Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I request you to please understand that this world is not 100% perfect and we, as humans, have to make a lot more information to bring justice to this world.

Nevertheless, the Western world didn't recognise Israeli illegal settlements. But if extremists come in power (like Trump), then the situation will change.

Violent resistance in the name of Jihad is not a way to go. But a peaceful resistance is a way to go.

Just look at peaceful resistance in South Africa, which indeed brought success.

Yes, it took decades in South Africa till the peaceful resistance brought success, but this should serve as an example in these modern times.

Yes but peaceful resistance has not worked,,
Otherwise why isn't the west bank free

Their is no hamas in the west bank and the PA have given up armed conflict, so why are the settlements still growing
Why is Israel still occupying the Palestinians
Why isn't the west sanctioning Israel for Seattle and occupation?

Your talking crap
Of course you were one of the biggest consumers of that fodder...

How does it feel to come off your high horse...

I will let you know if and when I do. Hasn't happened yet. :D

Now, on topic, the same geopolitical schema carry on while the innocents suffer. Sad, but not surprising.
Again... this is your naration and considered irrationale by international community. In fact international community recognize and accept Israel as a soverign nation.

They established a country in 1948 in land without government without invading other sovereign nation, and in compliant with UN resolution.

So there is no occupation that they are fighting for in fact.

What international community????

You mean the white people in the west?

That's not the international community, even now the world repeatedly stands with the Palestinians

And only a handful of nations backed by the U.S support Israel
Of Courtney rejected it,, why would they give up their land to be stolen by foreign Jews

The Palestinians have lands and homes their and the Jews came from outside and want to declare a Jew state

Why would Palestinians accept that, it make no sense

Do you think Palestinians are native Americans or aboriginals that they should just accept this injustice from the Jew criminals

What is the evidence Palestinian land stollen by jews?

If Palestinian want to take back the properties their ancestor has sold to jews then it is Palestinian that intend to rob.
What international community????

You mean the white people in the west?

That's not the international community, even now the world repeatedly stands with the Palestinians

And only a handful of nations backed by the U.S support Israel

As of today, January 5, 2024, 92 countries have full diplomatic relations with Israel. Many of them are not white people countries in the west.

Over 160 out of the 193 United Nations member states formally recognize the State of Israel.
What is the evidence Palestinian land stollen by jews?

If Palestinian want to take back the properties their ancestor has sold to jews then it is Palestinian that intend to rob.

They didn't sell it to the Jews

If one person sells a house,, how can a Jew declare ownership over the entire street?
Or road?
And kick out the remaining PALESTINIANS?

Thew Jews are foreign

Even the Jews from the middle east are from Iraq or morroco where they were hated

None of them are local

The Palestinians are once again becoming the majority population, the Jews are becoming older
Allowing these horrendous people in the middle east is intolerable
As of today, January 5, 2024, 92 countries have full diplomatic relations with Israel. Many of them are not white people countries in the west.

Most of them repeatedly, stand with Palestine against Israel, and Israel is widely reviled and detested
Most of them repeatedly, stand with Palestine against Israel, and Israel is widely reviled and detested

Depend on the case.

Palestinian supporters like to play ambiguity; most countries only support Gaza free access and freedom in the border, not supporting Palestinian mission to eradicate israel.
They didn't sell it to the Jews

If one person sells a house,, how can a Jew declare ownership over the entire street?
Or road?
And kick out the remaining PALESTINIANS?

Thew Jews are foreign

Even the Jews from the middle east are from Iraq or morroco where they were hated

None of them are local

The Palestinians are once again becoming the majority population, the Jews are becoming older
Allowing these horrendous people in the middle east is intolerable

Not only 1 jew purchase land from local arab, but so many as I show you in the evidence:

Could you show evidence that jews take over arab properties illegally?
Arab Palestinian as per 1947 were 67% of population, and UN has given 2 state solution.

As per 1948, arab Palestinian population decrease rapidly because they flee as refugee.
Depend on the case.

Palestinian supporters like to play ambiguity; most countries only support Gaza free access and freedom in the border, not supporting Palestinian mission to eradicate israel.

Most countries understand that Israel is a monstrous apartheid state

Without U.S diplomatic cover , it's over for Israel

Israel has become a hated entity, it's despised in the middle east, sure and across the Muslim world

But now others are beginning to understand, how cancerous Israel is and how deeply the Jews have control through lobbies in the west

Times are changing and the Israel can't maintain this,

The more the Palestinian population grows, the more trouble the Jews will face
Depend on the case.

Palestinian supporters like to play ambiguity; most countries only support Gaza free access and freedom in the border, not supporting Palestinian mission to eradicate israel.

Most countries understand that Israel is a monstrous apartheid state

Without U.S diplomatic cover , it's over for Israel

Israel has become a hated entity, it's despised in the middle east, sure and across the Muslim world

But now others are beginning to understand, how cancerous Israel is and how deeply the Jews have control through lobbies in the west

Times are changing and the Israel can't maintain this,

The more the Palestinian population grows, the more trouble the Jews will face
Not only 1 jew purchase land from local arab, but so many as I show you in the evidence:

Could you show evidence that jews take over arab properties illegally?

Look pal,, if I come to your area and buy a house, or even if I buy a lot of houses

Can I declare a state over the entire region for only my family????
Most countries understand that Israel is a monstrous apartheid state

Without U.S diplomatic cover , it's over for Israel

Israel has become a hated entity, it's despised in the middle east, sure and across the Muslim world

But now others are beginning to understand, how cancerous Israel is and how deeply the Jews have control through lobbies in the west

Times are changing and the Israel can't maintain this,

The more the Palestinian population grows, the more trouble the Jews will face

You are too exaggerative. Only view countries accuse Israel as apartheid.

Yes time is changing, but for how long Gazan people can endure suffering for this?
Look pal,, if I come to your area and buy a house, or even if I buy a lot of houses

Can I declare a state over the entire region for only my family????

If people like you take lion share of the population of a land without state, then yes you and your people can declare so.

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