Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is what happens when we divide each other by country or ethnicity. We let wolves in to attack our fellow Muslims because this is Syria or Tunisia, or Palestine, etc problem not theirs. Our Ummah is fractured because we are led by criminal deceiving leaders who are pawns of other nations. Too many Muslims do not want to sacrifice anything not even as much as a Starbucks cup of coffee or ties with Zionist criminal occupation state.
this division is by design the main culprits are our rulers and Muslim clergy the fraud molvis who have divided us into sects and their sermons inciting muslims to murder Muslims!! Muslim world needs to free itself from this cancer that has takenover our Masjids and Madaris! i see things changing like the old order is changing globally i am hopeful insha Allah the old order will also change in Muslim world! the sacrifices of our Palestinian children will be avenged and Jews and their allies will face the warth of Allah in form of United Muslim world! insha Allah!
Then what do you expect Israel to do after being attacked on 7th October? sitting idle and let those terrorist come back in the future repeating attack over and over again? you know it wont happen right? As a sovereign nation with solid military power they will need to take action to give security for their people.

And how about Hamas who is responsible for the high number of casualties of civilian in gaza (you call as genocide) esp due to human shield tactic? why dont you blame on them?
the problem is 7th of October was not an attack it was counter attack
What is the evidence Palestinian land stollen by jews?

If Palestinian want to take back the properties their ancestor has sold to jews then it is Palestinian that intend to rob.
the properties stolen after killing their owners, the properties stolen after their owner thrown out of their land
No you can't,, why would buying some land or houses allow me to declare a state

What kind of dumb shit is this??

Zionist logic.

They even claim that the coast of Palestine was almost empty of natives before they turned up after the British took control in 1917.

In fact just before the British opened up the floodgates Haifa was a small city of 20,000 people on the coast of Palestine.

Arabs made up around 90% of the population of Palestine at the end of the Ottoman era in 1917.

Zinoists have no real claim to the land and so will invent facts and use ridiculous logic to justify their stealing of another's land.
I dont understand: what am I making up? These below is my reference, you can check directly in the link below.

The Nakba is described as ethnic cleansing by many scholars,[78] including Palestinian scholars such as Rashid Khalidi,[79] Adel Manna,[80] Nur Masalha,[81] Nadim Rouhana,[82] Ahmad H. Sa'di,[83] and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury,[84] Israeli scholars such as Alon Confino,[85] Amos Goldberg,[86] Baruch Kimmerling,[87] Ronit Lentin,[88] Ilan Pappé,[89] and Yehouda Shenhav,[90] and foreign scholars such as Abigail Bakan,[91] Elias Khoury,[92] Mark Levene,[93] Derek Penslar,[94] and Patrick Wolfe,[95] among other scholars.[96]

Other scholars, such as Yoav Gelber,[97] Benny Morris,[98] and Seth J. Frantzman,[99] disagree that the Nakba constitutes an ethnic cleansing. Morris in 2016 rejected the description of "ethnic cleansing" for 1948, while also stating that the label of "partial ethnic cleansing" for 1948 was debatable; in 2004 Morris was responding to the claim of "ethnic cleansing" occurring in 1948 by stating that, given the alternative was "genocide - the annihilation of your people," there were "circumstances in history that justify ethnic cleansing ... It was necessary to cleanse the hinterland ... ['cleanse' was] the term they used at the time ... there was no choice but to expel the Palestinian population. To uproot it in the course of war"; Morris said this resulted in a "partial" expulsion of Arabs.[100][101]

National narratives​

Palestinian national narrative​

[icon]This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (October 2023)
The Palestinian national narrative regards the repercussions of the Nakba as a formative trauma defining its national, political and moral aspirations and its identity. The Palestinian people developed a victimized national identity in which they had lost their country as a result of the 1948 war. From the Palestinian perspective, they have been forced to pay for the Holocaust perpetrated in Europe with their freedom, properties and bodies instead of those who were truly responsible.[11]

Shmuel Trigano, writing in the Jewish Political Studies Review published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, outlines the evolution of the Nakba narrative through three stages. Initially, it depicted Palestinians as victims displaced by Israel's creation to make way for Jewish immigrants. The next phase recast the Six-Day War as Israel's colonization of Palestinian lands, aligning the Palestinian cause with anti-colonial sentiments. The final stage leverages Holocaust memories, accusing Israel of apartheid, resonating with Western guilt over the Holocaust. He argues these evolving interpretations omit complex historical factors involving failed attempts to eliminate Israel, contested territorial claims, and Jewish refugee displacement from Arab nations.[136]

Israeli national narrative​

The Israeli national narrative rejects the Palestinian characterization of 1948 as the Nakba (catastrophe), instead viewing it as the War of Independence that established Israel's statehood and sovereignty.[13][11] It portrays the events of 1948 as the culmination of the Zionist movement and Jewish national aspirations, resulting in military success against invading Arab armies, armistice agreements, and recognition of Israel's legitimacy by the United Nations.[13] While acknowledging some instances of Israeli responsibility for the Palestinian refugee crisis, as documented by historians like Benny Morris, the overarching Israeli narrative accommodates this within the context of Israel's emergence as a state under difficult war conditions, without negating Israel's foundational story and identity.[13] It perceives the 1948 war and its outcome as an equally formative and fundamental event – as an act of justice and redemption for the Jewish people after centuries of historical suffering, and the key step in the "negation of the Diaspora".[11]

