Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Friends: A little tolerance is needed between all parties in this thread. Do exercise your freedom of speech, but also please do exercise a modicum of restraint. Please remember that whilst emotions are high and you may have a personal connection with this conflict as two of our Palestinian members do.

Please remember when you respond to someone here, you are interacting with human beings, not NPCs in a video game, people with their own personalities, and self-esteem, your words may impact someone positively or negatively.

Before you post something please THINK, is it...
{Yes kindness is a virtue and it costs you nothing}

Lets all have meaningful conversations with each other, rather than force our views down each others throats. If you disagree with a post, consider replying to it with facts and figures or independent verifiable sources.

If you are feeling vexed, consider taking 5 and step away from the keyboard, this forum and these discussions are not worth more than you physical and mental health. These discussions will still be here tomorrow.

If you find someone post content that is blatantly offensive such as a racist slur or remark or targeting your protected characteristics: Gender, skin color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc, then report that post, don't engage with the poster. On the topic of reporting posts, don't report posts simply because you disagree with them or you find them not to your taste, we cannot have an echo-chamber on this forum, that is not what we are aiming for here.

Finally, agree to disagree, a lot of people are reporting posts which frankly fall within the remit of sharing an opinion, you do not have to agree with that opinion, but you must respect the other persons right to have that opinion. If you disagree, rebuke it with facts and figures in a positive way, if you cannot, move on, be the better person.

TLDR: Please work together to make this a great place to meet new people, learn and share ideas.

:Khansaheeb ,

The laughing emoji you thought appropriate to attach to this post , was reported.

The post itself with it's half quotes , doest not even desrves a serious response.

Take it up with the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, a center-left leaning publication in Israel. They did the investigation and came down to those conclusions.

Btw, I am not sure why a supporter of a child killing entity like be a given a platform here. The Palestinian dead and missing is over 31,000 and the wounded is over 56,000. The genocide is still ongoing, and you want to defend the genociders in this platform? Unbelievable.
In fact the best thing is a low-intensity conflict, where Hezbollah maybe fire a missile into Israeli northern town asymetrical way now and then. That would make Northern Israel a investment unfriendly area. But keep the conflict so low that Israel isnt forced to retaliate with leveling of whole towns in Lebanon.
The human price Lebanese are paying due to HA is ridiculously high.
They must come to sense,wipe out these asymmetric forces and should build up a properly armed state military.
Why Israel can't strike Egyptians simply b/c it's tough to fight with a state.
Why would you want to be better than them and not worse?
We are Muslim first and we have a morals. We will all be judged by our actions and injustices. We will not let their leaders, military commanders, etc though off the hook. They will be tried for their crimes with a just punishment to come.

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