Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

40,000 Palestinians have died , and some reports are now indicating the figure is actually close to 180,000 (because no one is really counting the people under the rubble)

Seems like Colossal Failure on Part of Muslim Countries near by

a) Egypt
b) Iran
c) Turkey
d) Pakistan (Only Nuclear Nation , an Epic Failure)

Only 1 positive Note from Algerian Army who is willing to go in if Egypt opens the Borders today

The Algerian push was countered by French throwing in bone to Morroco about Algerian-Morocco issue , over Sahara Desert ownership

The Americans , don't even allow Palestinians to speak in Congress
  • Protestant Christians - evangelical Angel , all old timers want to go heaven , Palestinians are according to their Chruch are against their God

I agree Pakistan is as culpable as anyone else, however we have very strong relations with the Arab states, and we are dependent on a good economic relationship especially at a time when we need to gradually grow our economy

If the Arab states wish to be complicit in the murder of their own brethren then Pakistan is stuck and cannot circumnavigate them

If the Arabs grew a spine and asked for support to take on the Zionists, Pakistan and Pakistani would gladly help
The Pakistani General or Egyptian Generals who are thinking by remaining "Dormant" or submissive , they can just avoid crisis

Just look at the result of Native American Tribes how their culture and faith was destroyed by Genocide over 300 years

Do you think , when American or Israelis will have enough weapons they will not destroy more Muslim Cities and Holy places

  • 40,000 Folks , and 187,000 (Unofficial under rubble) death toll
  • Population of Gaza was 500,0000 people

They don't see Palestinians as Humans
They don't see your Palestine's voice as important

Because they are fighting "war" to please Jesus and Israel is their instruction , every sunday they go to church and this idealogy is drilled into their head to Support Israel even if they drink blood of Muslims in a Wine glass
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40,000 Palestinians have died , and some reports are now indicating the figure is actually close to 180,000 (because no one is really counting the people under the rubble)

Seems like Colossal Failure on Part of Muslim Countries near by

a) Egypt
b) Iran
c) Turkey
d) Pakistan (Only Nuclear Nation , an Epic Failure)

Only 1 positive Note from Algerian Army who is willing to go in if Egypt opens the Borders today

The Algerian push was countered by French throwing in bone to Morroco about Algerian-Morocco issue , over Sahara Desert ownership

The Americans , don't even allow Palestinians to speak in Congress
  • Protestant Christians - evangelical Angel , all old timers want to go heaven , Palestinians are according to their Chruch are against their God

What do you mean by collosal failure?

You cannot fail at something that was never attempted.

I thought this fantasy alliance fairy tale stuff died in this thread a while back.

Each one of these countries had essentially forsaken Gaza years ago, if they ever intended to do anything at all, the vice was being tightened from a long time back, everyone was quiet, that's the real lesson here

Morocco cut a deal a while back for Sahara recognition

Pakistan used Israeli spying tech, they were already cooperating

Turkey talk's the talk, it still sends or allows fuel to pass, it ideally wanted to do business

Iran clearly said ages ago they will not interject on behalf of Gaza at a cost to itself, they are resisting but for themselves and always have done

The attempt to erase Gaza is not that surprising to anyone who has remained abreast, the only surprise is the sickness of the spectacle we have seen

Listen to this ex diplomat who dealt with the issue directly, and remember he is being diplomatic

There is no Hamas or Fateh or what ever

This is Protestant Christans/Evengelicals in America , supporting Israel because it is part of their religion - they are running a Religious war against Muslims in region

They see Muslims are inhuman

They are Fanatics , all the folks in Congress are Old Fanatics , who want to go to heaven

Their Church every Sunday tells them , helping Israel Kill Muslim is their good dead because Jesus will not come until Israel captures certain territory in region Pretty much all of Arab Peninsula
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The reason why the dog Israel is out of leash is because Countries like Egypt and Pakistan are scared to Lead Muslim to balance the power in region

This Democratic party is ok with Death of Palestinians
Because they don't see them as Human, they won't allow Palestinians to speak in front of delegates because it will hurt the Christian feeling

This party also see Palestinians as NONE human
infact they are also ok to Ban all Muslims. Trump is no Muslim friend
He sees them as insects

They have killed in Viet Nam
They have killed in Combodia
They have starged / killed in Cuba and Venezuela
They have killed Native Population of North America
They have killed Hiroshima for statement purpose
They have killed in Nagasaki for statement purpose
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How do you called the ones that cooked israelian babies in microwave oven, in front of their parents, on october the 7th ???
Same obout the ones that raped civilian israeli citizens ?

It's a shame we can't treat stupidity.
In order to stop the Genocide , there has to be a Counter Balancing force in region

Step it up Egypt /and Pakistan + Turkey + Iran
Like Algeria

Otherwise the blood of Muslim is on your head

That American foreign minister is not going to stop the Killing in Palestine , it is against his Protestant Christianity religion/ Evangelical crap to Stop Israel (This is their part of faith)

If you can't give an Ultimate to Israel ,
  • Egypt /and Pakistan + Turkey + Iran
Like Algeria

The death of people is on your head who are dying for no reason

Those Christians (Protestants fanatic evengelical) they want to go Heaven by helping Israel they don't have time to listen to Palestinians or worry about Muslims
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Give an Ultimatum of All Out war to Stop this Evil Entity called Israel
In order to stop the Genocide , there has to be a Counter Balancing force in region

Step it up Egypt /and Pakistan + Turkey + Iran
Like Algeria

Otherwise the blood of Muslim is on your head

That American foreign minister is not going to stop the Killing in Palestine , it is against his Protestant Christianity religion/ Evangelical crap to Stop Israel (This is their part of faith)

If you can't give an Ultimate to Israel ,
  • Egypt /and Pakistan + Turkey + Iran
Like Algeria

The death of people is on your head who are dying for no reason
You would make more sense talking about a coalition of the dolphins, eagles and hippos, it's more probable, it's been close to a year of obscenity and you think a coalition will spring out, the dead horse has been flogged enough.

White liberal kids have sacrificed the most in university campuses and demos, like actual sacrifices for jail and expulsion, some will call them kuffar, whist doing fa themselves

Gaza ethnic cleansing looks like a done deal, it will take years to just get rid of the rubble, then rebuild, what is this prevent a genocide talk even meaning?

The arena is now a wider regional war, and whether USA commits or Israel over reaches, Gaza was cruelly sacrificed by everyone who didn't lift a finger, I mean people not governments
I am 100% in favor of all out war

Muslim always give a open Ultimatum for war DO it

Algeria/Egypt/Iran/Pakistan/Turkey need to give an Ultimatum to this Thug !!

I don't believe in ideology lets remain quiet and keep eating our meal
while Genocide is actively taking place in Gaza

Do the right thing that needs to be done , and let Allah Decide the outcome
I am 100% in favor of all out war

Algeria/Egypt/Iran/Pakistan need to give an Ultimatum to this Thug !!
Suddenly Algeria has spawned as a new character in this fantasy 🤣🤣

It's not even funny

In this scenario, do you watch or participate 🙄
As a Muslim I have great respect for Algeria and Iran now


Need to step it up a notch

Whole Muslim world is looking toward you

May Allah Give guidance to our Head of states or Army in this difficult time to help the people in Gaza

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