Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

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Thies Christophersen

Forced to flee from country to country. Hounded to death after numerous acid attacks, arson, and attempts on his life and property.

Background and contribution:

As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire camp. He took valuable photographs at the time. He was the first Revisionist eyewitness to come forward stating categorically that there were no gas chambers for killing humans in Auschwitz. He wrote the famous booklet, "Die Auschwitz-Lüge", (The Auschwitz Lie) translated into many languages. Zündel witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.
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Germany and England by: Nesta Webster 1938-9

Prefatory comments by Jackie P.

THIS is the little book that opened my eyes about the mass of massive lies we've all been told about Germany under National Socialism, and specifically it's Chancellor, Adolf Hitler.

To my mind the greatest lie was that "Adolf Hitler planned to conquer the world and enslave the inhabitants of all nations". In reality the ones making those accusations are the ones who plan to conquer the world. The defeat of Germany was a defeat for all the inhabitants of the world, just as Adolf Hitler predicted.

The group promulgating that big lie was successful in its efforts to instill a deep sense of both fear and hatred of the man who wanted only to restore some of the areas of land that had been sliced out of Germany by the Versailles Treaty after WWI, bring the German people back into the fold of their natural country borders, and protect western Europe from the Communist/Bolshevik tyranny threatening to wreak its havoc throughout the continent, and the world.

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In another small book titled, The Nameless War, Captain A. H. M. Ramsay gives convincing evidence of the above statement. For some of our readers this will be a turning point (as it was for me). The more lies you uncover, the more truth you desire. Those of you who would rather remain blissfully ignorant will leave now. Those of you who know the truth and hate the truth will be frothing at the mouth that the lies are being exposed.

Captain Ramsay was a veteran of the first World War, a former member of His Majesty's Guard, and -- at the time of his arrest and imprisonment -- a member of the British Parliament. He was arrested without formal charges and thrown into Brixton Prison for nearly three years because he discovered and attempted to reveal the culprits who were clamoring for, orchestrating and promulgating what became the Second World War.

Nobody wanted war in England or Germany except Winston Churchill and the War Hawks who controlled him and the press (just like in the U.S. of A. then and today). When Prime Minister Chamberlain returned from a trip to Germany where he had entered into one-on-one conversations with Chancellor Hitler, he announced to the Parliament and the British people that "there will be no war".

Behind the exuberant celebrations of the people in both Germany and England, the planners went to work. Inside of one week, the controlled press was printing lies about the Prime Minister and began clamoring for his resignation. He was blamed for a military blunder that had actually been committed under Churchill's orders as Admiral of the Navy. Instead of Churchill standing accused, it was Mr. Chamberlain.

Chamberlain was out; Churchill was in, and on the very evening of the day Churchill became Prime Minister (May 11, 1941), England began indiscriminate bombing of Germany. . . homes, churches, schools, hospitals, slaughtering defenseless men, women and children (just like the U.S. has done in Afghanistan, Iraq, and dozens of other nations).

The situation is the same now as it was then, and the same unseen hand at work today is the same force behind every revolution and war carried out since time immemorial. . . the English Revolution in the 1600's (which resulted in the entrenchment of the Bank of England); the French Revolution, Russian Revolution (creation of the U.S.S.R), and the foiled (thanks to Mussolini and Hitler) Spanish revolution which Mrs. Webster relates in this book.

Germany and England was presented to me by a friend in her senior years, along with several boxes of books she had been accumulating over the past four decades. As I sat reading this book, in the privacy of my home, I was silently (and sometimes audibly) gasping in shock at the revelations herein.

First, Mrs. Webster's reference to the 'Jews' who controlled the U.S.S.R. and whose minions were over-running western Europe and literally running Germany under the Weimar Republic created a first-impression that she was "anti-Semitic". Until that time, any information sent or given to me about the Jews, was set aside without a glance, believing that the givers of this information were 'Jew haters'. I wasn't. And I'm not today.

