Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Well you can believe whatever you want to believe.

But one whom you are accusing talking nonsense is not only me, but British Government.

We live here, the crowds have been massive, many white British, and minorities, people of all colours

I told you right from the start, by the end Israel will be a hated monster
That only for starter to the feast for the Jews
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😡😡😡 those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo 😡😡😡 I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs

Watch "EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE". It's an eye opener of the atrocities committed by Zionists. They have world governments by the balls. I posted the video on this forum. Just search for the title.
They appreciate freedom of expression if the protest is for humanity and no violence involved.

But the she support Hamas, that is the problem.
1290 King Edward expelled all the Jews from England, that law has never been recended by the British Parliament. Which means that all Jews in England ,Wales and Ireland are illegal immigrants and as illegal immigrants their property has been gained through illegal means. So any support for Israel is illegal, according to the CURRENT BRITISH LAW.
People in Britain who support the Demons are well known cucks. The type of the cucks , who pressurised the government to apologise to the Jews, because a few of the Jews got drowned in 1290. No point of the apology since the culprits were tried and hanged in The Kings Court.
I can easily make the claim that in the early days was Hamas and Islamic Fundamelist Supporter, I'd you wish I can make the case
Also , I can make the case that more Muslims fought and died in the 20th century for the real right wing and the real European values than all Anglo-Saxons and Jews did.
Do want me to do that?
It is not problematic to me.
We live here, the crowds have been massive, many white British, and minorities, people of all colours

I told you right from the start, by the end Israel will be a hated monster

We now understand the prophecy about the end times, when even stones will speak and say....

"Oh Muslim, There is a Yew hiding behind me. So come kill him".

I interpret this a people with a heart of stone. Even they will hate these monsters!
When courts and governments throughout history abandoned Law, the only law among men became "kill or be killed".

The sooner everyone can understand this, the sooner everyone can progress to the next lesson...

Which is...

"Why Rule of Law is preferable to Tooth and Claw".
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These people are past being borderline stupid. Where would these predominantly white protestors be sent, Scotland, Ireland, or Australia?
Or America?

People forget, England has a very long history of deporting their unwanted citizens to other parts of the world.

Easy, peasy. Just pick them up off the streets, label them as criminals, and then ship them off to a penal colony like Australia; or into White Slavery in colonial America.
Truly tragic the suffering in Gaza absolutely horrible the death destruction

If it was 2-3 people died in Europe , there would be candles lit , poeple in facebook will be changing their flags to European country flag. There would be a big debate in United Nation
There would be a prade for sure , they love prades. A marathon would be organized or a concert for fund raiser etc

The item would be discussed in Hollywood movies

It truely is a genocide taking place before our eyes

Yet , when you turn on TV people are enjoying themselves watching football , or cricket or enjoying life .....

  • I admit I feel guilty , because I was watching cricket or Football on TV , but then I realize there is death and destruction happening and it hits me hard ....

This constant , images of death and destruction or people living their lives like nothing happened , is just causing a tremendous dilemma

What exactly does it means to be called a Human?

This happens in animal world
  • one animal , attacks another animal and takes over
  • Animal has no sense of right or wrong there are no moral
  • For the Animal they can't realize their flaw , but an observer observing from far , one can realize the flaws , and drawbacks in mentality

One Group of Human have no rights to live , while other enjoy TV , Cell phones, internet
health care , food on table

It is absolutely gut wrenching , feeling when you think about it

It's almost like as if Palestinian people's life are meaningless , they are considered less human then others
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When courts and governments throughout history abandoned Law, the only law among men became "kill or be killed".
The sooner everyone can understand this, the sooner everyone can progress to the next lesson...
Which is...
"Why Rule of Law is preferable to Tooth and Claw".

You got that right.
I have been saying from about 4000 pages ago on this thread starting with the old PDF: This conflict will be decided on the battlefields through violence. Some well meaning but deluded Indonesian or some well meaning people quoting historic account or some well meaning people bringing up Israel's current 'image' problem or even the boycott movements can, of course, have their opinions but it will be V.I.O.L.E.N.CE which will decide the fate of this conflict.
Simply put: Israelis will NEVER allow a dignified existence to the Palestinians unless the 'costs' of Israelis become insurmountable.
However the land of Palestine has seen blood shed before , and whole populations killed
Cities flooded with blood


The people still returned back
The idea of killing one vs other , does not prevail

If this ideology of wiping clean a population worked, then there would be no Palestinians after first crusade etc.

Islamic faith does not permit such cleansing ....

Being Human - the human can't visualize this flaw, in thinking they keep making the same mistake every 100 years , every 200 years, or every 300 years ...

It's a cycle , a never-ending cycle, but this land Palestine continues to see blood shed in repeated cycle

But other regions do see better stability

Humanity is in Love with Carnage it can't justify it's existence , and it needs violence in order to justify itself that it exists. It just can't "Exist" and be happy
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1290 King Edward expelled all the Jews from England, that law has never been recended by the British Parliament. Which means that all Jews in England ,Wales and Ireland are illegal immigrants and as illegal immigrants their property has been gained through illegal means. So any support for Israel is illegal, according to the CURRENT BRITISH LAW.
People in Britain who support the Demons are well known cucks. The type of the cucks , who pressurised the government to apologise to the Jews, because a few of the Jews got drowned in 1290. No point of the apology since the culprits were tried and hanged in The Kings Court.
I can easily make the claim that in the early days was Hamas and Islamic Fundamelist Supporter, I'd you wish I can make the case
Also , I can make the case that more Muslims fought and died in the 20th century for the real right wing and the real European values than all Anglo-Saxons and Jews did.
Do want me to do that?
It is not problematic to me.
I made a mistake, Ben Gurion in the early days was Hamas Al Qassam Brigades supporter and Iskamic " fundamentalism " supporter.

This is the topmost news at NY Times site for last few hours; NYT is generally pro Israel and use clever means to try to hide its pro Israel bias but even they can't help giving this news the focus due to the huge importance of this news!
If Gantz' resignation wasn't enough, this news breaks the back of the 'unity' shown by the Israeli society and political class. Even NYT is saying that the IDF announced the partial truce with only a tacit nod from Netanyahu.
Really bad developments for Israel when, during the time when they need all the unity, they are fighting each other.

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