Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli army in ‘urgent need’ of troops as resistance deals heavy losses​

Israel has supported a draft bill to extend the retirement age of reservists due to 'high volumes' of soldier deaths in Gaza

News Desk
JUN 17, 2024

As the fighting rages, Tel Aviv’s enlistment crisis continues to worsen.

An Israeli army radio correspondent, Doron Kadosh, reported on Monday that the military is setting up a new division for reservists over the retirement age of 40 in order to meet the “urgent need for more troops.”

The new division is in “advance stages” and will call on Israelis who were previously exempt from serving, according to Kadosh.

The Israeli government has also supported a draft bill aimed at extending the reservist retirement age despite opposition from the public.

Due to “a very high volume of deaths and injuries as a result of the war, the IDF still needs a significant amount of manpower,” the draft bill reads.

“The extension of the temporary order is required, at this stage, to allow the IDF to keep in service the reserve officers who cannot be replaced.”


Half of Hamas in Rafah beaten, IDF will gain full control in two weeks

The IDF also revealed that the houses and tunnels in Rafah had new kinds of defenses and boobytraps, with some houses having video surveillance in each room of the given house to facilitate ambushes.​

By YONAH JEREMY BOBJUNE 17, 2024 17:00Updated: JUNE 17, 2024 18:08

 IDF troops operate in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops operate in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024.(photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF on Monday said that its Division 162 has defeated half of Hamas’s battalions in Rafah, including killing at least 550 terrorists, as well as destroyed around 200 tunnel shafts, and eliminated the terror group’s last major rocket inventory.

Drone view of the IDF's 401st Brigade raid on the coast of Rafah, in Gaza, June 17, 2024 (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Further, the IDF said that within a couple of weeks it would likely be in control of all of Rafah and that the final battles with the remaining two Hamas battalions in parts of Tel al-Sultan and the eastern part of Shabura are already underway.

In addition, the IDF said that the tunnel network in Rafah, especially near the Philadelphi Corridor with Egypt has been found to be even more complex than those found in Khan Yunis, Jabaliya, and the military quarter of Gaza City.

Currently, the IDF says Division 162, commanded by Brig. Gen. Itzik Cohen, has already achieved operation control of over 60-70% of all of Rafah with all of the 1.4 million or so civilians having long fled to al-Muwasi on the coast, central Gaza and Khan Yunis.

IDF sources also said they believed they had killed much more than 550 terrorists, but that this number represented actual bodies seen, versus Hamas forces who entered a structure which was then bombed, but without finding a body.

  IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Enlrage image
IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
One of the hardest battles was fought over the “NPK” area which is slightly north of the middle of the Philadelphi Corridor, and was the headquarters of Hamas’s Rafah brigade commander.

However, the IDF now has full control there.

IDF's invasion of Rafah

The IDF’s invasion of Rafah started on May 6 and by May 20, it had control of around 30-40% of Rafah, including the Philadelphi Corridor.

As of May 20, the IDF had said it had killed around 130 Hamas terrorists.

But given that at some point Hamas had 4,000 to 8,000 terrorists in Rafah, it is pretty clear that the vast majority fled with the mass of civilians who left the area.

Footage of the IDF's 401st Brigade raid on the coast of Rafah, in Gaza, June 17, 2024 (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
There are some still fighting and some in hiding, waiting for some later point to carry out guerilla warfare style attacks.

Since May 20, IDF progress has been slower, but steady, including the need for extensive time to explore the tunnel networks.

To date, the IDF has identified 25 large tunnels which, at the very least, go up to the border with Egypt.

Strangely, the IDF, while implying that it was likely that many of them went into Egypt, would not yet confirm a single one crossing the border.

It was unclear if the hesitance to confirm was purely a question of inspections and time or if the politics of avoiding embarrassing the Egyptians was part of the calculation.

With Egyptian approval, the IDF is hoping to build underground obstacles and censors on the Philadelphi Corridor to prevent the future re-digging of cross-border smuggling tunnels.

The cross-border smuggling tunnels have been key to Hamas’s armament capabilities, including receiving weapons from Iran.

The IDF also said that the houses and tunnels in Rafah had new kinds of defenses and boobytraps, with some houses having video surveillance in each room of the given house to facilitate ambushes.

From the start of the war until now, Division 162 has suffered 3,800 wounded and 180 killed, with 23 fallen in the Rafah battles.

The importance of Rafah​

An estimated 1.2 to 1.4 million Palestinians had taken refuge in Rafah since the outbreak of the war. The military subsequently stated it had evacuated 80% of the population from the area.

