Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Northern Gaza has turned into the graveyard for the occupying Zionist terrorists.

Yes they may have only suffered 200 dead but the more important number is the more than 2000 permanently crippled, either physically or mentally or both. For all intents and purposes their lives are practically over in any normal sense.

Hamas regularly publishes videos of taking out these terrorists and that must also up the physological trauma that these child killers and sadists are suffering.

The massacre in Gaza is taking place with the help of all civilians.
And man we will remember it. Same rapes, stabbing, beating, spitting, bombing, slaughter. You think we will forget. This war has made me half kafir really. Now I don't have any mercy left in me.

Then what do you expect Israel to do after being attacked on 7th October? sitting idle and let those terrorist come back in the future repeating attack over and over again? you know it wont happen right? As a sovereign nation with solid military power they will need to take action to give security for their people.

And how about Hamas who is responsible for the high number of casualties of civilian in gaza (you call as genocide) esp due to human shield tactic? why dont you blame on them?
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Why are you asking these questions about the past today?

Do you realise that invading armies also eradicated whole nations including all civilians and nobody cared about it?

Today the situation is different. Israel has not massacred Palestinians even at 1% of that level which happened in the past. Just look how Turkey massacred over a million Armenians and today the historic East Armenia is a part of Turkey (Anatolia) and no one raises a voice against it.

If Hamas wants to kill all Israeli civilians in the name of them being invaders, then certainly Israel will also retaliate.

And it is the mistake of Hamas and Palestinians who don't accept Israel's right to exist today. Once they accept it, only then comes the turn of Israel for its illegal settlements.

I am asking you in order to make you think.

And to see there is any consistency in you line of thought and argument.

Dont create castles in the sky. Hamas wanting Israel gone is not akin to it wanting to mass murder all Israeli citizens. In fact going by recent events, Its the Israelis who want to kill as much civillians as they can.

You french were lucky that Germany never did any ethnic cleansing of french and resettling it with germans, when they invaded France. Or else you might be reduced to small enclaves without any real self determination.

Maybe today we would call you “french indian” and label you barbaric terrorists for wanting your historic land back. Can already imagine german cinematic pictures displaying frenchmen as half naked men with loaf in one hand and a axe or somethin in the other hand. Being shot by the “civilized” german army.
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to answer you might is right argument!

russia bombing Ukraine because it can is injustice!
Azerbaijan annexing Nagorno because it could is injustice!
ethopia accepting somaliland because its economically prosperous than somalia which might lead to war is injustice!
UAE/KSA seige of Yemen because they were powerful resulting in femine and death of thousands was/is injustice!
west allowing their bastard child JEWS to settle in Palestinian lands because they won the war was injustice!
India occupying Kashmir is injustice!

humans are suppose to act justly with each other and not like animals who use raw power to kill their prey!

Should I add the list of what your Muslim ancestors did when they were powerful and acting like invaders?

As I told you, it was the past.

Yes, the civilized world is still not 100% perfect and there is still a lot of chance that extremist powerful states play the role of "might is right". But it is still much better than in the past.

Today the situation is different. The civilized world didn't let Israel kill even 1% of the Palestinian civilian population. But in past, invaders eradicated the whole local population or made them slaves and raped all their women and girls. They brought 100% destruction and looted everything they got their hands on.

This same civilized world will also not let extremist Palestinians and Muslims eradicate Israel and kill Israeli civilians.

And if Muslims are not wise enough, and they make the civilized world weaker by killing Israeli civilians in the name of invaders, then surely they will bring a lot of destruction upon themselves.
So were the Crusader States but as they were never accepted as legitimate by their neighbours they got wiped out.
One even lasted for nearly 200 years.
Zionists were forced onto the Palestinians against their will and I would not be surprised if they do not last 100 years, as the balance of power in the world changes radically over the next 10-15 years.

The balance of power is indeed already rapidly changing. And already everyone knows that Israel can't survive without full US/NATO support--tells you something about 'the most powerful military in the Middle East'.

NY Times topmost story right now. And from the most Recommended Comments, people are able to discern that Israelis want to start a regional war to drag America in but the regional players are wisely not biting on that. Comments also getting high votes for the Americans to stay out of it because not America's interests. But then shameful some people here are the mouthpieces of the NeoCons--while claiming to be America's well wishers.

I don't want to go into the history of your Muslim ancestors and show you how they invaded and captured lands against the wishes of locals.

In simple words, invading stronger groups massacred whole populations for showing any armed resistance. Look at Turkey which only in the name of doubt massacred over a million Armenians and made the historic eastern Armenia a part of Turkey.

Today the civilized world not let do the massacre of the civilian population. That is why Israel has not killed even 1% of the Palestinian population. But this same civilized world will also not let Muslims to eradicate the state of Israel and kill Israeli civilians in the name of the invasion which took place in past.

