Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

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LOL what is this crap, are you stupid?

Islam in the beginning spread with many peace treaties. Have you read Islamic history?

What about Europeans conquering the Americas and committing genocide against Native Americans and raping their women?

What about the Europeans committing the holocaust and murdering the Jews in Germany?

What about the Europeans doing the African slave trade to the Americas and treating them a little bit better than animals.

Almost all conquerors or invading forces have indeed offered treaties or terms to the subdued or conquered populations. Because offering treaties will help them establish a stable and structured governance system. Conquerors may find it beneficial to have a formal agreement with the subdued population to maintain order and control.
It is neither the answer to my arguments nor the answer to the list of crimes committed by your Muslim ancestors.

And stop calling others JEWS as an abusive word. How would you feel if others also start calling you Muslim as an abusive word?
i am a Muslim i dont consider Muslim an abuse! why jews are so freaking insecure! or calling jew a jew is anti semitism?
Then what do you expect Israel to do after being attacked on 7th October? sitting idle and let those terrorist come back in the future repeating attack over and over again? you know it wont happen right? As a sovereign nation with solid military power they will need to take action to give security for their people.

And how about Hamas who is responsible for the high number of casualties of civilian in gaza (you call as genocide) esp due to human shield tactic? why dont you blame on them?

Your argument seems interesting if the world was born October 7, but fortunately a lot us are older than that.

Lets begin with the establishment of the zionist state after WW2 okay?
It is the Zionists who stole Palestinian land. Please do not talk nonsense here.
Yes, Zionists stole the Palestinian land, just like other invaders also stole lands from locals.
I would have opposed it if I had been there in the past.

But what now?

I accept Anatolia as a part of Turkey now and not as a part of historic Armenia any more, although Turkey massacred over a million Armenians in 1915.

The same is true about Nagorno Karabakh, which was a part of historic Armenia for thousands of years, till colonial Iran made it a part of Azerbaijan and colonial Russia kept the status co despite protests from the local Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh.

What happened in history cannot be changed as this world is not a 100% ideal place and no 100% justice is possible in this imperfect world.

So again, the question is: What Now?

Palestinian population (their majority according to a survey before 7 October) showed they don't accept Israel's right to exist.

I accept if the Israeli population (their majority) wants to eliminate Palestinian civilians from Gaza, then they are wrong. But what about the Palestinian population (their majority)? How can you say they are right then to seize the right from Israeli civilians to exist in their Israeli state? How can you defend if the Palestinian population (their majority) support Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians?

Neither the Israeli population nor the Palestinian population are holy cows. If their opinion is wrong, then it must be condemned, along with all those extremist Muslims or Israel sympathizers all over the world who support such madness today.
Challenge means you have to provide me then with full right to bring my proof. You have then to ask your mods not to ban me if I bring my proof.

Who is judging them according to the standards of today? We are saying what happened in the past, let it be. This means Israel has already been created just like Anatolia (Turkey) has been created. Or even Pakistan was created by the British Colonizer against the wishes of the MAJORITY of the local population and without their consent.

If you accept Pakistan's right to exist today but deny Israel's right to exist in the name of British colonizer, then these will become Double Standards.

You have to first agree on this basic issue that Israel has today a right to exist. Without this basic issue, you cannot demand any rights for Palestinians today.
Sorry I don't have time for your nonsense. Creation of Pakistan, because Muslims in the majority provinces have a different culture from Hindus.

As for Israel it is an unnatural state, the entire world is against them, and the Zionists stole land from the Palestinians. Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a modern conflict not an ancient one.
Zionists are foreigners to Palestine.

now get lost.
Exactly in the early history of Islam, Muslims were tolerant. Thats why you have Jews in Morocco, Christians in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and in Jordan. There are also Jews in Yemen.

Stupid Anti-Muslim western idiot need to read a history book.

Jews were persecuted very badly in Europe.

Not only that, it can be argued that Islam saved Judaism.

Sorry I don't have time for your nonsense. Creation of Pakistan, because Muslims in the majority provinces have a different culture from Hindus.

As for Israel it is an unnatural state, the entire world is against them, and the Zionists stole land from the Palestinians. Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a modern conflict not an ancient one.
Zionists are foreigners to Palestine.

now get lost.

Pakistanis was and still is local indiginious with history dating back thousands of years.

