.
What is happening to you right now is a test from Almighty Allah. When Allah loves someone, He tests them, so show them Allah's love. God's most beloved creation also went through severe trials - God's Messenger, may Allah grant him peace.
Alhamdulillah, I see a conscientious revert in you who have returned to the wonderful teachings of Islam! May Almighty Allah strengthen and preserve you!

Also, The purpose of the Qur'an, according to the commentators and exegetes of the Qur'an, is to distinguish between good and evil, lawful and unlawful. It distinguish between halal and haram and right and wrong. There is no disagreement about the Islamic faith core beliefs and creed.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]

A believer is a prisoner in this world, given the eternal bliss that Allah has prepared for one on the Day of Resurrection. As for the unbelievers, their paradise is their worldly life, given the eternal punishment that Allah has prepared for them on the Day of Resurrection
God bless you 💚

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