Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We are Muslim first and we have a morals. We will all be judged by our actions and injustices. We will not let their leaders, military commanders, etc though off the hook. They will be tried for their crimes with a just punishment to come.
muslims wouldn't be posting , they would be shooting.
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Genocide continues in Palestine, why is the world silent? Where are the good people of America who cherish the American values of human dignity and freedom:-

Allah will surely punish the Jews for this brutality but Allah will also punish every Muslim for their inaction for our silence for our lack of faith in Allah.we are silent because our kids are not butchered the day is not far when jews and their western allies will murder our children murder our wifes and mothers and fathers!

Take it up with the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, a center-left leaning publication in Israel. They did the investigation and came down to those conclusions.

Sure , an " exact quate " from Haatetz :

" The occupation police are facing difficulties in finding victims of alleged sexual assaults "

Are you sure those where the exact words ?

As i said , not worth a reply.
Sure , an " exact quate " from Haatetz :

" The occupation police are facing difficulties in finding victims of alleged sexual assaults "

Are you sure those where the exact words ?

As i said , not worth a reply.
Don’t you love it that Israel has been exposed? Oh wait no, this is making you Israeli paid trolls have to work harder to spread misinformation for ethnic cleansing.
Which Muslims are shooting? Where are they? Right now it’s just Palestinians besides some skirmishes in Lebanon.
jews from every country is participating in this genocide for them this is holy war! where are we Muslims Pakistanis we Muslims Bangladeshi Malaysian Indonesians Afghans Arabs African Muslims we are fking 1 bil + and we are scared of jews! why because we have strayed from our path! and Allah will punish us and bring us to the right path! can we bear the punishment of Allah i am sick of my inaction but i have made it my mission in life to teach my kids to be brave and have faith in Allah and fight injustice!
jews from every country is participating in this genocide for them this is holy war! where are we Muslims Pakistanis we Muslims Bangladeshi Malaysian Indonesians Afghans Arabs African Muslims we are fking 1 bil + and we are scared of jews! why because we have strayed from our path! and Allah will punish us and bring us to the right path! can we bear the punishment of Allah i am sick of my inaction but i have made it my mission in life to teach my kids to be brave and have faith in Allah and fight injustice!
Jews have also been some of the most vocal and active protesters against the war in Gaza. So when you keep saying “Jews” isn’t that hypocritical?
Jews have also been some of the most vocal and active protesters against the war in Gaza. So when you keep saying “Jews” isn’t that hypocritical?
sorry i dont sugar coat things! Allah calls Jews manace and ill call them for what they really are! not zionist these are Jews they will settle and occupy every home once things settle the good jews from new york occupy homes of Palestinians there are no good jew they are Manace!
sorry i dont sugar coat things! Allah calls Jews manace and ill call them for what they really are! not zionist these are Jews they will settle and occupy every home once things settle the good jews from new york occupy homes of Palestinians there are no good jew they are Manace!
You see that’s the kind of language and rhetoric that leads to never ending wars.
Send money directly to help the Palestinians:-

Palestine Red Crescent Society

jews from every country is participating in this genocide for them this is holy war! where are we Muslims Pakistanis we Muslims Bangladeshi Malaysian Indonesians Afghans Arabs African Muslims we are fking 1 bil + and we are scared of jews! why because we have strayed from our path! and Allah will punish us and bring us to the right path! can we bear the punishment of Allah i am sick of my inaction but i have made it my mission in life to teach my kids to be brave and have faith in Allah and fight injustice!
This is what happens when we divide each other by country or ethnicity. We let wolves in to attack our fellow Muslims because this is Syria or Tunisia, or Palestine, etc problem not theirs. Our Ummah is fractured because we are led by criminal deceiving leaders who are pawns of other nations. Too many Muslims do not want to sacrifice anything not even as much as a Starbucks cup of coffee or ties with Zionist criminal occupation state.
You see that’s the kind of language and rhetoric that leads to never ending wars.
its inevitable we cant ignore whats cominng for us all we can do is prepare our kids and ourselves!
You see that’s the kind of language and rhetoric that leads to never ending wars.
its inevitable we cant ignore whats cominng for us all we can do is prepare our kids and ourselves!
Jews have also been some of the most vocal and active protesters against the war in Gaza. So when you keep saying “Jews” isn’t that hypocritical?
To be fair, he is technically right in this instance. Are all Jews supporting Israel or genocide? No, but a very large majority do. This is the result of Zionist brainwashing from a very young age.
Zionism= fascism just like the Nazis they cooperated with. Two sides of the same coin.

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