Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If you are implying that Iran collaborated with the assassination of Haniyeh then you couldn't be more wrong. I believe killing him in Qatar would have been far easier or killing him in various public places like airports--you know he's been going to Russia and Turkey etc. This assassination is meant to provoke Iran. Otherwise, it's meaningless: Another Haniyeh would step in.

Where did I ever imply that is was some collaborated effort to kill him in Iran? I said it was the opposite, the most botched attempt and securing arguably the most wanted man in the world and who FAILED at that? That was my point because a few who hail from the great country of Iran have an uncanny tendency to bash Arabs when their own just committed the ULTIMATE betrayal! Not even a sin, but the betrayal of the lifetime worse than Trump's attempted assassination.

Yes, the Egyptian help is underreported and downplayed by even Israel. The Israelis have too many fronts and they would deal with Egypt in due time; they know what went on through the Philadelphia Corridor.

Not even talking about that but, fcuk the Phiadelphia Corridor we'll deal with the zionist pigs on that when the time comes that's no ones buinseness. But when people start mouthing off about beggar countries not doing enough because these people's mental acuity takes them back only so far as their teenage years, that's where we have a major problem.

No no no no no, sorry my good friend. You give them way too much credit. The fault is quite simply in the hands of the host period! The mossad is an overrated squad of mafiossi nazzis who manipulated history to where sheep have eaten the sweetedened grass and basked in the methane. Each and every country has its own intelligence that must operate at a 110% at all times. Not 100% or 105%, but 110% and what we've seen from Soleimani to Raisi (although that I believe was an accident but still falls on the same shoulders) to the ambassador/councilor in Syria to Haniya, this is BEYOND EMBARRASSING and you cannot attribute that to the success of one well-known for its murderous capabilities. I mean, CNN is reporting this was an airstrike in Tehran!!!! What kind of pathetic Iranian security is that? Disgusting.
Where did I ever imply that is was some collaborated effort to kill him in Iran? I said it was the opposite, the most botched attempt and securing arguably the most wanted man in the world and who FAILED at that?
Apologies if I misunderstood you.
What kind of pathetic Iranian security is that? Disgusting.

By now, multiple people are saying that Israel could have taken out Haniyeh plenty of times. I don't think, as bad as Iran's security apparatus is, this assassination was expected. And hence not so strong security. This is a surprise to most people--except not to Netanyahu.
Here is one more person basically sounds surprised Israel took out Haniyeh today. I respect Dr. Trita Parsi a lot; every word he says is worth listening to and speaks with scholarly precious.
My old brain is already starting to forget this video but I will post it before I forget to even post! LOL! One notable thing he is saying, to which I had agreed with several days ago, is that Kamala Harris' is substantially different from Biden on Israel. I hope Biden croaks! Old racist, warmongering, Self-proclaimed Zionist!!

PS. Israelis are already calling her 'KamaAllah Harris'. LOL!!

Not so much you but yes, you too were part of the free-for-all call out the Arab bashing cowboy jumpwagon everyone jumped on thinking it was the cool thing to all out the Arabs and particularly Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan of course and of course, the despicable begger nation Egypt that's the same as Pakistan. But where was that guy @Persian Gulf how was boasting all over the place about how it wasn't enough that EAF C-130s were defing the Israeli blockade and dropping thousands of tons of aid by air despite being told by both, the US and the zionist entity not to do it yet what was my friend's critizim at the time? "Oh you want a clap in the hand for making a few air lifts" I'm sure he remembers that slew of arrogance now that not only has the incompetence of his supposed military prowess (we won't even go into any intelligence since I have ZERO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 respect for whatever they call it in Iran after allowing the NUMBER ONE HAMMAS LEADER to be KILLED IN TEHRAN after lowing their embassador and aid in Syria is a precision strike of beauty by the demons and then allow one of the worst presidential and foreign minister death also on their land where they botched the rescue effort so badly that not only did Iranian people see now incompetent their military & intelligence structure is, but how pathetic and unworthy of including it in the same conversation as Saudi Intel, Egyptian Mukhabarat which come in several agency, the crappad in Israel and the CIA/FBI. Not for a million years will your intelligence be included in the same group with a failure of this magnitude.

One more thing and I'm leaving it at that; not only will Tehran have the worst diplomatic relations which other countries from now on and none will ever want to visit (you have NO IDEA the implications of such a botchery) but look at what's happening, Houthis got spanked and I hate to say it, but there are A LOT MORE to come 1000X worse that what the USS & RN did and the ones who call them the Party of Allah (swt) with their provocations and balsy intrusions are in for a huge threat of the worst kind, not the good kind, but the devastating kind. Mark my words and take this screen shot, that fat sweaty pig Nasrallah is on the next list of chalkboard pinned photographs I guarantee my entire house including the pet, not the wife, of course since she's not around anymore Alla Yerhamha w'esturha a'leiha Insha'Allah w'delha jenat-al Fardouse Ya Rab Ya Karim that sweat pot will be one of the very few next to be boxed around downtown Beirut into southern Lebanon but it's take a while since he better stay in Lubnan and show no foot in Iran as we've discovered quite well how that works out for many, from Soleymani to Haniya and so on. But he's next I guarantee you and the US with Biden will finish Hezbollah in the next few months without even nukes as well as the Houthis and we'll be back to a further stage than 0. It will be MUCH WORSE for the resistance and even then I doubt my good friend will still not understand how a 2 stat solution in untenable. Impossible because the stronger will ALWAYS prevail ad impose restriction the former will never agree and we're back to the status quo.

But let's keep bashing the Arabs because they never did what us so much smarter keyboard warriors know so much more about the right decisions that affect 750million Muslims in the ME, man. Don't we know best because what Hamas started on October 7th should be the one and only priority that should take precedence how dare this self-centered holding onto their power seats thing of nothing else than that
I will not deny it, you are right, lot of my reactions were harsh and emotional towards arab regimes ineptitude and i can admit that is merely my own shortcoming but would never bash Arabs as collective race or people.
But if you or any other person felt offended personally by my writings or reactions on some other people posts, please forgive me, i am not ill intended.
Lol, They killed Haniyeh in one of the most secured places in Tehran, Let my tell you the truth that our mullal apologist won't say it in this forum, Our mullahs probably made a deal with Israel to have Haniyeh killed :ROFLMAO:
Israel is already throwing out scenarios to do pyschological warfare on its enemies. Who will now think it's what Israel wants them to do. Just respond and respond fast without any talk or warnings.

Israeli Broadcasting Authority: Israel is preparing for joint revenge emanating from Iranian and Lebanese territory and perhaps Yemen

Israel is already throwing out scenarios to do pyschological warfare on its enemies. Who will now think it's what Israel wants them to do. Just respond and respond fast without any talk or warnings.

Israeli Broadcasting Authority: Israel is preparing for joint revenge emanating from Iranian and Lebanese territory and perhaps Yemen

There are even talks of responding after burials. Is this some Islamic things or is warfare allowed to go on?

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