Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Iran is playing a long term game and Israel is already badly hurting even if some people don't see that. So, in that sense, why stop a winning strategy, especially when both the Americans and the Iranians don't want a regional war? All Resistance leaders are marked for assassination and Haniyeh was not an exception to that.
Having said that, there will be a more than a 'token attack' this time but the strategy would be to limit civilian casualties in Israel. I also think Netanyahu is being forced to accept a ceasefire by the Americans. Even Biden has had enough of Netanyahu.
But we shall see...

It's all about achieving military and political objectives, Israel wants to grind Hamas to the ground and cut Hezbollah to size. If they are able to destroy Hamas as we know it, able to have prolonged presence in Gaza in form of checkpoints, buffer-zone and policing/free hand for operation etc and establish PA or Arab coalition as administrators there so that no rockets are fired and no terror attacks happen, I would say they have won the war.

US and Israel blow hot blow cold rhetoric is just for media consumptoon I would like to belive

PS. If only the Gazans had even a tenth of the firepower that Israel and its backers have then the dynamics would be far more favorable to the Palestinians.

100% Agreed
No irony there. Just fact.

And yet, you came up with no other source to support what you had stated earlier except the very people you described thusly. Also a fact. And ironic.
It's all about achieving military and political objectives, Israel wants to grind Hamas to the ground and cut Hezbollah to size. If they are able to destroy Hamas as we know it, able to have prolonged presence in Gaza in form of checkpoints, buffer-zone and policing/free hand for operation etc and establish PA or Arab coalition as administrators there so that no rockets are fired and no terror attacks happen, I would say they have won the war.

US and Israel blow hot blow cold rhetoric is just for media consumptoon I would like to belive

100% Agreed

I disagree, I think Israeli have lost big regardless of what happens

In essence they are trying to establish themselves in a region that hates them, that will inevitably end up in defeat one way or the other, it's only a matter of time, because your banking on the status quo ALWAYS remaining the same and the surroundings states to never progress and that's impossible, because the one this you can bank on is that change is inevitable

So Israeli were ripped from relative calm, where with U.S support they were making connections with the region, to today where Israel has been DECIMATED in international lawfare and declared by international law as a occupational state enforcing occupation and apartheid,
This has major long term consequences

It's behaviour has also been well documented, and it will be used against Israel and Jews everywhere

Hamas is just a movement, it's not individuals, Israeli behaviour has spread the resistance far and wide across the world

Israeli will drown themselves In their own actions and with the pressure on their society, the demographic issues facing Israel and their fractured politics

The clock is ticking for Israel
And yet, you came up with no other source to support what you had stated earlier except the very people you described thusly. Also a fact. And ironic.

Next time do your own research, schmuck.

the assassination, when the guards were seen on security camera footage on the day of the assassination moving stealthily in the hallway towards the room where Haniyeh planned to stay, opening the door with a key and entering the room.

Three minutes later the guards (who were offered a six-figure sum each as well as immediate relocation to a northern European country) were captured on camera calmly leaving the room, going down the stairs towards the main entrance of the building, leaving and then getting into a black car. The guard at the parking lot checkpoint recognised them and opened the gate without asking any questions. An hour later they were smuggled out of Iran by the Mossad.

Next time do your own research, schmuck.

the assassination, when the guards were seen on security camera footage on the day of the assassination moving stealthily in the hallway towards the room where Haniyeh planned to stay, opening the door with a key and entering the room.

Three minutes later the guards (who were offered a six-figure sum each as well as immediate relocation to a northern European country) were captured on camera calmly leaving the room, going down the stairs towards the main entrance of the building, leaving and then getting into a black car. The guard at the parking lot checkpoint recognised them and opened the gate without asking any questions. An hour later they were smuggled out of Iran by the Mossad.

So now you believe Israeli newspaper sources too? Good. Then we can read and believe what else they say. Or do you just want to be able to pick what you like what they say? (More irony? :D )

Interesting that what your quoted source here says is NOT what Iranian sources say: "the explosive device placed under his bed was planted by two Iranians". <<<No outside missile.>>>

And Israel itself has NOT claimed responsibility, which is very different than a news story. And Iran STILL has NOT presented ANY evidence to support its claims as to who did it.

(Who the schmuck is here is quite clear, and it is not me. :D)
It's all about achieving military and political objectives, Israel wants to grind Hamas to the ground and cut Hezbollah to size. If they are able to destroy Hamas as we know it, able to have prolonged presence in Gaza in form of checkpoints, buffer-zone and policing/free hand for operation etc and establish PA or Arab coalition as administrators there so that no rockets are fired and no terror attacks happen, I would say they have won the war.

In essence they are trying to establish themselves in a region that hates them, that will inevitably end up in defeat one way or the other, it's only a matter of time, because your banking on the status quo ALWAYS remaining the same and the surroundings states to never progress and that's impossible, because the one this you can bank on is that change is inevitable

Believe me, I think you both can be right about the future! It is how things will pan out, especially what happens in Gaza, that will decide which one of you would be proven correct. The 'game is still On', as they say in Cricket matches.

