Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think it is time to start talking about a Zionist defeat in Gaza.
Hamas are still after over 3 months able to carry out the same intensity of attacks and so it seems that they have ample supplies and/or weapons production capabilties remaining. History shows that even much lower levels of casualties are not sustainable for these interlopers.
Their(Zionist) economy is in shatters and even the US is getting tired, if only due to the total worldwide condemnation and inability to keep supplying the massive amounts of bombs and money that the entity requires to sustain this war against Gaza.
Zionists may have razed half of Gaza to the ground but this may be the beginning of the end of their unnatural presence in the ME.

If you watch a video of Max Blumenthal that I posted here yesterday he, usually very careful, is calling it an 'Israeli defeat' so far.
And if you watch a video (on Twitter) which @Hassan Al-Somal posted of an IDF soldier yesterday, the soldier brought up Israel's worst fear: The tunnels in Gaza maybe connected to somewhere--probably Rafah City in Egypt--which means supplies are still coming in! No wonder Israelis want to take control of the Philadelphia Corridor.
Correct! In the age of social media, 'perceptions' have become of paramount importance!
And a good one-liner response to the usual one-liner from, you know, who!!

Well, this present conflict can serve a direct test of that contention: one side is surely winning the perception on social media, and the other seems to claim that the ongoing military campaign is achieving its objectives. It will become evident soon enough what prevails in the end.
I think it is time to start talking about a Zionist defeat in Gaza.

Hamas are still after over 3 months able to carry out the same intensity of attacks and so it seems that they have ample supplies and/or weapons production capabilties remaining. History shows that even much lower levels of casualties are not sustainable for these interlopers.

Their(Zionist) economy is in shatters and even the US is getting tired, if only due to the total worldwide condemnation and inability to keep supplying the massive amounts of bombs and money that the entity requires to sustain this war against Gaza.

Zionists may have razed half of Gaza to the ground but this may be the beginning of the end of their unnatural presence in the ME.

One can only hope so.
It would mark the definitive end of the centuries long colonian era.
The massacre in Gaza is taking place with the help of all civilians.
And man we will remember it. Same rapes, stabbing, beating, spitting, bombing, slaughter. You think we will forget. This war has made me half kafir really. Now I don't have any mercy left in me.
Stop being melodramatic.

Your rage is contained on the internet, thus completely wasted. You talk as if you're personally picking up arms and going over to fight. If you are not, your rage is only harming yourself.

Relax yourself.
One can only hope so.
It would mark the definitive end of the centuries long colonian era.

This is the last remaining unreconstructed colonial settler state in the world.

All the rest like US, Australia etc have become full democracies with full citizenship to all the natives.

High time this colonialism was ended with full right of return of all natives to go back to their homes and lands. If the Jews don’t like it then tough.
I always had mercy for civilians in my heart, may be I still do, I don't know. But I saw Israelis are actually involved in this genocide. May Allah we never takeover them, or we die before that, otherwise man that will be a bad and last day for the people of Israel.
I am really praying that may I not see that day in my life.
May Allah clear our hearts when that time comes inshallah.
Palestinians should burn the damaged vehicles left behind after being hit by rockets. In many instances the IDF soldiers run away after an attack and abandon the vehicles and then after some time they take them away. In that period of quiet, the Palestinians should burn them so that they cannot be repaired and brought back into the war.
@Meengla @Hassan Al-Somal @925boy @Mehdipersian@Falcon29
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Probably both.

83% of them want total destruction and ethnic cleansing poll shows.
Its dreadful number, knowing whats goin on in Gaza.

In this case i think its fair to call Israel a genocidal society. The democracy is just a mask. Has no meanig when it has no democracy or civil rights for 7 million Palestinians living inside its border.
Israel was never a democracy, it’s a trick they used to occupy and oppress. Zionism is the belief of a state for ONLY Jewish people in the entire areas of what they call Judah and Samaria. This definition by itself shows it’s a racist ideology because this denies Palestinians any rights. It also means for that Jewish state to happen all Palestinians must be removed (not including Lebanese parts, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq). This is their end goal and will stop at nothing till they achieve it. This is why they are consistently sowing conflict in the Middle East. Israel was funding Isis in Syria and treating Isis inside Israel.
I believe the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can be resolved. But the Superpowers of our time does not care about resolving conflicts.
Absolutely, this could have been resolved decades ago

Their are two problems and it's not the Israeli and Palestinians

It's the ARABS and USA

In essence all the Arabs had to do was declare that the Arab states would not work or trade with any state who supported Israel in its oppression and unjust occupation UNTIL a just outcome was worked out

Fundamentally the USA and western lackeys now have a choice, tiny Israel or trade and relations with multiple states and the Muslim world in general

Sheer economic interests would have forced the U.SA and west to push for a reasonable and fair deal and they would have shackled Israel from its worst behavior

The Arabs CHOSE humiliation, they chose to be subservient to the USA and be client states, the spent BILLIONS on arms, BILLION on luxuries, they bought property and yachts etc

They HAVE NO REASON FOR THE USA AND WEST to deal fairly with the Palestinians because the Arabs are acting like such pusseys

That's is the HARSH TRUTH

Even TODAY if the Arabs put their foot down they could resolve this with a few years

But the Arabs are acting like jackals, with Saudi and UAE followed by Egypt and Jordan being the main culprits

The second major factor is a dishonest USA and western lackeys, they look at this issue through the prism of western colonialism, crusader/Christian identity so they know they historical importance of Jerusalem etc

So the land in the hands of Jews is an extension of the crusader state that was destroyed by Saladin

So instead of being fair they have protected the Jew state, provided weapons and resources, diplomatic cover and support, money and biased propaganda

If they were fair , this situation would have been resolved decades ago

The USA and West have looked after their own interests

It's the ARABS who are at fault

We need to change that now, ànd ensure the hatred for Israel is translated into tangible pressure

The world is changing and we need to make use of it
Palestinians should burn the damaged vehicles left behind after being hit by rockets. In many instances the IDF soldiers run away after an attack and abandon the vehicles and then after some time they take them away. In that period of quiet, the Palestinians should burn them so that they cannot be repaired and brought back into the war.
@Meengla @Hassan Al-Somal @925boy @Mehdipersian

Tiny puny innocent babe in the woods Israeli drones probably loiter after every firefight; add to them America and the UK surveillance of all kind.

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