Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yet, because of what Hitler called Arabs' “racial inferiority” and inability to handle the harsher climate, “they could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.” Hitler concluded, “It's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

Very interesting quote! Wouldn't have thought Hitler would say something like that!
As for the racial inferiority/superiority, it was common throughout the West and America was not immune to that. The KKK was a very large presence in America for many years as was eugenics explored as was the discrimination against the Jews. Hitler was even supported by the West to counter the Soviet Communism and it wouldn't surprise me Hitler had active support to cleanse Europe of Jews.

Hitler just was too much of a threat to the Zionists-led Anglo Imperialists and had to be dealt with--you know, first get the Western house in order before going for the Soviets. And Hitler lost and, as we know, History is written by the Victors.

Having said that, would I have preferred to live in the England or America versus the Nazi Germany of the 1930s? Absolutely. Set aside the imperialism, countries like America and England--the Anglos on the whole, actually, are far better choice for all.

About the religion angle in your post: Islam is an actively evangelical and expansionist religion by its nature. People here might not like me saying that but history is a proof of that. As was Christianity for most of its own history until only 1.5-2 centuries ago. Now, Christianity is dead, at least in the West. Their 'Mega Churches' don't impress me. I have been to them. Grotesque money making machines supportive of wars and a place for the clergy to make money and for men-women to 'hookup'. They are as 'spiritual' as a snail.
Israel murders 130+ civilians in strike on al-Masawi 'safe zone', alleges assassination attempt against Muhammad Deif

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Israel is lying. There was no Deif there sitting above ground in a displacement camp.

They just deliberately attempted a massive massacre against civilians in their continued efforts to raise the civilian death toll and because they see Arab media and Arab governments rewarding them for their behavior of instigating unparalleled humantarian crisis in Gaza.

They couldn't ethnically cleanse the population of Gaza. Now those sick devils are resorting to genocidal massacres of civilians to try getting Gaza to 'surrender' by agreeing to leave out land.
Israel murders 130+ civilians in strike on al-Masawi 'safe zone', alleges assassination attempt against Muhammad Deif

View attachment 55429
Thanks for covering this. I come here to see no one reporting about it until I found your post.

It's being spammed by Zionists all over Twitter. There was no Hamas commander at all. It's a sick massacre of civilians. They're trying to trigger some reaction or chain of events.
How is Israel not being held accountable for these deliberate war crimes? Are the Jews above the way? Is the world telling us we need to bring it back to where Jews had to comply with Law? Do they want to push us to make the Jews behave once again?

Israel slaughtered civilians on purpose. Making up a lie about Hamas chief being killed in the strikes. That lie didn't stick at all. So they moved to a different one now.

Thanks for covering this. I come here to see no one reporting about it until I found your post.

It's being spammed by Zionists all over Twitter. There was no Hamas commander at all. It's a sick massacre of civilians. They're trying to trigger some reaction or chain of events.
Do you remember the discussion about what acceptable levels of collateral (murdered civilians) were under IDF SOP? I recall they denied this 'collateral ratio' (not a nice concept, but we don't live in nice times...) was dozens of civilians to one combatant, yet here they bragged that they knew dozens of civilians would be slaughtered but went ahead anyway.

They also bragged that this attack was "targeted and accurate" and then showed before and after photos showing multiple buildings across a large area being totally destroyed.

The level of barbarism is really shocking. Or at least it would be if I didn't know the history of their massacres against the Lebanese and Palestinians for many decades. Finding out there are TWO Qana Massacres, 10 years apart, really told me everything I need to know about the Zionists. And now unfortunately the Zionists commit massacres like that in tiny, besieged, young Gaza every single day, keeping civilians moving from one tent city to the next, slaughtering them wherever they go and hoping as many as possible leave Gaza and never return...
The Jews and Arab governments look likes they're moving to phase '3' of trying to trigger civil strife inside of Gaza by massacring civilians to the bone. Ethnic cleansing was not possible initially as Arab and Muslim world outrage would be immense. Genocide did not stop the people of Gaza from standing with their resistance. So now we have Israel openly slaughtering civilians and bombing hospitals again, in order to try triggering civil strife inside of Gaza. The definition of terrorism.

This is no different than terrorists rigging a market up with bombs.

Very interesting quote! Wouldn't have thought Hitler would say something like that!
As for the racial inferiority/superiority, it was common throughout the West and America was not immune to that. The KKK was a very large presence in America for many years as was eugenics explored as was the discrimination against the Jews. Hitler was even supported by the West to counter the Soviet Communism and it wouldn't surprise me Hitler had active support to cleanse Europe of Jews.

Hitler just was too much of a threat to the Zionists-led Anglo Imperialists and had to be dealt with--you know, first get the Western house in order before going for the Soviets. And Hitler lost and, as we know, History is written by the Victors.

