Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent | The Saudi Crown Prince: We stress the necessity of immediately stopping the attack on Gaza and call for taking all measures to ensure the protection of lives.

Urgent | Saudi Crown Prince: The Kingdom renews its call on the international community to recognize the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Urgent | Saudi Crown Prince: We stress the importance of implementing the resolutions issued by the Security Council regarding the proposal for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Norwegian Minister of International Development to Al Jazeera: Gaza has turned into hell on earth and a man-made disaster that can be stopped by a human decision

Urgent | Norwegian Minister of International Development to Al Jazeera: We are ready to support the two-state path in every possible way

Urgent | CNN on the representative of the World Health Organization in the West Bank and Gaza: 10,000 cases require urgent evacuation from Gaza to receive treatment.

Urgent | Maariv on the former Israeli naval commander: The political and security leadership must be changed as soon as possible

Citizenship by birth can never be revoked but naturalization can be revoked. Also, in many cases, the idea is just to harass and financially bankrupt people by dragging them through the legal system.

There was a case in Holland where, after the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) cartoons and the Dutch tantrum about 'free speech', some Muslim citizens were prosecuted by the Dutch government for mocking the Holocaust. The prosecution was never going to stick but the idea was to harass the Muslim citizens anyway.

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch public prosecutor has appealed against a court ruling acquitting a Muslim group of insulting Jews with a cartoon suggesting they invented the Holocaust, in a case testing the bounds of free speech.

In the UK your nationality can be revoked even if your UK born.

The American administration is doing everything in its power to put an end to the war in Gaza

No wonder the Palestinians are being killed... Some people still believe that the USA is a neutral unbiased mediator!
Urgent | UNRWA: 193 of our UNRWA colleagues have been killed since the beginning of the war, which is the highest death toll in the history of the United Nations.


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