Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No the Nakba and expulsion of half the population of Palestinians is all made up, as is the occupation of the West Bank. I can't believe you ignore such historical facts.

That is according to Palestinian narrative that they were made up by Israel to expulse the arab population, instead of a well received & established historical fact.
Multiple,, including Indonesia

If your a Indonesian then you are going against the Indonesian state and people

If it's because you a Christian, then they should understand you are a enemy who supports apartheid oppression of Palestinians
Ok, enough, this is not an actual battlefield, just because you see an opposing or provocative opinion doesn't mean you always go after it.
Multiple,, including Indonesia

If your a Indonesian then you are going against the Indonesian state and people

If it's because you a Christian, then they should understand you are a enemy who supports apartheid oppression of Palestinians

Multiple doesn't mean most.

Indonesia is a democratic country, means that I can legally have opinion different from that of my country.

Biden appointee resigns over president's handling of war in Gaza​

Tariq Habash, a Biden administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Education has resigned in response to the president’s handling of the war in Gaza.

"I cannot represent an administration that systematically dehumanizes Palestinians and enables their ethnic cleansing," Habash said on X (formerly Twitter). "The President must call for a permanent ceasefire."

Habash, who had worked in the education department to help overhaul the student loan system and address inequities in higher education, told The Associated Press he submitted his resignation Wednesday. That was after he and others had "done everything imaginable" to work within the system to try to register their objections to administration leaders, he said.


"I joined the Biden administration … to fight for a more just America, to fix the broken student loan system by providing relief to millions of Americans, and to address systemic inequities across higher education that disproportionately affect underserved students and families," Habash said in his resignation letter. "I actively campaigned for the President, helping to shape his platform on education, consumer finance and racial justice.

"But now, the actions of the Biden-Harris administration have put millions of innocent lives in danger, most immediately for the 2.3 million Palestinian civilians living in Gaza who remain under continuous assault and ethnic cleansing by the Israeli government," he continued.
Habash had been among the administration staffers of Middle East, Muslim and Jewish background taking part in meetings with senior White House officials and others in the administration in response to staffers' concerns on the U.S. role in the war. Habash on Wednesday described the sessions as more briefings from higher-ups than opportunity for staffers to be heard.

State Department veteran Josh Paul stepped down in October as the administration accelerated arms transfers to Israel.

Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks killed 1,200 people in Israel. More than 22,000 people have died since Israel launched its offensive in Gaza.


Biden and his top officials have defended Israel's devastating air and ground campaign in Gaza as Israel's rightful self-defense against Hamas. They point to their repeated urging to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to change how it is fighting the war so as to lessen deaths among Palestinian civilians.

"Let me be clear: anti-semitism, anti-Palestinian sentiment, and Islamophobia are all abhorrent. We must not allow hate in any form to permeate our society, schools, or life," Habib wrote in his resignation letter. "Attributing the actions of Israel to all Jewish people makes them inherently less safe. Similarly, conflating all Palestinians with Hamas, something Israeli government officials have continuously attempted to do, makes Palestinians and Muslims everywhere less safe."

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Exactly the same is true about the Palestinian civilians too.
Unfortunately, it seems the majority of the Palestinian people also didn't accept Israel's right to exist. Unfortunately, extremist Hamas also rules the affairs in Gaza, just like extremist Israelis rule the affairs in Israel under Netanyahu.

Do you think the majority of Palestinians were against the killings of Israeli civilians in suicide bombings and then other attacks by Hamas? Or do they celebrate it? Just look at videos of how Palestinian civilians were celebrating the killings of Israeli civilians after the recent Hamas attack, instead of OPENLY criticizing and condemning Hamas for it.

Why would a people accept the right to exist a racist entity which deems themselves superior to the Palestinian people that they occupy? No one will accept this kind of entity.

Here we go again on blaming Hamas, this did not start with Hamas. Hamas was created as a result of the continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. This will always lead to resistance against occupiers. Do you expect them to lay down while you oppress, build illegal settlements, and control every movement of them?

Where is your call for the termination of those extremists racist Israeli government leaders ? Hamas once again would not exist as a resistance movement if it were not for the continued occupation. Only way movements like this will stop if when Palestinians have the same rights as Jews in the country that was stolen from them.

As far as Hamas attacks on October 7, they targeted the military. Did they take hostages to use as a tool for prisoners to change? Yes they did

Did Hamas go in their with intent to kill civilians? I do not believe so. Did some people take advantage of the situation to maybe kill some civilians in occupied Palestine? Yes they probably did.

Why do you ignore the fact that Israel was killing their own people indiscriminately without defining who was Hamas or who was civilians? They even admitted that bodies were burnt so much that they thought it was their own people. Tanks were killing Hamas as well as Israeli hostage. Israel diaper forces were using Apache helicopters to gun down their own people.

Palestinians celebrated the attacks on October 7? I’m pretty sure the majority did. And why wouldn’t they? They have been oppressed and killed with impunity. They finally see their oppressors get a taste of their own medicine.

Where is your outrage on the occupation, land stealing, blockade, control of Palestinians, oppression, control of borders, control of air, control of any goods, etc?

You are only mad when Israeli Zionist occupiers die not Palestinian lives. It’s because you consider us a statistic not human beings.

Zionist end goal is cleared. They want a Jewish state in “Judah” and “Samaria” and not just what they have now. They want all of Palestine and they want that without the Palestinians in it.

So how can you live with this racist ideology when this is their stated goal? It can’t be a Jewish homeland without the slaughter of Palestinians.
This thread can't be the place where people insist on venting, being emotional and juvenile, it's plain self indulgence.
It seems like it's care for the issue, it's just attention seeking.
That is according to Palestinian narrative that they were made up by Israel to expulse the arab population, instead of a well received & established historical fact.

It's not a matter of narrative but a documented historical fact by the UN, human rights agencies at the time and the world press. You're just making things up now.


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