According to this narrative, the Palestinian Arabs voluntarily fled their homes during the war, encouraged by Arab leaders who told Palestinians to temporarily evacuate so that Arab armies could destroy Israel, and then upon losing the war, refused to integrate them.[12] This viewpoint also contrasts Jewish refugees absorbed by Israel with Palestinian refugees kept stateless by Arab countries as political pawns. In contrast to the Palestinian narrative, claims that Arab villages were depopulated and that Palestinian homes were destroyed are not acknowledged by the mainstream Israeli narrative, typically using terminology such as "abandoned" property and "population exchange" rather than "confiscated" or "expelled."[12][13]

I gave you an official UN link, you give me Israeli writers and Wikipedia. There are numerous neutral writers with no link to either parties who describe the Nakba as ethnic cleansing.
Ronit Lentin's famous work titled 'Historicising the Nakba: contested Nakba narratives as an ongoing process' describes the works of Benny Morris (written in the 80's) as revisionist works lacking historical accuracy;

Seen here;

Seventy-five years have passed since the Palestinian people were ethnically cleansed and forcibly expelled from their homes, lands, and property in their ancestral land during the 1948 Nakba (meaning ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic). Palestinian society was decimated during the Nakba, 531 Palestinian villages were destroyed, and more than 70 massacres were carried out against innocent civilians, killing more than 15 000 Palestinians between 1947 and 1949. The legacy of the Nakba events is that about two-thirds of the Palestinian people became refugees in and around 1948 and a quarter of those who remained within historic Palestine geography were internally displaced and denied their right to return to their villages, towns, and cities of origin ever since.

I suppose even the Washington Post is lying as well right? This article even describes today's events baring striking similarity to what happened in the past.

There's even videos of Israeli veterans on how they enjoyed raping girls, slaughtering civilians etc and yet you still describe it as a narrative. Like said you are making things up.
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There's even videos of Israeli veterans on how they enjoyed raping girls, slaughtering civilians etc and yet you still describe it as a narrative. Like said you are making things up.
I know about the video you are talking about here.
The power of the ZPm (Zionist Propaganda machine) - this video has conveniently disappeared on youtube. However it can be still found on facebook.
Its shocking to see what level they will go to - to hide anything blackening their name.
The way they laugh and show excitement and glee in the video is next level.
Instead you today get the likes of Rachel Riley sharing falses like babies were beheaded proved so wrong still floating the net.
I guess "All animals are equal BUT some are more equal than others". (George Orwell)
I know about the video you are talking about here.
The power of the ZPm (Zionist Propaganda machine) - this video has conveniently disappeared on youtube. However it can be still found on facebook.
Its shocking to see what level they will go to - to hide anything blackening their name.
The way they laugh and show excitement and glee in the video is next level.
Instead you today get the likes of Rachel Riley sharing falses like babies were beheaded proved so wrong still floating the net.
I guess "All animals are equal BUT some are more equal than others". (George Orwell)
yes and that interview with the Rabbi Finkelstine, how quickly that went missing from social media and Youtube. Luckily it has been backed up by multiple social media accounts. Deeply disturbing.
I know about the video you are talking about here.
The power of the ZPm (Zionist Propaganda machine) - this video has conveniently disappeared on youtube. However it can be still found on facebook.
Its shocking to see what level they will go to - to hide anything blackening their name.
The way they laugh and show excitement and glee in the video is next level.

Instead you today get the likes of Rachel Riley sharing falses like babies were beheaded proved so wrong still floating the net.
I guess "All animals are equal BUT some are more equal than others". (George Orwell)

Yep it's hard to find on YouTube now. I mean who would want to spoil the image of Israeli male pensioners. They are laughing and commending the crimes committed.
Here are some blood curdling quotes;

"Yah he was a tough solider he got hold of a beautiful young Arab woman. She was nice looking. He took her to a house and had a great time. She came out looking like a rag doll ".

"Another guy he raped a 16 year old Palestinian girl. Got hold of her and did it right there and then". He then sighs oh well and smiles.

"One guy he was mad he was running after the civilians and burning them alive with a flame thrower hahahah". "But this is war, such things need to be done".

Can you find the link to the video and put it up bro?
yes and that interview with the Rabbi Finkelstine, how quickly that went missing from social media and Youtube. Luckily it has been backed up by multiple social media accounts. Deeply disturbing.

Do you have links to it?
Yep it's hard to find on YouTube now. I mean who would want to spoil the image of Israeli male pensioners. They are laughing and commending the crimes committed.
Here are some blood curdling quotes;

"Yah he was a tough solider he got hold of a beautiful young Arab woman. She was nice looking. He took her to a house and had a great time. She came out looking like a rag doll ".

"Another guy he raped a 16 year old Palestinian girl. Got hold of her and did it right there and then". He then sighs oh well and smiles.

"One guy he was mad he was running after the civilians and burning them alive with a flame thrower hahahah". "But this is war, such things need to be done".

Can you find the link to the video and put it up bro?
Here you go


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