Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Gaza is not okay. Gaza does not want to continue sacrificing it's people. Gaza is struggling for its survival. The sooner the rampage is stopped, the better.

If you're propagating this to say that Gaza is in fine shape, and a military intervention isn't required. Then you're part of the problem. You're causing harm to Gaza because you're more worried Israel turns its attention to your interests in Lebanon and elsewhere.

You sure have reading comprehension problems and once again you attacked me for merely posting an alternate viewpoint!! That's what CNN is saying. You can believe it or not. And WTH it matters what CNN or you or I say?? Israel is going to do what it is going to do.
And MY interests in Lebanon?? Listen buddy: I am a Sunni background Pakistani and a friend of Palestinians and of downtrodden wherever they are. I will not say more because your people are being slaughtered and thus you get into childish tantrums and insults. You have a long habit of such behavior!
The factors you are pointing towards can sure lead to some short term economic damage but I hope you know West/US are there to fund Israeli adventures .
Muslims at the end of day will have to realize that until US is there,Israel cant be defeated
The human cost of this asymmetric warfare Palestinians and Lebanese are paying is unparalleled in human history.

It is correct that militarily Israel, with its backing from the Americans, can't be defeated by conventional means. They would use nukes if they have to. However, a slow war of attrition is the way to go and is already having an affect on Israel.
BTW, to the naysayers: Other than the wishful thinking like many of you do with 'Muslims should unite' blah blah, what is the alternative? I see none except through violence--a calibrated violence--which won't drag the Americans in. And the wailing like women is not going to move the needle: The Israelis don't care about killing the Palestinians!! Stop it through violence or find some other way.

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