Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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It would be a good opportunity for China to punish Israel which is America's policeman in Middle East. This will benefit China in gaining sympathies of the Muslims the World over especially Middle East and Iran which supply the oil that China needs. In this way China will gain a foothold in the Middle East and replace America as the major power there.

@Beijingwalker @Falcon29 @925boy @Mehdipersian

I don't think China cares about Israel being a 'policeman' as such but, yes, China can and will and already using the Israeli Lobby driven self-destructive American policy in the Middle East to ultimately drive Americans out of the Middle East. One day Americans will find out how a tiny remote country's Lobbies made America lose its influence in such a vital, central geopolitical region. I am sure about it: Policies which are driven by other countries' interests logically bring down the host country. On that note, despite all my negatives about the Afghan Taliban govt; I believe Afghanistan will be better off because those ruling them are beholden to them; the Taliban are not the puppets like Karzai or Ashraf Ghani.

Coming back to the topic, here is Larry C. Johnson, who I greatly admire, once again alluding to the destruction and existential threat to Israel in case Israel attacks Lebanon. The militias can do a lot, as both @925boy and I say here.



Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I don't think China cares about Israel being a 'policeman' as such but, yes, China can and will and already using the Israeli Lobby driven self-destructive American policy in the Middle East to ultimately drive Americans out of the Middle East. One day Americans will find out how a tiny remote country's Lobbies made America lose its influence in such a vital, central geopolitical region. I am sure about it: Policies which are driven by other countries' interests logically bring down the host country. On that note, despite all my negatives about the Afghan Taliban govt; I believe Afghanistan will be better off because those ruling them are beholden to them; the Taliban are not the puppets like Karzai or Ashraf Ghani.

Coming back to the topic, here is Larry C. Johnson, who I greatly admire, once again alluding to the destruction and existential threat to Israel in case Israel attacks Lebanon. The militias can do a lot, as both @925boy and I say here.

The entity would have to be irrational to attack Hezbollah as that would most likely mean its destruction.

Like I said before Hezbollah does not have to do the same damage to the entity as the entity can do to Lebanon for the very simple reason that Lebanese are native to Lebanon whereas the vast majority of Jews are not native to Palestine.

As Hezollah can probably cause "enough" damage to the entity, then attacking Lebanon would ultimately lead to its own destruction. US would just be a spectator as there is mass stampede out from all those millions of Jews who can easily leave to safe and mainly prosperous countries and so collapsing the entity in on itself.

From my persective, entity is bluffing as it knows it has no military options against Hezbollah, let alone the full force of the "Axis of Resistance". It will have to accept the new reality that it cannot shape the region to its paradigm anymore.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Victory will be ours. It's the Lords promise.....

The appealing lure of the concept of resistance. It's similar to ISIS in many ways not the purpose of the resistance but the appealing nature of it. Resistance is often equated with being a force-upon duty, and obligation of the highest honor and dignity since its cause gives justification to martyrdom. Hamas always had that appeal of resistance, but it has raised the stakes immensely for both sides of the coin, certainly the appeal but also the detraction. Fortunately the former has far outweighed the latter.

This is why currenty Israel is difficult to beat - it is the endless supply of weapons and a strong israeli economy compared to the other countries in the middle east. One of those two pillars has to be undermined for Israel to be beaten.
Sadat realized this on October 14th, 1973, when the United States began conducting Operation Nickle Grass. He knew the US' support was lurking in the shadows prior to that but needed to see it with his own two eyes and when the influx of weapons from tanks to fighter jets to SAM systems were being sent in droves & droves to fight and kill Egyptians and prevent us from acquiring our OWN LAND back that was brutally & viscously & illegally stolen......................he knew right then and there for sure it was confirmation of exactly what you're saying and that essentially, in his words, we would be fighting America now and that is an impossible war to win. That day, October 14, 1973, was the official start of the unconditional support of the zionist entity that has only multiplied ten-fold since then and exactly what you alluded to. The rest is history.

This also plays a huge part in the reason the Arab leaders are not confronting the zionist entity in the manner we all wish they would, even diplomatically or economically is risky on a grand scale, let alone militarily. Weather it's justifiable or not is another whole topic entirely on its own. But that is the essence of the reluctance to confront the murderous, genocidal demonic zionist entity. The sooner people realize that, the sooner their understanding will reach a higher level and have a much more educated understanding of the complexity of this conflict.

I just have two words for these lowlifes, mother fu%(ers!

And some might wonder why I call this orange baboon a scum-sucking jackboot racist thug pig bastard from hell. His racist views extend well beyond the norms and are specially elevated when it comes to Arabs, but particularly Muslims. It doesn't really take a genius to see it and I've called him out on that way back when I met him in person at a real estate business seminar/convention in downtown Boston back in the mid-1990s.

"Senator Chuck Schumer, he's become a Palestinian he's Jewish used to be loyal to Israel but now he's become a Palestinian"

Let that sink in for a minute. He even used it on Genocide Joe in the debate and went even further in that one, calling Biden a "Palestinian
and not even a good one".

That's why this guy is even more dangerous than Genocide Joe when you really think about it. Not just for the domestic issues in the United States, but especially when it comes to Muslims in general.

