Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As a Muslim I have great respect for Algeria and Iran now


Need to step it up a notch

Whole Muslim world is looking toward you

Algeria and Iran are heartened by your endorsement, as Muslims, they told me personally.
Turkey/Iran/Pakistan/Egypt need to give Israel a Ultimatum

July 29th Turkey
“Just like we entered Karabakh(Syria), just like we entered Libya, we will do [something] similar exactly to Israel," Erdoğan said.

August 19th Algeria
“We will never abandon Palestine, especially Gaza. I swear to the God Almighty that if the borders between Egypt and Gaza are reopened, we are ready to send troops and help rebuild the Gaza Strip.”
- Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune"

Egypt want control over the Gaza/Egypt crossing called Philadelphia crossing
Sisi reiterated his country’s rejection of the forced displacement of Gazans to Egypt, calling it a “red line”. Controlling the Philadelphia crossing between Gaza and Egypt
Egypt considers the reoccupation of this axis to be a red line.”
- Sisi

August 23rd , Iran's view on matter
Iran tells the United Kingdom and France that it reserves the right to punish the Israeli regime for its "unforgivable" crime of assassinating senior Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh last month.

Pakistan Government view (july 2024)
Pakistan’s government declared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a terrorist Friday, demanding the leader be brought to justice for alleged war crimes against Palestinians.
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We will never abandon Palestine, especially Gaza. I swear to the God Almighty that if the borders between Egypt and Gaza are reopened, we are ready to send troops and help rebuild the Gaza Strip.”
- Algeria's President Abdelmadjid Tebboune"

Gaza is rubble and will be rubble for years

If, ifff, iffff borders were next to each other🙄

Knowing they are 3000 km apart with half a dozen countries in-between, sure as long as that wasn't there they would do something after 10 months🙃🙃

Imagine being from Gaza and hearing this now, they might well think they are BEING MOCKED AND USED
For Egypt The Philadelphia crossing with Gaza is read line as it falls under their country's ownership

Part of agreement between Israel -Egypt indicated this crossing will remain in control of Egyptians

  • Egypt , does not want Palestinians displaced
  • Israel wants to push Palestinians into Egypt and control land

Egypt only has peace with Israel on basis
  • Accepting Palestinians have right to statehood (As Palestine)
  • The region between Israel /Egypt large area is Egypt's Land
  • Keep the Egyptian Canal open for world trade transit

For Egypt Israel attempting to Steal these items will mean they are breaking past agreement at End of Last Egypt-Israel War

It becomes a border dispute between Israel-Egypt

Tomorrow Israel will claim more land on Egypt's side
So they are very much involved now
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If that be the case, Israel wouldn't have been bombing Gaza left, right and center. I believe more that 50% of hostages Israel would have killed themselves. Yes they do care but when it comes to choosing between the war/their objectives and the hostages, they will choose the war

In a roundabout way, you are only confirming what I had said above! Just think about it.
BTW, if Israel would not have been bombing like it, then the Gazans would be sitting pretty holding the hostages AND launching rockets into Israel for a long long time.
Compromised? Yes, to some extent. Too compromised, I don't think so.
The Zionist Lobby may have occupied American political system but the Zionist influence in Russia--heck, even in the UK--the second best ZOG--is still far less than in America.

Just like despite all 'ethno-religio' ties Pakistan dumped the Afghan Taliban after 9/11, just like the Indians dumped the Tamil Tigers in late 2000s, Russia may, and very likely, dump Israel for Russia's own interests.

Comments to this article shows how upset Israelis are with Russia--and rightly so: The video I posted above of the Russian UN envoy was the first video I have seen where the official Russian position is so openly against Israel!!

I mean in the sense of cryptos. You're talking to Vlad one day and then reveals he's moshe is the secret,– κρυπτός, 'hidden').
Compromised? Yes, to some extent. Too compromised, I don't think so.
The Zionist Lobby may have occupied American political system but the Zionist influence in Russia--heck, even in the UK--the second best ZOG--is still far less than in America.