It is highly unlikely extremist Muslims will eradicate Israel in the next 10-15 years. But it may be possible, if they don't reform themselves and accept Israel's right to exist, then maybe in 10-15 years, there will be no Gaza left anymore and extremist Israelis succeed in capturing it in the name of their security against fanatic Muslim forces.
Moron, Islam spread through many peace treaties with Non-Muslims.

As for conquering lands, you cannot compare the standard of those times with the standards of today's time.
The balance of power is indeed already rapidly changing. And already everyone knows that Israel can't survive without full US/NATO support--tells you something about 'the most powerful military in the Middle East'.

NY Times topmost story right now. And from the most Recommended Comments, people are able to discern that Israelis want to start a regional war to drag America in but the regional players are wisely not biting on that. Comments also getting high votes for the Americans to stay out of it because not America's interests. But then shameful some people here are the mouthpieces of the NeoCons--while claiming to be America's well wishers.

The biggest problem apartheid israel has is the Palestinian population time bomb. Their only solution is genocide and ethnic cleansing. Their real and only options should be 2 states or end apartheid and make all Palestinians their citizens.
Please calm down. Otherwise you may be taking a rest from this thread for a cooling off period.
Over 86 percent of zionost population think that their thugs are to soft in genocide activities.
Ok, it is futile, i tought that the topic will be more cleaner and human on this new forum but it is infested with same nazi apologets and islam haters in even bigger extent then it was there..
So, only lurking and liking occasionally, not interested to participate in topic were israel nazi propaganda and opinions are encouraged and promoted.
Should I add the list of what your Muslim ancestors did when they were powerful and acting like invaders?

As I told you, it was the past.

Yes, the civilized world is still not 100% perfect and there is still a lot of chance that extremist powerful states play the role of "might is right". But it is still much better than in the past.

Today the situation is different. The civilized world didn't let Israel kill even 1% of the Palestinian civilian population. But in past, invaders eradicated the whole local population or made them slaves and raped all their women and girls. They brought 100% destruction and looted everything they got their hands on.

This same civilized world will also not let extremist Palestinians and Muslims eradicate Israel and kill Israeli civilians.

And if Muslims are not wise enough, and they make the civilized world weaker by killing Israeli civilians in the name of invaders, then surely they will bring a lot of destruction upon themselves.
Jew! i did include Muslims currently oppressing Non Muslims! unlike your kind we value human life and justice!
Moron, Islam spread through many peace treaties with Non-Muslims.

As for conquering lands, you cannot compare the standard of those times with the standards of today's time.

Arab Palestinian has been offered many treaties too by Israel and UN, but they keep rejecting it. Thats why peace hasn't come yet.
Moron, Islam spread through many peace treaties with Non-Muslims.
This is absolutely not correct. Muslim invaders were looting and destroying their opponents 100%. Either they killed their men, or enslaved them. They raped all their women and girls. They didn't even spare small children and enslaved them too although they had never any role in any wars.

As for conquering lands, you cannot compare the standard of those times with the standards of today's time.
You have to acknowledge that due to the civilized world, Israel didn't kill even 1% of the Palestinian civilian population.
But this same civilized world will not let Palestinian civilians or Hamas or extremist Muslims seize the right of Israel to exist today and to kill Israeli civilians in the name of their being invaders.
Jew! i did include Muslims currently oppressing Non Muslims! unlike your kind we value human life and justice!

What Israel do on arab Israelis is still better than what Ottoman empire did on jewish.
This is absolutely not correct. Muslim invaders were looting and destroying their opponents 100%. Either they killed their men, or enslaved them. They raped all their women and girls. They didn't even spare small children and enslaved them too although they had never any role in any wars.

You have to acknowledge that due to the civilized world, Israel didn't kill even 1% of the Palestinian civilian population.
But this same civilized world will not let Palestinian civilians or Hamas or extremist Muslims seize the right of Israel to exist today and to kill Israeli civilians in the name of their being invaders.
LOL what is this crap, are you stupid?

Islam in the beginning spread with many peace treaties. Have you read Islamic history?

What about Europeans conquering the Americas and committing genocide against Native Americans and raping their women?

What about the Europeans committing the holocaust and murdering the Jews in Germany?

What about the Europeans doing the African slave trade to the Americas and treating them a little bit better than animals.
Jew! i did include Muslims currently oppressing Non Muslims! unlike your kind we value human life and justice!
It is neither the answer to my arguments nor the answer to the list of crimes committed by your Muslim ancestors.

And stop calling others JEWS as an abusive word. How would you feel if others also start calling you Muslim as an abusive word?
This is absolutely not correct. Muslim invaders were looting and destroying their opponents 100%. Either they killed their men, or enslaved them. They raped all their women and girls. They didn't even spare small children and enslaved them too although they had never any role in any wars.

You have to acknowledge that due to the civilized world, Israel didn't kill even 1% of the Palestinian civilian population.
But this same civilized world will not let Palestinian civilians or Hamas or extremist Muslims seize the right of Israel to exist today and to kill Israeli civilians in the name of their being invaders.
It is the Zionists who stole Palestinian land. Please do not talk nonsense here.

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