Oklahoma just passed legislation mandating the teaching of Bible stories in the public schools, and any teacher that refuses will loose their teaching certification.

I damn near fell out of my recliner the other day when I read this. So much for the sanctity of the constitution and how easily it's being dismissed as basically irrelevant. In this case, it's as if it doesn't even exist, let alone respected by law. Such a shame.

When the founding fathers decided on this exact, particular phrase to be the essential wording in the text of the constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

They got together and made sure Thomas Jefferson drafted the exact words that made it as simple, but as clear as possible that the intended principle is to protect the freedom and independence of religion both from BOTH government restrictions AND from government sponsorship and attendant control.

Those last three words are as clear as day, aren't they? The fact that this can be taken to court and argued against is crazy. The founding fellas made sure the text was written in a precise and articulate manner to leave no ambiguity as to the context. Yet this is one of the most argued provisions of the constitution and what these people did is about as gross of a violation of that sacred document (and rule of law) meant to protect the rights of the people and which is looked up to and emulated by almost every single other country & people wishing to seek a life under the same democratic freedoms & values as the United States, not to mention why the US is the most attractive migrant destination in the world. It's a travesty what those people did.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The entity would have to be irrational to attack Hezbollah as that would most likely mean its destruction.

Like I said before Hezbollah does not have to do the same damage to the entity as the entity can do to Lebanon for the very simple reason that Lebanese are native to Lebanon whereas the vast majority of Jews are not native to Palestine.

As Hezollah can probably cause "enough" damage to the entity, then attacking Lebanon would ultimately lead to its own destruction. US would just be a spectator as there is mass stampede out from all those millions of Jews who can easily leave to safe and mainly prosperous countries and so collapsing the entity in on itself.

From my persective, entity is bluffing as it knows it has no military options against Hezbollah, let alone the full force of the "Axis of Resistance". It will have to accept the new reality that it cannot shape the region to its paradigm anymore.

One rationale I have heard, in fact produced in an Israeli think tank itself, is that if enough dual passport holders in Israel, who are also the most economically productive with all that tech and finance, are dissuaded from remaining in Israel then that would lead to a serious deterioration in Israeli society.

The ultra orthodox don't do tooo much I understand.

The dual passport holders have options so will use it.

What's the point in saying this?

I think everyone has gotten used to over celebrating small victories, not to minimise the resistance, but that's not meaningful attack.

It has to be like for like with intent and capability, I don't think Hezbollah can harm Israel to the extent it might need to and the duration.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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The entity would have to be irrational to attack Hezbollah as that would most likely mean its destruction.

Like I said before Hezbollah does not have to do the same damage to the entity as the entity can do to Lebanon for the very simple reason that Lebanese are native to Lebanon whereas the vast majority of Jews are not native to Palestine.
To be fair, millions of Israelis are now 'native' if born in a region is a criteria. And it is important to understand that people have deep attachments to the places where they are born and raised. Perhaps before 1991, when Israel's population was small and there was no huge influx of the immigrants from the Soviet Union, the native vs immigrant argument would have been more resonant.
As Hezollah can probably cause "enough" damage to the entity, then attacking Lebanon would ultimately lead to its own destruction. US would just be a spectator as there is mass stampede out from all those millions of Jews who can easily leave to safe and mainly prosperous countries and so collapsing the entity in on itself.

This may seem like contradicting my comment above but let me explain: You are right: Israelis do have incredible opportunities to emigrate to safer havens. And many, if not most would, if they are forced to. It is human nature. I can't deny that there is a 'historic' love for the nation and land of Israel amongst the Israeli and the global Jewry but they would leave if forced to.
From my persective, entity is bluffing as it knows it has no military options against Hezbollah, let alone the full force of the "Axis of Resistance". It will have to accept the new reality that it cannot shape the region to its paradigm anymore.

Living with the 'new reality' would be like living against all the hitherto established ideas which the Israelis, in their self-made bubble, have embraced: That all the land between the Dead Sea and the Med. Sea exclusively belongs to the Jews, and that Israel will have to be 'strong' and the most powerful nation in that region, and that Israelis are genetically, civilizationally, culturally superior to the natives, and that Israel can do whatever it wants in the Middle East with impunity. Those are the idols the Israelis worship. They would have to be fallen idols.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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One rationale I have heard, in fact produced in an Israeli think tank itself, is that if enough dual passport holders in Israel, who are also the most economically productive with all that tech and finance, are dissuaded from remaining in Israel then that would lead to a serious deterioration in Israeli society.
The ultra orthodox don't do tooo much I understand.
The dual passport holders have options so will use it.
I have also seen that in an Israeli site. Very good insight. The quality of 'human resources' matter a lot. Just look at Afghanistan as a contrast!
What's the point in saying this?
I think everyone has gotten used to over celebrating small victories, not to minimise the resistance, but that's not meaningful attack.
It has to be like for like with intent and capability, I don't think Hezbollah can harm Israel to the extent it might need to and the duration.
I think you seem to be contradicting yourself here without realizing it. The smarter Israelis, with dual nationalities and/or the financial means, which often come with being smart or 'well connected', are not going to tolerate living in a 'war zone'. Why bother with the sirens for even minor Katyushas when you can be sipping cocktails in Miami or the French Rivera??


