Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Fierce battles around Al Awda roundabout in central Rafah

Fire bombardment of the infiltrating forces with mortars and heavy machine guns.

According to some Hebrew media

Very difficult battles in the center of Rafah and a difficult day for the army

I get out a lot and work full time. But this situation requires me to pull out the phone and contribute in any way I can. And to monitor the news as my whole family is there.

Jewish fundamentalism is a real thing and not a conspiracy. Jewish fundamentalism does not take on a religious theme like Islamic fundamentalism does, it's ethno-facist terrorism. There is a big chunk of Jewish radicals/extremists. Atheists or secular don't matter. They're extremely radical and fundamentalist.
Do you know what fundamentalism is? Define it for me.
Do you know what fundamentalism is? Define it for me.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.
    "there was religious pluralism there at a time when the rest of Europe was torn by fundamentalism"
    • strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline.
      plural noun: fundamentalisms
      "free-market fundamentalism"
Israeli media:

A multi-storey building collapsed on the force in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The foundations were blown up and the building collapsed completely...

4 soldiers were killed, about 18 were injured, 2 soldiers were trapped, and mortar shells were fired at the rescue forces
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

  1. a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.
    "there was religious pluralism there at a time when the rest of Europe was torn by fundamentalism"
    • strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline.
      plural noun: fundamentalisms
      "free-market fundamentalism"

And to answer the point of "Jewish fundamentalism", zionist jews are largely either secularists and atheists.
The war council fell.. Today, Benny Gantz will leave the war council.. For those who do not know, this is Benny Gantz, the wisest one among the Zionists. He was the army commander and deputy prime minister and is considered America’s man in Israel.. Now the lunatics remain.. All of yesterday’s operation was to prevent him from resigning.

seems like someone has tired of the genocide orgy.
Abdalla al-Jamal was a ‘journalist.’ He was also guarding hostages for Hamas. Eli Lake for The Free Press.

A cameraman films while smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City on October 12, 2023. (Mohammed Abed via Getty Images)

Why We Shouldn’t Trust ‘The Facts’ Coming Out of Gaza

Abdalla al-Jamal was a ‘journalist.’ He was also guarding hostages for Hamas.

By Eli Lake
June 9, 2024
Imagine, if you will, living during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. You come upon an article in a small progressive newspaper, describing how the CIA had a plan to poison the water supply in Tehran. Later, you learn that the reporter who wrote that piece was one of the people responsible for keeping U.S. citizens hostage at the embassy. You’d probably start doubting that reporter, his outlet, and whether news can actually be reported from inside the Ayatollah’s Islamic Republic.

Well, that’s pretty much what happened in Gaza.

After Israel rescued four Hamas hostages over the weekend, Israel Defense Forces said that three detainees had been held in an apartment belonging to Abdalla al-Jamal. Al-Jamal, who was killed in the raid that liberated Almog Meir Jan, 22, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41, had been a correspondent for The Palestine Chronicle. Since October 7, al-Jamal had published 16 stories for the Chronicle, an English-language news website and nonprofit registered in Mountlake Terrace, Washington, which has featured contributions from prominent progressive American intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky.

And al-Jamal’s articles read like a parody of Palestinian propaganda.

“Cries of Gaza Survivors: When Will We Rescue Our Children from Under the Rubble?” blares one headline. “Actions, Not Words,” featuring interviews with local Gazans pleading with Hezbollah to increase attacks on northern Israel, is another. For one of his last stories, al-Jamal covered survivors of what his outlet called the “Nuseirat School Massacre.” A Gazan named Ibrahim Ayad said that Israel’s strikes on the building that harbored between twenty and thirty terrorists were “the very definition of genocide.”

Photo of Abdallah Al Jamal shared by The Palestine Chronicle. ( @PalestineChron via X)

In an obituary, the Chronicle wrote that al-Jamal (who wrote a total of 107 stories) had contributed on a volunteer basis. But if the Chronicle ever paid al-Jamal for his work, they could be in violation of U.S. counterterrorism laws preventing any material support or payment to designated terrorist groups like Hamas.

Whether or not he was paid, Al-Jamal’s reports offer a window into the slanted coverage of Gaza in the western media. If one wonders why it always seems that every building hit by Israel is a hospital and every casualty is a child or a woman, the story of a journalist with a side hustle as a hostage guard provides some answers.