No comparison with zionist settler colonialism at all.
Your argument seems interesting if the world was born October 7, but fortunately a lot us are older than that.

Lets begin with the establishment of the zionist state after WW2 okay?

Same story before 7th October. Your side is the side who always refuse peace then start the attack and invasion then after loss they cry out for suffering/injustice/violence against humanity/ genocide/etc.

And even if it was Israel who started before 7th October, then what result do you expect from the 7th October attack?
a. destruction of israel as a nation
b. IDF paralizyed?
c. Israel will be sitting idle and being permissive to hamas?

I dont think any of those options will happened. Dont you? Has hamas calculated these all including the how many civilian will die due to retaliation?
Same story before 7th October. Your side is the side who always refuse peace then start the attack and invasion then after loss they cry out for suffering/injustice/violence against humanity/ genocide/etc.

And even if it was Israel who started before 7th October, then what result do you expect from the 7th October attack?
a. destruction of israel as a nation
b. IDF paralizyed?
c. Israel will be sitting idle and being permissive to hamas?

I dont think any of those options will happened. Dont you? Has hamas calculated these all including the how many civilian will die due to retaliation?

Its normal to take side with the opressed.

Lets not play games here. We know very well what is the official Israeli doctrine since its creation: a jewish supremacist country.

I mean, it was the europeans who opressed and pogromed jews. Why did you not create Israel in Germany?
Its normal to take side with the opressed.

Lets not play games here. We know very well what is the official Israeli doctrine since its creation: a jewish supremacist country.

I mean, it was the europeans who opressed and pogromed jews. Why did you not create Israel in Germany?

Yeah... but the problem here is: the oppressed in this case is the sower of the oppression.

Gazan sow what they reaped. They chose Hamas to win the election, support Hamas's mission to eradicate a sovereign country (means disaster for humanity), and celebrate the attacks even after the 7th October.

Of course they can't expect Israel wont retaliate after these attacks.
Yeah... but the problem here is: the oppressed in this case is the sower of the oppression.

Gazan sow what they reaped. They chose Hamas to win the election, support Hamas's mission to eradicate a sovereign country (means disaster for humanity), and celebrate the attacks even after the 7th October.

Of course they can't expect Israel wont retaliate after these attacks.

Again its the zionist who are the invaders and colonialists. Palestinians are rightfully resisting a takeover of their ancestral land.

One more thing: a occupied people has the right to resist wuth violence according to internation law. But the occupying force does not have the “right to self defence” in that case.

Ukrainians forexample have the right to resist Russian invasion, if neccesary with violence. But Russia cannot claim “right to self-defence” in this situation, in order to justify further attack on Ukrainians.
Exactly the same is true about the Palestinian civilians too.
Unfortunately, it seems the majority of the Palestinian people also didn't accept Israel's right to exist. Unfortunately, extremist Hamas also rules the affairs in Gaza, just like extremist Israelis rule the affairs in Israel under Netanyahu.

Do you think the majority of Palestinians were against the killings of Israeli civilians in suicide bombings and then other attacks by Hamas? Or do they celebrate it? Just look at videos of how Palestinian civilians were celebrating the killings of Israeli civilians after the recent Hamas attack, instead of OPENLY criticizing and condemning Hamas for it.

Why would the Palestinians accept Israel??? Israel is. Brutal apartheid colonial occupier that has brutalized the Palestinians for decades

It would be inhuman for the Palestinians not to hate the Israeli

Let's be honest the Israeli are absolutely detested in the entire region and beyond

These people can no longer remain in the middle east
Then what do you expect Israel to do after being attacked on 7th October? sitting idle and let those terrorist come back in the future repeating attack over and over again? you know it wont happen right? As a sovereign nation with solid military power they will need to take action to give security for their people.

And how about Hamas who is responsible for the high number of casualties of civilian in gaza (you call as genocide) esp due to human shield tactic? why dont you blame on them?

Israel can end the occupation of millions of Palestinians and the Jews can leave the middle east where they are despised
Yes, but USA vetos all or any UNSC resolution against Israel.

I think two state solution and make Jerusalem an international city.
Bhai kis duniya mein reh raha hai, two state solution died the day Rabin and Americans pulled a fast one on the quintessentially gullible and complicit Arafat/PLO with the Oslo accords in 1994. While they compelled Palestinians to keep their end of the bargain, Israelis with support from each successive US president continued to build up settlements rendering the two-state solution untenable.

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