However, there is no denying that the plan for World Dominion is a millenia-old plan, and those born into the 'religion' of Talmudism (they call themselves Jews) are being used by their Elders to push the plan -- along with tens of millions of "Christian-Zionists". The word 'religion' is emphasized, because Judaism is not a religion, according to Moses Mendelsohn, a learned Jew well-known and respected by Jews. Mendelsohn said that:

"Judaism is not a religion, it is a LAW, religionized".
Whoever quotes the Hebrew words on the subject of the targeted character in Khan Yunis in a clear and clear attempt to justify the massacre and to open the possibility of blaming the resistance instead of cursing the Jews and increasing hatred in the hearts for retaliation against the Jews, has a share and a participant in justifying the blood of this massacre. There's no strength except with Allah. Yes, the Lord, and yes, the Supporter


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Stalin's Jews

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

Sever Plocker | Published: 12.21.06 , 23:35

(...) We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.
Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

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Fayez Al-Sharif, 72 years old, an elderly Palestinian from Gaza, was executed in the Abu Madin family home after IOF soldiers stormed the house and shot him. His body remained until it decomposed.

The bodies of dozens of martyrs were recovered, burned and executed in their own homes, following the IOF's withdrawal from eastern and western Gaza City.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades:

We will reap your souls.
Every eye among us is a sniper.

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14 operations carried out by the sniper unit of Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades during the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood on the combat axes in the Gaza Strip.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine head in Lebanon, Haitham Abdo, to Sawt al-Shaab Radio in Lebanon:

We salute our steadfast and patient people in Gaza and the resistance in all its forms and colors in the West Bank and Gaza.

October 7th was like an earthquake that shook the foundations of the "israeli" entity. October 7th is part of the Palestinian struggle since 1948 and is a continuation of the phase of the Palestinian struggle.

After nine months of war and entering the tenth month, the zionist entity has not been able to achieve any of its declared or secret goals.

From the first day of the war, Netanyahu has been trying to drag the United States into his camp by provoking the resistance through assassinations and bombings, including the Iranian consulate in Syria.

Netanyahu is floundering and has no clear plan for the day after the war, causing a conflict between the political and military levels over what Netanyahu's plan is after the war.

The seaport was dismantled because it could not achieve any of its hidden goals, and it was not primarily intended to provide aid.

The main undeclared goal of the seaport is to displace Gaza residents to Cyprus and then to European countries.

Since 1967, the Popular Front has clearly identified the enemy camp, which includes global imperialism, Arab reactionary regimes, the United States of America, and the zionist entity.

We have known from the beginning that these reactionary Arab regimes would not side with Palestine or the resistance; they are closer to the zionist entity and America.

One of the positives of October 7th is that it stopped the train of normalization with Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia.

The fate of Gaza is determined only by the Palestinian people and their resistance, not anyone else.

Any foreign or Arab force entering Gaza is considered an occupation, and we will treat it as such.

After all this blood, sacrifices, and steadfastness that the Palestinian people have offered, it is unacceptable for anyone to impose what they do not want on them.

The day after the war is the day of the Palestinian people's victory, and then we will think about managing Gaza.

The Arab left has a responsibility to take the initiative in unifying Arab leftist parties that believe in armed struggle and resistance.

The resistance with its popular cradle in Gaza cannot stop or end; it continues as long as there is aggression and occupation.

The main factor of strength is the popular cradle and its conviction that it will not give the enemy what it wants and leave the Strip.

Reactionary Arab regimes are exerting pressure and repression on their peoples to prevent them from expressing solidarity and standing by the Palestinian people.

These oppressed Arab peoples must revolt against their regimes. What are they waiting for after what has happened and is happening in Gaza?

The resistance is the cornerstone in building an enlightened society that says no and is not dependent economically, politically, or militarily on this imperialism represented by America and its tools in the region, led by the zionist entity.

Arab countries have the capabilities to pressure the zionist entity and the United States to stop this aggression.

As long as there is steadfast resistance fighting and achieving accomplishments and inflicting harm on the zionist entity, no one will be able to impose what it does not want on it.

We salute this resisting part of the Palestinian homeland, who taught the world the meaning of freedom and resistance, the meaning of land and clinging to it in a tangible way and not just in theory.

The resistance has changed global collective consciousness, whether in Europe or America.

The resistance has pushed many countries to break away from American policy and recognize the State of Palestine, such as Norway, Spain, and Ireland.

The resistance was a major theme in the legislative elections in Europe, and many deputies won because they raised the banner of Gaza and the resistance and because of their solidarity with Palestine.


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