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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I think you seem to be contradicting yourself here without realizing it. The smarter Israelis, with dual nationalities and/or the financial means, which often come with being smart or 'well connected', are not going to tolerate living in a 'war zone'. Why bother with the sirens for even minor Katyushas when you can be sipping cocktails in Miami or the French Rivera??
Sorry that's what I meant.

Some repairable damage won't do it, countries are more resilient than you think.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Sorry that's what I meant.

Some repairable damage won't do it, countries are more resilient than you think.

Hezbollah can unleash maybe 200,000 rockets, missiles and drones in any all-out conflict.

Zionist defences would be overwhelmed within days due to sheer scale of Hezbollah onslaught.

This would not be "repairable" damage but catastophic.

I am not even talking about Houthis, Iraqi/Syrian resistance joining in as well.

Entity is not a real country in any sense but a colonial output full of settlers who want to lord it over the natives.


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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The appealing lure of the concept of resistance. It's similar to ISIS in many ways not the purpose of the resistance but the appealing nature of it. Resistance is often equated with being a force-upon duty, and obligation of the highest honor and dignity since its cause gives justification to martyrdom. Hamas always had that appeal of resistance, but it has raised the stakes immensely for both sides of the coin, certainly the appeal but also the detraction. Fortunately the former has far outweighed the latter.

Sadat realized this on October 14th, 1973, when the United States began conducting Operation Nickle Grass. He knew the US' support was lurking in the shadows prior to that but needed to see it with his own two eyes and when the influx of weapons from tanks to fighter jets to SAM systems were being sent in droves & droves to fight and kill Egyptians and prevent us from acquiring our OWN LAND back that was brutally & viscously & illegally stolen......................he knew right then and there for sure it was confirmation of exactly what you're saying and that essentially, in his words, we would be fighting America now and that is an impossible war to win. That day, October 14, 1973, was the official start of the unconditional support of the zionist entity that has only multiplied ten-fold since then and exactly what you alluded to. The rest is history.

This also plays a huge part in the reason the Arab leaders are not confronting the zionist entity in the manner we all wish they would, even diplomatically or economically is risky on a grand scale, let alone militarily. Weather it's justifiable or not is another whole topic entirely on its own. But that is the essence of the reluctance to confront the murderous, genocidal demonic zionist entity. The sooner people realize that, the sooner their understanding will reach a higher level and have a much more educated understanding of the complexity of this conflict.

Agree that it is militarily difficult to beat Israel right now - but there is one weapon that the muslims and arabs have. Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Israel has reached peak economic capability, and with the progressive decline of the economic power of the west, ie the main backers of Israel, the zionists have a problem. The economic foundations of their little project is becoming compromised as western growth declines and therefore investment into Israel stalls. The pounds are more difficult to comeby since western goverments are so heavily indebted. The only one making any major investments is the USA - and that is due to AIPAC control of the USA.

Future economic growth is now in the global south, and in the middle-east. Israel "needs" to integrate economically into the middle east to survive. That is the whole point of the Abraham accords ...

That is the real weapon that is left, that can help restrain Israel and the Arabs are giving it up for free to in-return for "weapons, toys etc" ...


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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To be fair, millions of Israelis are now 'native' if born in a region is a criteria. And it is important to understand that people have deep attachments to the places where they are born and raised. Perhaps before 1991, when Israel's population was small and there was no huge influx of the immigrants from the Soviet Union, the native vs immigrant argument would have been more resonant.

Is a one day old baby "native" if they are born to parents who turned up by boat yesterday?

Around 85-90% of the Jewish population in Palestine are settlers, such as their terrorist leaders like Netanyahu, Gallant and Gantz.

You are only native when your neighbours consider you natives like them. It requires centuries to pass since your ancestors have come to be considered a native.


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Apr 10, 2024
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To be fair, millions of Israelis are now 'native' if born in a region is a criteria. And it is important to understand that people have deep attachments to the places where they are born and raised. Perhaps before 1991, when Israel's population was small and there was no huge influx of the immigrants from the Soviet Union, the native vs immigrant argument would have been more resonant.

This may seem like contradicting my comment above but let me explain: You are right: Israelis do have incredible opportunities to emigrate to safer havens. And many, if not most would, if they are forced to. It is human nature. I can't deny that there is a 'historic' love for the nation and land of Israel amongst the Israeli and the global Jewry but they would leave if forced to.

Living with the 'new reality' would be like living against all the hitherto established ideas which the Israelis, in their self-made bubble, have embraced: That all the land between the Dead Sea and the Med. Sea exclusively belongs to the Jews, and that Israel will have to be 'strong' and the most powerful nation in that region, and that Israelis are genetically, civilizationally, culturally superior to the natives, and that Israel can do whatever it wants in the Middle East with impunity. Those are the idols the Israelis worship. They would have to be fallen idols.

I am a Pakistani born and raised in London, UK. I have a british passport. However I am not a native to England. I am native to Pakistan. Blood is thicker than water.

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