The Committee to Protect Journalists has said 108 reporters and media workers have been killed so far in the Gaza war. As the story of al-Jamal shows, the definition of “journalist” in a place like Gaza is loose to say the least. And yet that statistic has been recycled many times over since the war began, painting the picture of Israel as a criminal regime.

Hamas’s most effective weapon is the war’s high body count. According to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, more than 36,000 Palestinians have perished since the war began. That’s more than thirty times the approximately 1,200 people slaughtered by Hamas in Israel on October 7.

The Gaza Ministry of Health, like all branches of Gaza’s local government, is controlled by Hamas. And yet very few mainstream journalists have expressed skepticism about the statistics it publishes. During Israel’s raid, which freed four hostages, several outlets focused on the number of civilians that allegedly died in the process. One BBC headline, for example, said: “Gaza Health Ministry Says Israeli Hostage Rescue Killed 274 Palestinians.”

But recently, a Western report has cast doubt on the accuracy of one of Hamas’s key facts, namely that “70 percent” of Palestinian casualties in the war are women and children.

On June 7, the Associated Press published an analysis discrediting this claim. By combing through actual data behind the ministry’s figures, the agency found that the percentage peaked in late October, when 64.4 percent of 6,745 dead were women and children. That percentage dropped to 59.3 percent for casualties reported on January 5, then 45 percent for March 29, and 38.1 percent for April 30.

The total percentage of women and children casualties in the war so far is 54.3 percent. Adult-aged males are most likely to be combatants in wars. The AP analysis shows that the ratio between combatants and civilians killed in Gaza is closer to one to one, a figure much closer to counterinsurgency wars America and its allies have fought in the Middle East.

The 70 percent figure has become a key talking point for Israel’s opponents. It was cited prominently, for example, in a report by UN Women in January. Here is that figure again from an NPR story at the end of February.

The AP analysis is a watershed moment, said David Adesnik, the director of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, who has tracked the casualty numbers since the conflict began.

“This is a scrutiny that has not been applied by any mainstream prestige outlet until now,” Adesnik told The Free Press. “And it’s particularly important coming from the AP because they were among the most vocal in defending the ministry’s credibility.”

The AP analysis only goes so far. Adesnik pointed out, for example, that the agency still hasn’t examined how at least 10,000 of the total casualties reported from the Ministry of Health lack complete information like names, ages, and gender. Adesnik argues that these statistics were not based on reports from morgues and hospitals, but rather what the ministry initially called “reliable media reports.”

Which brings us back to al-Jamal. If the IDF is correct that the hostages were rescued from his apartment, then it indicts more than just The Palestine Chronicle. A Hamas-run ministry has relied on media reports in a place where many alleged “journalists” are helping the Hamas war effort. Perhaps the Western press should notice that its supposedly objective sources in Gaza are sometimes the combatants.

Eli Lake is a Free Press columnist. Follow him at @EliLake, and read his piece, “Rashida Tlaib Speaks at Detroit Conference Tied to Terrorist Group.”
Making unsubstantiated claims as usual, spoken like a true Israeliar.
Pakistan is no exception to the norm. If and when its utility is used up, they (the West) will come and level the country down militarily; you are already on your knees economically. They can just as quickly have India be the new Ukraine and drain you and then come and slice the head between the shoulders.

Don't tell me Allah is going to send down some angels who will stand guard on hilltops protecting Pakistan, grabbing bombs and bullets and discarding them in the local gutter. Or better yet, the Islamic World is going to rally behind Pakistan, unlike how they rallied behind Gaza.

Eight months, almost 40,000 dead; I don't know what kind of sleep this is unless you want to call this being in a coma. Any person with a functioning brain would wake up and do something to help out a neighbor, especially if you call them a brother in religion or through an ethnic association (Arab).

Is this a joke? They are dying and trying to survive; if they die a martyr, it's a much bigger honor. Do you think they'd be in a mental state to perform Hajj?
Typical Indian fantasy. The best opportunity to "level" Pakistan was when we had super powers on our doorstep. They didn't have the guts to even think of it even though it was tempting with the help of 1 billion cow p!ss drinkers.
Typical Indian fantasy. The best opportunity to "level" Pakistan was when we had super powers on our doorstep. They didn't have the guts to even think of it even though it was tempting with the help of 1 billion cow p!ss drinkers.

There is a time and place for everything. The West sets the ground decades before it does what's needed.
76:8 And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,
76:9[Saying], "We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude.
76:10 Indeed, We fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful.
76:11 So Allah will protect them from the evil of that Day and give them radiance and happiness

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