As I see it, if Gaza is totally lost, then 'Palestine' itself is lost at least within our lifetime! The West Bank is hemmed in by Israel and the vassal state of Jordan. The West Bank is too fragmented, too divided--and probably more or less 'resigned' to its fate, having failed so many times before. So it is just Gaza. And Gaza can't survive without Hezbollah's long term support.

As to Israel's bad 'image' or what not, the world doesn't care! The world loves the victors. Nation-states are reflections of people. You can call a 'country' a composite of a large number of people with shared interests and so the leadership would reflect that. And most people have their lives to live. Worries about paying bills, raising kids, and, for most, just surviving in this world of decreasing resources and increasing competition.
So now you believe Israeli newspaper sources too? Good. Then we can read and believe what else they say. Or do you just want to be able to pick what you like what they say? (More irony? :D )

Interesting that what your quoted source here says is NOT what Iranian sources say: "the explosive device placed under his bed was planted by two Iranians". <<<No outside missile.>>>

And Israel itself has NOT claimed responsibility, which is very different than a news story. And Iran STILL has NOT presented ANY evidence to support its claims as to who did it.

(Who the schmuck is here is quite clear, and it is not me. :D)

Now you believe this.. now you believe that .. retarded Zionist lover.... Go do your homework there are multiple sources.

Sinwar Stands Alone

...More important, however, is that his communications network—Hamas deputies abroad, Hezbollah officials, Iranian government officials, Haniyeh in Qatar—has already been badly disrupted. His isolation means he is even more powerful within Hamas, but that is because now he is Hamas. And it also means that Sinwar is nothing more than an Iranian satrap.

That works for Sinwar, for now. But it’s a cult as much as it’s a movement. And Sinwar’s vision is a maniacal march to Armageddon, not a blueprint for governing. When the Israeli journalist Shlomi Eldar talked to members of the Palestinian old guard who had left Gaza, they made clear to him just how much “the entire leadership had been taken captive by the Sinwar group’s deranged idea of an all-out battle. They had an orderly plan and they believed they were fulfilling a divinely ordained mission.”

Israel would fall, the Sinwar fanatics believed, in what they called the fulfillment of “the last promise.” Now the Sinwar fanatics are all Hamas has left. The terror group is planning a fight to the death with Israel, and the odds aren’t on Sinwar’s lonely side.

And that description of the conflict isn’t really in doubt anymore, either. Sinwar is now Hamas’s political “wing,” its military “wing,” and any other chimerical “wing.” Large terror groups like Hamas have different departments, sure, but the West has always fooled itself into believing there’s a fundamental difference between the guy playing Good Cop and the guy playing Bad Cop. In reality, they’re all the Bad Cop. And now there’s not even someone opposite Sinwar to pretend that a compromise is in the works and the West just has to keep making concessions to the “moderates” so the hardliners don’t lose their temper.

Sinwar was the mastermind behind October 7. That’s who he is, that’s who Hamas is, and there’s no plausible way to pretend otherwise.
Now you believe this.. now you believe that

Actually, it is you who is doing that, and descending into ad hominem attacks and name calling ( @Musings - if you care to be fair ) without being able to offer a source for the claim that you made.

And the one you did post is at odds with what the Iranians have claimed, and Iran has not presented any evidence of that either. Or shall we believe what the Turkish media said about a RAW agent doing the dirty deed?

I have been, and am being consistent: Let Iran present evidence of what it claims. Where is it?

On topic, the choice of Sinwar as the replacement can only prolong the current conflict, and with it the pain and suffering of the people.
If we are going to point finger at Hamas for comitting war crimes, then i am afraid there arent enough availible fingers in the world to point at the war crimes comitted by Israel since its birth.

This entire game is just ridiclous.
Think about a mob terrorizing your local neighborhood for decades, making life miserable for you and your entire neighborhood. Threating everyone on gunpoint. One day someone in your neighborhood choose to stand up, then slaps a mobster in his face. Would you be comparing that slap against those horrible things the mafia has been doing for decades?
Of course not! What kind of selective nonsense is this?
That works for Sinwar, for now. But it’s a cult as much as it’s a movement. And Sinwar’s vision is a maniacal march to Armageddon, not a blueprint for governing. When the Israeli journalist Shlomi Eldar talked to members of the Palestinian old guard who had left Gaza, they made clear to him just how much “the entire leadership had been taken captive by the Sinwar group’s deranged idea of an all-out battle. They had an orderly plan and they believed they were fulfilling a divinely ordained mission.”

Israel would fall, the Sinwar fanatics believed, in what they called the fulfillment of “the last promise.” Now the Sinwar fanatics are all Hamas has left. The terror group is planning a fight to the death with Israel, and the odds aren’t on Sinwar’s lonely side.

Well, short of good external support, that's the likely scenario, sadly; sort of like what happened to the besieged Tamil Tiger leader in Sri Lanka in the Jaffna Peninsula in late 2000s.
BUT Sinwar, unlike the T. Tigers, is not alone. At least now yet. Hezbollah is a potent partner and so 'the game is still On'.

