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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Sep 25, 2018
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Besides fixing its own economy, what the Pakistan Army needs to do is step up the rate at which it builds hydrogen bombs. Not for this conflict, but from what this conflict should shows everyone watching. Be able to defend yourself, because everyone else will drag their feet.

Also, should Pakistan be called upon to provide a nuclear umbrella, it will be able do so, better, with 500-1000 H-Bombs then the current 170.
I used to get people asking for money for Charities and I would say it is the governments responsibility to support its people from poverty and instead of spending billions on Nuke subs they should spend it on welfare, but then I would get the same old worn argument about deterrence. To the deterrence argument I would say if the weapon is not going to be used then it is a waste of money and if it is used then it was not a deterrence. As usual I would get a pause of contemplation from them and then a nod of agreement. Irresponsible white folks are putting the world at peril for their moment of greed and to hell with everyone else attitude. They are forcing more and more countries to go nuclear bringing the world closer to Armageddon day by day.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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What's wrong with tunnels? Jordan doesn't realise sooner or later they will be next and if they don't act now it will be too late. The King will escape to some other country leaving his people to face the brunt of occupation like the Palestinians.
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