Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

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Bye now, child killer.

Had you read the report rather than quoting a few selected lines ...

You would know that police had problems using usual investigation kits . like rape kits , cause there were to many bodis laying around some of them could not even be identified for days. And those tests are only good for a limited time after the rape.

This is not to say there were no other evidence .Like bodies found half naked with pants pooled down or eyewitnesses. As i said , your post does not deserves any serious reply.

Reported for personal insults.

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I gave you an official UN link, you give me Israeli writers and Wikipedia. There are numerous neutral writers with no link to either parties who describe the Nakba as ethnic cleansing.
Ronit Lentin's famous work titled 'Historicising the Nakba: contested Nakba narratives as an ongoing process' describes the works of Benny Morris (written in the 80's) as revisionist works lacking historical accuracy;

Seen here;

Seventy-five years have passed since the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed and forcibly expelled from their homes, lands, and property in their ancestral land during the 1948 Nakba (meaning ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic). Palestinian society was decimated during the Nakba, 531 Palestinian villages were destroyed, and more than 70 massacres were carried out against innocent civilians, killing more than 15 000 Palestinians between 1947 and 1949. The legacy of the Nakba events is that about two-thirds of the Palestinian people became refugees in and around 1948 and a quarter of those who remained within historic Palestine geography were internally displaced and denied their right to return to their villages, towns, and cities of origin ever since.

I suppose even the Washington Post is lying as well right? This article even describes today's events baring striking similarity to what happened in the past.

There's even videos of Israeli veterans on how they enjoyed raping girls, slaughtering civilians etc and yet you still describe it as a narrative. Like said you are making things up.

So you want me to take UN narrative as historical fact and ignoring other narratives outside there, just because it is well perceived that UN is supposed to be neutral?

Fyi it is not common and academical to quote narration on UN site as historical reference. History is based on consensus from scholars, whatever their ethnicity/religion is irrelevant as long as their study is conducted according to the discipline of the academical methods. Some historian that support Palestine narratives is also jews.

The fact when they use the word "narration/narrative" it already signify that there are many version of the story. So how come you insist me to pick a narration that fit to your lense and ignoring other narrative?

The use of the term "narratives" in the context of historical and cultural studies, including discussions of events like the Nakba, reflects an acknowledgment that historical understanding is shaped by various perspectives, interpretations, and stories. Here are some reasons why the term "narratives" is commonly employed:
  1. Multiple Perspectives: Historical events are often complex and can be interpreted in different ways based on one's viewpoint. The term "narratives" recognizes that there are multiple perspectives and stories about the same historical event.
  2. Subjectivity and Interpretation: The word "narratives" suggests that historical accounts are not purely objective, but are shaped by the subjectivity of those who recount them. Different individuals or groups may emphasize certain aspects of an event, leading to diverse narratives.
  3. Cultural and Political Context: Historical narratives are influenced by cultural, social, and political contexts. Different communities may construct narratives that align with their values, identity, or political goals.
  4. Memory and Oral History: The term "narratives" is often used when exploring collective memory and oral history. Narratives can encompass not only written accounts but also oral traditions, personal stories, and cultural expressions that contribute to how a community remembers and understands its past.
  5. Historical Revisionism: In contexts where historical narratives are being reassessed or challenged, the term is useful. It acknowledges that historical understanding can evolve, and new perspectives may emerge through the work of historians, scholars, or revisionist thinkers.
In the case of the Nakba, the use of "narratives" recognizes the diverse and sometimes conflicting ways in which different communities, historians, and individuals remember and interpret the events surrounding the Palestinian displacement in 1948. It underscores the importance of understanding historical events not as fixed and singular truths but as complex stories shaped by various factors.

I couldn't open the washington post site as it require me to subscribe; I could open your other source from

First, the article that you brought indirectly admit there are many narratives regarding Nakba, which means that there is no consensus regarding the history of Nakba and the cause among historians, period. Therefore which narrative picked by UN doesnt mean other narratives are false.

Second, the use of the term "revisionist history" does not necessarily imply a rejection of the work of Morris and Shlaim; rather, it signifies a broader trend within historical scholarship to revisit and reassess established narratives.

The question of whether the Palestinian Arabs were expelled by force during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which resulted in the Nakba, is a matter of historical debate and interpretation. Different perspectives exist, and the historical narrative surrounding the events of the Nakba is complex and contentious.

In fact you yourself is just proving that I am not making up story, the contending narratives really exist there, and mentioned in the academical article that you brought here.
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the problem is 7th of October was not an attack it was counter attack

That means Hamas/Palestine/whoever support them doesn't care about "peace", they really want "war", therefore whatever the war will bring they shouldn't complain.

The question is: why you guys really obsessed with "war" that you know is almost impossible to win, and will end up with misery for gaza people?
Yep it's hard to find on YouTube now. I mean who would want to spoil the image of Israeli male pensioners. They are laughing and commending the crimes committed.
Here are some blood curdling quotes;

"Yah he was a tough solider he got hold of a beautiful young Arab woman. She was nice looking. He took her to a house and had a great time. She came out looking like a rag doll ".

