Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yep why especially non-whites would ever bring up Hitler and "The Holocaust" when it is a Jewish narrative to mind control the whites is ridiculous.

Without Hitler, more than likely most of the "Global South" would still be under colonialism.

We owe our independence and freedom to Hitler. He singlehandedly undid colonialism; he did what our own homegrown British Indian uniform-wearing faggot soldiers couldn't do and continued to remain British Raj slaves rather than turning the gun on them and getting freedom like the Americans did against the British.

If we have to honor fallen soldiers, it should be the Nazis and their leadership.
Not sure who you mean by Americans but the Zions always wanted an attack on Iran, that has been their primary goal to control Iranian oil and disrupt their alliance with Russia and China.
Yes, it is all too often difficult to separate 'Zionist' vs 'American' interests but they are, in fact, two separate countries. While Zionists wouldn't care how many Americans die for them in the Middle East, an American President would deeply care and that's why an open war with Iran has been avoided since 1979. But it is not only the body bags, there are also vital American commercial interests and investments in the Middle East and for decades.
Why you think those troops are sitting ducks?

Because those bases are literally in the middle of a large hostile population with not many troops and mere high walls or anti-missile systems won't be enough in case of major attacks. And there is unsaid understanding between the Americans and Iranians to not escalate to the point of targeting those bases; even the death of three service personnel several months ago wasn't forcefully responded to by the Americans.

My main point remains for the last 10 months: Americans didn't and still don't want an all out war; and that's not because of some 'concerns' for the death and destruction in the Middle East.

Edited to make my response in Bold--glitch during posting!
Edited to make my response in Bold--glitch during posting!
US can reinforce those troops and its not like whole population is going to fight for Iran.
It will only be Iran+ its proxies.No other country or regime is willing to confront the US.
US can reinforce those troops and its not like whole population is going to fight for Iran.
It will only be Iran+ its proxies.No other country or regime is willing to confront the US.

Proxies are enough.
This is an asymmeetrical warfare. No 'country' would fight the Americans directly but their citizens would.
And, no, Americans can't 'reinforce' its troops without consequences elsewhere. I tend to think Americans would rapidly withdraw the troops from those paltry bases in Iraq and Syria.
US can reinforce those troops and its not like whole population is going to fight for Iran.
It will only be Iran+ its proxies.No other country or regime is willing to confront the US.

What, they are going to drop tanks and artillery in as well?

They would be sitting ducks if there was a large scale attack launched by the resistance on them as they are all packed in a small and known area.

Resistance has rockets, missiles and even artillery to obliterate those isolated bases within hours.
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Proxies are enough.
This is an asymmeetrical warfare. No 'country' would fight the Americans directly but their citizens would
You cannot just start the war on the perception that citizens of other countries will help Iran.
And proxies are not enough.Had this been the case,Israel would have been wiped out by now.
They would be sitting ducks if there was a large scale attack launched by the resistance on them as they are all packed in a small and known area.
Not gonna happen

You think US will just watch out its forces getting r@ped by Irani Proxies.
You cannot just start the war on the perception that citizens of other countries will help Iran.
And proxies are not enough.Had this been the case,Israel would have been wiped out by now.

Israel is being destroyed even if you can't see that and the Resistance has not even used a tenth of its human and material resources.
And, yes, as @UKBengali said just above: The American bases in Syria and Iraq are like sitting ducks. Absolutely. Even before this conflict started, there have been talks about pulling them out because of their precarious situation. Maybe they are being used as cannon fodders to 'justify' a large war, otherwise, on their own, they won't amount to much in a regional war.
As far as the citizens of other countries, I believe there are already many militias and volunteers ready to join a regional war and they come from as far as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The only way--and that too is just a 'maybe'-- Israel and its backers can win in a regional war is using nukes or some other weapons of mass destruction. And hence I see more and more people starting to bring up the nuclear options.
I think Israelis are seriously considering launching a 'pre-emptive' attack; their initial words were 'preventive measures' which today have been changed to 'pre-emptive'.
Israel is being destroyed even if you can't see that and the Resistance has not even used a tenth of its human and material resources.
Again i do not know why do you think Israel is being destroyed
And no ! Iranian Proxies and Iran itself will never go out of proportion to harm Israel b/c they know Israel can strike them back with much harsh response thanks to its technological superiority over its adversaries.

This is the reason Iranian leadership is still confused how to undertake an appropriate strike against Israel that can prevent the further escalation .
Again i do not know why do you think Israel is being destroyed
And no ! Iranian Proxies and Iran itself will never go out of proportion to harm Israel b/c they know Israel can strike them back with much harsh response thanks to its technological superiority over its adversaries.

This is the reason Iranian leadership is still confused how to undertake an appropriate strike against Israel that can prevent the further escalation .
You need to follow the Israeli sites to see the unraveling of the society, flight of capital, lack of trust, flight of people. And that's just while the Resistance is using relatively small attacks so far. Please follow their sites. It is not hard to see their sense of doom despite their need to appear to be winning.
And you think Israel is sparing its enemies of a 'harsh response' out of some kindness?? No, Israel knows its own precarious situation in case of a regional war--with possibly destruction of Israel. In essence, there is a parity between Israel and its opponents now, something like between India and Pakistan, and between North Korea and South Korea (with allies): M.A.D
Iran has to respond in such a way that Americans don't get involved. Americans don't want to get involved. So the Iranian 'punishment' is to be carefully planned. A credible analyst like Mark Slobeda even saying that after the Iranian attack in April on Israel, it were the Americans who did a token strike into Iran in the name of Israel, to calm down the situation!!

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