Amid international opposition, the IDF took the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing on May 7, attaining full operational control of the crossing. The military has since been engaged in operations in the area.

Israel had maintained the importance of operating in Rafah to eliminate the last four Hamas battalions, which it believed were still in the region.

 IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Enlrage image
IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. June 17, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
The Israel-Hamas war began on October 7 when Hamas launched an attack, with thousands of terrorists infiltrating from the Gaza border and taking more than 240 hostages into the Gaza Strip.

During the massacre, more than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were murdered, including over 350 in the Re'im music festival and hundreds of Israeli civilians across the Gaza border communities.

120 hostages still remain in Gaza captivity.

"A Jew's killing non-Jews does not constitue murder according to the Jewish religion."
—Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh

"While God requires other normal nations to abide by abstract codes of justice and righteousness, such laws do not apply to Jews."
—Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

"Let us differentiate between totally different species... The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world."
—Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rabbi, Chabad Leader

"If a Jew needs a liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-Jew to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something more holy and unique about Jewish life than about non-Jewish life."
—Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh

“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the worlds biggest welfare state that we will create and control… This is what we do to the countries that we hate. We destroy them slowly.”
— Benjamin "Netanyahu" Mileikowsky, 1990

How Hamas Defeated Israel​


The test Israel faced on October 7th was: can we exercise restraint? Like the United States, which faced a similar test on 9/11, Israel failed miserably. Israel’s over-the-top craziness has fulfilled Hamas’ main goal, which was to expose the Israeli government as bloodthirsty, oppressive monsters unworthy of the support of the world upon which it depends.
As a result, most of the world now recognizes Palestinian sovereignty. The International Criminal Court has ordered Israel to stop its military actions in southern Gaza. The International Court of Justice is preparing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu. And the United Nations expressly states that Israel is morally and ethically the same as Hamas, a terrorist organization guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Never mind the two-state solute—it’s dead, and not only because of Netanyahu. The globe is moving toward a new consensus: an end to the Israeli ethnostate from a bygone colonial era, replaced by a one person-one vote post-apartheid democracy.
Looking back to October, the only way Israel could have won at war with Hamas was to learn the lesson of the classic 1980s movie “War Games”: don’t play. Imagine, if you can, how Hamas’ leadership would have felt had Israel refused to take the bait on October 7th, responding only with pinpoint raids to try to rescue hostages, or negotiating for them, while playing the weeping victim for the cameras. It would have been a devastating moral and political defeat and the beginning of the end for the cause of Palestinian liberation.
Israel wanted Gaza. They may not even keep Israel.

To what extent does the dissolution of the Israeli War Council affect the battles in Gaza?

Israeli media:

Major General Reserve Eyal Ben Reuven - former Deputy Commander of the Northern Region: We are currently in Gaza in a war that has no goals.

How Hamas Defeated Israel​


The test Israel faced on October 7th was: can we exercise restraint? Like the United States, which faced a similar test on 9/11, Israel failed miserably. Israel’s over-the-top craziness has fulfilled Hamas’ main goal, which was to expose the Israeli government as bloodthirsty, oppressive monsters unworthy of the support of the world upon which it depends.
As a result, most of the world now recognizes Palestinian sovereignty. The International Criminal Court has ordered Israel to stop its military actions in southern Gaza. The International Court of Justice is preparing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu. And the United Nations expressly states that Israel is morally and ethically the same as Hamas, a terrorist organization guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Never mind the two-state solute—it’s dead, and not only because of Netanyahu. The globe is moving toward a new consensus: an end to the Israeli ethnostate from a bygone colonial era, replaced by a one person-one vote post-apartheid democracy.
Looking back to October, the only way Israel could have won at war with Hamas was to learn the lesson of the classic 1980s movie “War Games”: don’t play. Imagine, if you can, how Hamas’ leadership would have felt had Israel refused to take the bait on October 7th, responding only with pinpoint raids to try to rescue hostages, or negotiating for them, while playing the weeping victim for the cameras. It would have been a devastating moral and political defeat and the beginning of the end for the cause of Palestinian liberation.
Israel wanted Gaza. They may not even keep Israel.

Hamas leadership in a message to the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza:

- Children of our Palestinian people, dear people of Gaza: The pen is unable to write, words are unable to express your grace and generosity, the entire universe is unable to reach your steadfastness and steadfastness, and Hamas and its brigades and resistance are unable to fulfill your patience and sacrifices even though they are from you and to you and have sacrificed the souls of their lives, the best of their youth, and their greatest leaders with you. Blood flowed in the valleys to irrigate the homeland and it would produce, God willing, a mighty and generous victory worthy of your sacrifices.