"Another guy he raped a 16 year old Palestinian girl. Got hold of her and did it right there and then". He then sighs oh well and smiles.

"One guy he was mad he was running after the civilians and burning them alive with a flame thrower hahahah". "But this is war, such things need to be done".

Can you find the link to the video and put it up bro?

Yeah, i think its a documentary made by an Israeli.

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the properties stolen after killing their owners, the properties stolen after their owner thrown out of their land

So far I know arab Palestine lost their properties during the Nakba 1948 and yom kippur war 1967 when they flee as refugee.

This case is subject to interpretation; but the right fight that they can do is through peace negotiation with Israel under UN or international mediation, rather than 7th October style attack that even will deprive palestine from gaza land that they already have. Remember that Arab nations were the invader in 1948 and 1967 war and lost in these aggressions, therefore it was justified for Israel to occupy some lands as compensation or tools for peace negotiation with her enemies.
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The video is an eye opener but the main point is - this conflict is being played out by the control of information and biased reporting of the ground facts of reality.
Closing internet services so no live reporting - "hoovering up" any bad news about Israel - killing reporters - limiting access to the region and of course controlling social media has given us a 1 sided view.
Even then its difficult to hide 30,000 deaths - hospitals squashed - wholesale war crimes and of course the massacre taking place.......... but some will still say - blame 7/10 - Not factoring the apartheid and pilfering of Palestinian rights have been going on for decades.....
With Israel the media is careful to avoid the most overly descriptive or outraged language for horrible crimes

It's generally impersonal and they don't show the gloating IDF soldier for example.

With the Arabs they always show a menacing looking male with guns and a mask.

These subtle differences act as a control in perception.

They personalise the Israeli side and generalise the Arabs when there is a victim and vice versa when there is an aggressor.
Had you read the report rather than quoting a few selected lines ...

You would know that police had problems using usual investigation kits . like rape kits , cause there were to many bodis laying around some of them could not even be identofied for days. And those tests are only good for a limited time after the rape.

This is not to say there were no other evidence .Like bodies found half naked with pants pooled down or eyewitnesses. As i said , your post does not deserves any serious reply.

Reported for personal insults.


That is still not hard evidence.

Eye witnesses are unreliable as there is a vested interest from these witnesses to make Hamas look bad.

What we need is incontroversial evidence from a neutral party investigation(ICJ investigators) of the bodies or of survivors where semen from Hamas fighters have been found inside the "victims'. Clear video evidence can also be accepted.

Without this then it can all be dismissed as mere allegations.
That means Hamas/Palestine/whoever support them doesn't care about "peace", they really want "war", therefore whatever the war will bring they shouldn't complain.

The question is: why you guys really obsessed with "war" that you know is almost impossible to win, and will end up with misery for gaza people?

Because defeat and occupation is not a option

Once again let's look at the brutal crusades, the crusaders were murderous but they created a colonial state for about 100 years

Why didn't muslims just give up after 90 years?

Because giving up is not a option

A injustice has occurred and we have the time and numbers to rectify this injustice and end this colonial state

The murder and persecution of the Palestinian people, will haunt the Jews and come back to hurt them very very badly
Any individual under any illusion needs to read these bold letters:

There would, he said, be limited Palestinian rule in the territory.
Hamas would no longer control Gaza and Israel would retain overall security control, he added.

Fighting in Gaza continued alongside the plan's publication, with dozens of people killed in the previous 24 hours, the Hamas-run health ministry said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due back in the region this week. He is expected to hold talks with Palestinian officials in the occupied West Bank and Israeli leaders.

The Zionists aren't hiding their intentions. This is what they seek and guess what. All important actors such as the US, Europeans and GCC Arabs are absolutely 💯 on board. This is what will happen in Palestinian territories once the dust settles. Everyone will accept this new reality.
The video is an eye opener but the main point is - this conflict is being played out by the control of information and biased reporting of the ground facts of reality.
Closing internet services so no live reporting - "hoovering up" any bad news about Israel - killing reporters - limiting access to the region and of course controlling social media has given us a 1 sided view.
Even then its difficult to hide 30,000 deaths - hospitals squashed - wholesale war crimes and of course the massacre taking place.......... but some will still say - blame 7/10 - Not factoring the apartheid and pilfering of Palestinian rights have been going on for decades.....

I have learnt something over the years. Facts don't matter. Even with accurate reporting people won't change their mind. When two parties are fighting, supporters from both sides support their own side irrespective of who is right or wrong. This has always been the case.
Any individual under any illusion needs to read these bold letters:

There would, he said, be limited Palestinian rule in the territory.
Hamas would no longer control Gaza and Israel would retain overall security control, he added.

Fighting in Gaza continued alongside the plan's publication, with dozens of people killed in the previous 24 hours, the Hamas-run health ministry said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due back in the region this week. He is expected to hold talks with Palestinian officials in the occupied West Bank and Israeli leaders.

The Zionists aren't hiding their intentions. This is what they seek and guess what. All important actors such as the US, Europeans and GCC Arabs are absolutely 💯 on board. This is what will happen in Palestinian territories once the dust settles. Everyone will accept this new reality.

And again the problem is the ARABS, it's incredible how gutless they are

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