Having said that, would I have preferred to live in the England or America versus the Nazi Germany of the 1930s? Absolutely. Set aside the imperialism, countries like America and England--the Anglos on the whole, actually, are far better choice for all.

About the religion angle in your post: Islam is an actively evangelical and expansionist religion by its nature. People here might not like me saying that but history is a proof of that. As was Christianity for most of its own history until only 1.5-2 centuries ago. Now, Christianity is dead, at least in the West. Their 'Mega Churches' don't impress me. I have been to them. Grotesque money making machines supportive of wars and a place for the clergy to make money and for men-women to 'hookup'. They are as 'spiritual' as a snail.
The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.

Some historians think the Treaty of Versailles was, in the words of British economist John Maynard Keynes, “one of the most serious acts of political unwisdom for which our statesmen have ever been responsible.” They say it contributed to German economic and political instability that allowed for the formation of the National Socialists (Nazis) just a year later.

Do you remember the discussion about what acceptable levels of collateral (murdered civilians) were under IDF SOP? I recall they denied this 'collateral ratio' (not a nice concept, but we don't live in nice times...) was dozens of civilians to one combatant, yet here they bragged that they knew dozens of civilians would be slaughtered but went ahead anyway.

They also bragged that this attack was "targeted and accurate" and then showed before and after photos showing multiple buildings across a large area being totally destroyed.

The level of barbarism is really shocking. Or at least it would be if I didn't know the history of their massacres against the Lebanese and Palestinians for many decades. Finding out there are TWO Qana Massacres, 10 years apart, really told me everything I need to know about the Zionists. And now unfortunately the Zionists commit massacres like that in tiny, besieged, young Gaza every single day, keeping civilians moving from one tent city to the next, slaughtering them wherever they go and hoping as many as possible leave Gaza and never return...
They are entirely lying, btw. There is no 'target' of any kind in these terrorist strikes, besides displaced civilians. They don't want anyone in Gaza to feel safe. And have to remind displaced civilians that we'll massacre you too if you think you're safe. Pure genocidal terrorism.

They know what they're doing. There is obviously no Mohammed Deif anywhere near there. This is put inside the statement so people don't focus on the massive terrorist attack that took place today.

This is the 16th time that Israel tries to justify a murderous bloodbath by claiming they were targeting Mohammed al-Daif of Hamas!

The goal is to water down headlines & public outcry until the story dies out, then say as usual “oops, it was a mistake”

About 100 slaughtered!


When Hitler had been soundly established, Samuel Untermeyer, a New York Jewish lawyer, called for war on Germany. This call was made through radio station WABC on August 7, 1933.

He had just returned from a world conference of Jews at The Hague.

In the broadcast, he said he was calling for a "holy war", and described the Jews as "the aristocrats of the world".

From that time the "Hate Germany" campaign was intensified and made worldwide, with a special Jewish-organised
"National Conference of Jews and Christians" assisting!

They are entirely lying, btw. There is no 'target' of any kind in these terrorist strikes, besides displaced civilians. They don't want anyone in Gaza to feel safe. And have to remind displaced civilians that we'll massacre you too if you think you're safe. Pure genocidal terrorism.

They know what they're doing. There is obviously no Mohammed Deif anywhere near there. This is put inside the statement so people don't focus on the massive terrorist attack that took place today.
your take is plausible but I do not agree: I think this was likely an assassination attempt. they do not need an excuse to commit such massacres, which they do on a daily basis anyway. and we saw a similar (actually much larger) massacre when they rescued four prisoners (who were living in great conditions compared to the torture camps Israel holds 20,000+ Palestinians in).

"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient
that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German--made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping....we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very
existence depends." - ( C.B.S, August,7th, 1933 )

Just so my readers understand why so many European countries
***knew*** the bloodshed that had befallen Russia - a fact still
largely hidden from the average American - consider these statistics, as stated in Elmer Elmhurst's classic "World Hoax",
published 1938 in the USA, stated on page 40:

"Altogether, the percentage of Jews in the Commissariat were
as follows -

In 1917-18, of 316 Commissars, 300 were Jews

In 1920, of 457 Commissars, 322 were Jews

In 1921, of 550
Commissars, 447 were Jews

In 1922, of 525 Commissars,
445 were Jews

Therefore, when Hitler came to power, global Jewish organizations were quick to organise economic warfare against Hitler's Germany
as a means of bringing the vibrant National Socialist state to its

Hitler was democratically elected Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. That year was notable in the number of boycotts organised throughout the world, most if not all provoked by Jewish interest groups.

The first Jewish declaration of war was pronounced on March
24, 1933.


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