Just like despite all 'ethno-religio' ties Pakistan dumped the Afghan Taliban after 9/11, just like the Indians dumped the Tamil Tigers in late 2000s, Russia may, and very likely, dump Israel for Russia's own interests.

Comments to this article shows how upset Israelis are with Russia--and rightly so: The video I posted above of the Russian UN envoy was the first video I have seen where the official Russian position is so openly against Israel!!

The questions to ask are, what does Israel rely on Russia for, and vice versa.

USA and Israel for example, weapons, technology, technology companies, technology sharing, intelligence, progoganda, finance, un voting.... It's a joint operation.

Do Russia or Israel have anything similar ?
My knowledge has increased quite a bit about Christianity after observing the recent wars

  • Russian Orthodox Church
    • They basically are against Physical relics or symbolism or imagery or photos (No picture of Jesus or Cross etc)
    • Long war between Russian branch of Christianity and Catholic Church center (Italy) in Europe , old war
    • Ukraine-Russia war was war between Catholics and Russian Orthodox Church
    • Catholic house wanted to spread it's version of Christianity so there is a long conflict with Russia , and Ukraine was the proxy state

  • Catholics
    • Feel that a A Pope is needed between God/Man
    • Pope enjoys lot of power
    • Italians/Brazilians/Mexico/Philippines/Spain/Portuguese
    • Traditionally they controlled scriptures
    • They passed laws or gave their opinion on matter of state
    • They had lot of power

  • Protestants
    • It's basically some folks decided they wanted their own brand of Religion
    • They sorta came into existence with ideology they don't need a Pope to tell them what to do
    • It's a fundamental "Power" thing which they take away from Pope , did not feel pop knows best , they can invent their own path
    • The Evangelicals are Israel lovers basically because they created their own "Ideologies" on the fly , every person had their own version stuff
    • Over the years their Ideology has been crafted /Molded into Israel lovers
    • Majority of Americans (are this branch )
    • This branch of Christianity entered UK around 1500 and is quite new branch of Christianity
    • They invented up their religion as they were going

I was watching some videos on social media showing inside Israel , Jews spitting on homes of Catholics or abusing Christians or Spitting on them etc. I was really confused why are Jews spitting on Christians inside Israel . Really bad treatment

I think the Jews have a beef with Catholics

It seems that inter-relation between all three sect is drastically different
  • Russian Orthadox - Jew
  • Catholic - Jew
  • Protestants (USA yep)- Jew

In mix of it all I am also trying to understand the Russian Christian relations with Jews , because Ukraine has a Jew Head of stage going against Russia so it is quite complex

I think if we view the Palestine issue , you notice a lot of Chatholic countries are pro Palestine , more sympathy
  • Spain (Saw people openly supporting Palestine, waving their flag)
  • Italy (People were friendly to Palestine flag)
  • Brazil
  • Mexico (Saw boxers donating his fight win money for Palestine etc.)

It's really the Protestant pushing world toward WW3 with their own made up theology with Jews, some how these stories got conjured up helping Israel and going to heaven etc. and all the Old political goons now favor Israel blindly

May be some Russian fella can explain the relation between Russia and Jews

Putin was very gentleman like with Muslims in recent visit so I imagine Orthodox Christians are friendlier to Muslim , like Catholic

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Israel lost 400 KIA.
Do you mean KIA or Tanks killed? That number you have there looks more like the total # of Israeli tanks put out of action since Oct. 7. You really think Israel has performed that well in this war to have only lost400 soldiers? your i just hope your support for Israel hasn't entered the Zyonist zone.
Hamas lost 16000.
Yup, according to the Israeli sources that you believe.
I'm pretty sure Hamas will be exhausted far before IDF.
But meanwhile Israeli defense experts and leaders are saying Israel is already exhausted? You seem to be projecting all the bad on the Palestinians and giving Israel all the benefits of doubt you can find. smh.

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