Iranians side with Israel, even against their own regime

Ynetnews spoke with a handful of Iranian civilians located in multiple cities following the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and heard some of their surprising responses to the event which can shock the world; 'We all wish to see the destruction of the Islamic Republic as soon as possible' | Special

Emily Schrader|08.05.24 | 12:18

For 45 years, the Iranian people have been subjected to a dictatorial Islamic government that prioritizes support for terrorism and enables rampant levels of corruption, over the wellbeing of the people, the Iranian economy, and the future of the state itself.

The regime has faced several attempted popular uprisings but has repeatedly squashed them with appalling barbarity and violence against their own people. Now, instead of fixing problems at home, the Islamic regime in Iran is making every effort to launch a war against Israel.

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טהרן איראן הפגנה אנטי ישראלית

Regime shows support for Hamas while the people do not
(Photo: AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Ynetnews spoke with Iranians in the aftermath of the historic assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil to see their feelings and reactions regarding a potential war against Israel. As there are currently Iranians on death row for speaking to Israeli media, we cannot publish the names of the Iranians interviewed for their own protection.

Overall, the Iranian people are extremely pro-Israel and reject the regime’s warmongering, but multiple Iranians expressed concern about operating on Iranian soil. F, from Tehran, stated, "I was worryingly happy as he got what he deserved, but I’d rather he was dealt with someplace else." He added after, "I also had a good feeling that potentially some Iranians were involved."

When asked about the possibility of an all-out war between Israel and the Islamic Republic, most of the Iranians Ynetnews spoke with expressed more fear of the Islamic Republic than of the IDF. "I personally am not scared of Israeli retaliation because I know that IDF and Israeli officials see us Iranian people on their side and would do whatever they deem necessary to minimize the collateral damage as they did with the case of Haniyeh."

"However, what I’m definitely scared and worried about is the extent and nature of the regime’s avenging effort! After all, they are a lousy breed of ideologically driven individuals who barely know what they’re doing and that can inflict collateral damage on both sides… so I’m more worried about the IRGC than the IDF for sure," said F.

אחמד בטאבי עם הדגל הישן של איראן על הגבול עם לבנון

Iranians and Israelis: Future relationship
(Photo: Courtesy of FIDF)

A, from Ahvaz, who has previously been imprisoned for his activism against the regime, told Ynetnews that "all Iranians" were delighted by the assassination. "Iranians are really happy," he said, adding "We are really against the regime of the Islamic Republic and Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban, who are all connected with the murderous regime of the Islamic Republic…we hope that all these people will be destroyed as soon as possible.”

A. also detailed how the Islamic Republic responds after major events such as the assassination of Haniyeh. "The regime is scared because every time one of the heads of the government like Qassem Soleimani and the rest of the IRGC members are killed, the regime is closer to its defeat, which fuels fear in the security forces, IRGC and Basij.”

When it comes to Israeli counterstrikes in Iran, A. said that he isn’t so concerned. "Iranians are not worried about Israel's attack because we all know that the Israeli government has no problem with the Iranian people." In fact, A. argues, "This is not just my opinion. We all wish to see the destruction of the Islamic Republic as soon as possible.”

In the initial hours after news broke of the assassination of Haniyeh, Persian social media was flooded with celebratory messages, with some even thanking the IDF. While the regime held memorial services inside of Iran, videos surfaced online from Iran showing Iranians celebrating with a sign in Arabic and Persian placed in public next to a platter of sweets, calling Haniyeh a terrorist.

איסמעיל הנייה עם נשיא איראן מסעוד פזשכיאן

Haniyeh met with President Pezeshkian before his assassination
(Photo: Iran's Presidency /WANA (West Asia News Agency)/Handout via REUTERS)

S., also from Tehran, said she heard about the assassination from social media and in her words, "I was very happy and I wish this would happen to all of them soon." However, S. also spoke candidly about the fear in Iran amongst the people who are concerned about escalation, even suggesting that Israel should not respond in the event of a strike from the regime.

"The Islamic Republic seeks to create chaos in the region, while Israel, unlike the Islamic Republic, does not want to start a war. If Iran's attacks do not result in casualties for Israel, it might be better for Israel to leave Iran's attacks unanswered," she explained. This was in contrast to her compatriot, A., who argued, "One should never remain silent in the face of attacks by the Islamic Republic, Hezbollah, and Hamas. All of them must be destroyed."

While the Iranian people continue to face brutal repression at the hands of the regime, there’s no question that the majority not only have no problem with the Jewish state but have a deep love and desire for friendship in the future.

While Iranians inside Iran disagree on what steps should be taken regarding a war with Israel, no one wants to see a war on their soil. At the same time, they are strongly against terrorism from the regime or its proxies, and they have immense trust that Israel is significantly more responsible than their own government. Only time will tell if Israel is able to eliminate the threat from the Islamic Republic without damaging the relationship with the Iranian people.

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