Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The other one with the photos and stills has gone awol.
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According to a poll conducted in Israel, only 15% of the public want Netanyahu to remain in office after the attacks on Gaza end.
@Waz check the first one I posted that is the confession of the rape.
Yep it's hard to find on YouTube now. I mean who would want to spoil the image of Israeli male pensioners. They are laughing and commending the crimes committed.
Here are some blood curdling quotes;

"Yah he was a tough solider he got hold of a beautiful young Arab woman. She was nice looking. He took her to a house and had a great time. She came out looking like a rag doll ".

"Another guy he raped a 16 year old Palestinian girl. Got hold of her and did it right there and then". He then sighs oh well and smiles.

"One guy he was mad he was running after the civilians and burning them alive with a flame thrower hahahah". "But this is war, such things need to be done".

Can you find the link to the video and put it up bro?
This one is shortened. There is a longer one with different IDF older veterans talking about rape and murder. But I'm sure someone will put it up.
This one is shortened. There is a longer one with different IDF older veterans talking about rape and murder. But I'm sure someone will put it up.
that's the one that is gone awol, will do some rooting around in my One Note, I have a lot of links there.
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The video is an eye opener but the main point is - this conflict is being played out by the control of information and biased reporting of the ground facts of reality.
Closing internet services so no live reporting - "hoovering up" any bad news about Israel - killing reporters - limiting access to the region and of course controlling social media has given us a 1 sided view.
Even then its difficult to hide 30,000 deaths - hospitals squashed - wholesale war crimes and of course the massacre taking place.......... but some will still say - blame 7/10 - Not factoring the apartheid and pilfering of Palestinian rights have been going on for decades.....

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