- The “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle came as a strategic shift at a pivotal historical moment in the history of the Palestinian cause, in which the leadership of the resistance in Gaza decided, from the midst of the siege, to exercise its right to resistance by responding naturally to its crimes in the occupied West Bank, dividing it, building settlements, Judaizing the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, dividing it, and taking full control of Jerusalem, with its mosques and churches, the practice of racial discrimination against our people in the occupied interior, the brutal and ongoing aggression against our free prisoners, and the expansion of its presence and spread in the region, as if “Israel” is preparing to control the region in all fields, and under an extremist Zionist government.

- We send a special message to our mothers, sisters and daughters: You are the title of the stage and the protected honor of the nation. You are the best women on this earth and, God willing, you are the symbol of victory. Because we know how much pain you have endured, how much pain you have endured, and how much loss for your loved ones has caused the hearts of men to feel distressed, so what about your situation, but from us we salute you, but from us thanks and appreciation, and we ask God to help us fulfill your rights and fulfill your patience, and for God to heal your breasts at the hands of the Mujahideen.

Hamas leadership’s message to the Zionist enemy:

- We say to the occupation: You were able to achieve a great, overwhelming victory in revealing the true face of crime and terrorism of your fleeting entity, which if we had sat for years to uncover it, we would have been unable to do so. But you gave a gift with your Nazi behavior that showed your true colors to the whole world.

- You were able to advance and penetrate under the killing of thousands of civilians and the scorched earth of Gaza neighborhoods and cities, destroying (hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, infrastructure, universities, civil and governmental institutions, and international facilities), targeting (medical, relief, humanitarian, governmental and international) crews, and closing the crossings and land outlets; But our question to you is: Can you stay for a moment in your occupation sites or continue your ground operations safely? Can you build fortifications to protect you from our resistance or live a moment of safety in our country?!

- We will not answer you, but we will make our answer what you see, not what you hear, and then the believers will rejoice in God’s victory and heal the hearts of a believing people.
Israel Today newspaper:

“The factions in Gaza have adapted relatively quickly to the new fighting situation and have turned to a guerrilla method that seeks to exploit the weaknesses of the Israeli army.”
Truly tragic the suffering in Gaza absolutely horrible the death destruction

If it was 2-3 people died in Europe , there would be candles lit , poeple in facebook will be changing their flags to European country flag. There would be a big debate in United Nation
There would be a prade for sure , they love prades. A marathon would be organized or a concert for fund raiser etc

The item would be discussed in Hollywood movies

It truely is a genocide taking place before our eyes

Yet , when you turn on TV people are enjoying themselves watching football , or cricket or enjoying life .....

  • I admit I feel guilty , because I was watching cricket or Football on TV , but then I realize there is death and destruction happening and it hits me hard ....

This constant , images of death and destruction or people living their lives like nothing happened , is just causing a tremendous dilemma

What exactly does it means to be called a Human?

This happens in animal world
  • one animal , attacks another animal and takes over
  • Animal has no sense of right or wrong there are no moral
  • For the Animal they can't realize their flaw , but an observer observing from far , one can realize the flaws , and drawbacks in mentality

One Group of Human have no rights to live , while other enjoy TV , Cell phones, internet
health care , food on table

It is absolutely gut wrenching , feeling when you think about it

It's almost like as if Palestinian people's life are meaningless , they are considered less human then others

What do you expect when there are Muslim traitors all around the region.

Here is the list and we should not be getting angry at the entity and their western vassals but the enemy within.

Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, Azerbaijan and a few other assorted traitors.

Egypt I had some time for as they needed Sinai back and so "had" to make some sort of deal with the entity, but then they turned up to a recent "security conference" with the entity in another Muslim traitor country in the Gulf.

No one was asking any of these countries to actively help the Palestinians but to not collaborate with the entity. That seems too much for them.

If you do not respect yourself, then do not expect others to as well.
Former Zionist naval commander:
The fighting in Rafah is difficult and is costing us lives
Dissolution of the Israeli War Council...and consequences over developments in the war in Gaza

Israeli Broadcasting Authority:
Netanyahu informs government ministers to cancel the war council after Ben Gvir requested to join it
Channel 12 Hebrew:

“A senior Israeli security official: “The harm outweighs the benefit of continuing the fighting in Rafah at this stage.”

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