Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

IDF rescues Israeli-Bedouin hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi from Hamas captivity in southern Gaza​

The IDF said they had already gathered some intelligence from Alkadi, both in the field and at Soroka Medical Center.​

By YONAH JEREMY BOBAUGUST 27, 2024 15:23Updated: AUGUST 27, 2024 18:00

 Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi arrives via IDF helicopter to Soroka Medical center. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)'S UNIT)

Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi arrives via IDF helicopter to Soroka Medical center.(photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF and the Shin Bet on Tuesday early afternoon rescued Israeli-Bedouin hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi from southern Gaza, who was held by Hamas since October 7 from Mivtachim in the South.

The operation was led by Division 162, Brigade 401, the Nahal Brigade. Yahalom anti-tunnel special forces, along with the Shayetet 13 naval commandos.

Alkadi, age 52, from Rahat, is a father to 11 children.

Alkadi is healthy and is undergoing further health checks at Soroka Medical Center.

The IDF said that they had already gathered some intelligence from Alkadi both in the field and at Soroka.

 Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi reunited with his family at Soroka Medical Center after over 300 days of captivity. (credit: screenshot via X/ section 27a copyright act)
Enlrage image
Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi reunited with his family at Soroka Medical Center after over 300 days of captivity. (credit: screenshot via X/ section 27a copyright act)
IDF Chief Spokesman Daniel Hagari refused to share any details about the battle to free the hostage and how many Hamas forces it confronted, potentially suggesting that there are additional goals that may be achieved on an ongoing basis later Tuesday.

Questioned whether Alkadi partially succeeded in escaping on his own, though with later aid by the IDF, Hagari did not deny the possibility but did not confirm it and warned about informational security.

It is the fourth successful operation to rescue live Israeli hostages from Hamas, though there have been several successful operations finding and returning dozens of bodies of hostages killed by Hamas.

He is the eighth live hostage rescued from Gaza, which brings the number of remaining hostages down to 108 from an original round of 250.

Alkadi is the first live hostage to be rescued from a tunnel, with all prior live hostage rescues taking place above ground.
Most likely release by Hamas on humanitarian grounds, all hostages are at the mercy of Hamas.
Disturbing news of rape / Torture spreading on social media with respect to Israeli Army [these are quite disturbing news]
-Psychological Weapon-

The news of Bombing of mosques is , of course captured in video
and desecration of Quran as well

These are all "War" Crimes

American support for Israel is Religious fundamentalism it's taught in their churches (perotestant church/evangelicals - this branch was invented in year 1500, it's not even a real Religion from Jesus time), if they (the old politicians in USA) want to go to heaven and Israel is their ticket to heaven that is why there is "Blind" madman support
  • The brain wash is so strong , they think route to heaven is after blood spilling of 40,000-180,000 Palestinians, it is illogical
  • They don't view Palestinians as Human - that is why you don't see the voices of Palestinians being visible in their News/Social outlets

They show voices of only Israel in their TV and Social outlet , because they are feeding this fundamentalist ideology the believe in.

They automatically give 100% support to Israeli criminals without even hearing the Palestinian point of view because they are Brain washed in their churches

The responsibility lies with Muslim countries - to give an
  • Ultimatum to Israel to stop these war crimes or WAR

Turkey-Eygpt - Iran - Algeria - Pakistan - IRAQ
- Syria (is weakend by war) - Jordan - Saudi Arabia
Christians have been brainwashed that Jews are their religious fathers and patrons of their religion and it starts in school.
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Backwards. As is pointed out repeatedly, if anti-Zionists laid down their arms there would be peace between Israel and its neighbors, whereas if Israel laid down its arms there would no Israel.

Take Israel somewhere else, Israel has been so monstrous and it's presence so destructive for the middle east it's impossible for the Jews to remain in the middle east, you have to go somewhere else or you will be expelled one way or the other
Backwards. As is pointed out repeatedly, if anti-Zionists laid down their arms there would be peace between Israel and its neighbors, whereas if Israel laid down its arms there would no Israel.

Israel gave the world the sadistic and inhuman murder of HIND RIJAB, a child begging for help

below you have a hamas hostage who debunked her own government lies, alive and well

You have it backwards, inverted soul.
Do you really believe your own propaganda?
Are you freaking blind????? Israel has been a utter demonic entity in the middle east for decades
It's Zionist henchmen have pushed wars across the middle east just so Jews can steal the land of the Palestinians

The Jews have crossed a red line, you done something that can't be forgiven

You got to go
He is not being serious.

He is being triumphalist.

Celebrating in a way, how little common empathy he has

This thread is a real time obituary and documenting of sadism and cruelty.

If someone opposes this then what can you possibly share in common with that person

If that's true, it's always a short and abrupt conversation. Always.

Are you freaking blind????? Israel has been a utter demonic entity in the middle east for decades
It's Zionist henchmen have pushed wars across the middle east just so Jews can steal the land of the Palestinians

The Jews have crossed a red line, you done something that can't be forgiven

You got to go

Read my post, that's what I think is appropriate
Hashimite/Hashimi clan King Of Jordan , faces revolt from own public
who are obviously pro Palestinians

Unemployment rate is 23% in Jordan , and 45% of youth
I think it is important to declare which kind of Christian she was( being) abused by Jews

Muslims get confused
  • Catholic (Christian) [Italian, Spanish, South America]
  • Orthodox (Christian) [Russia]
  • Protestant (Invented religion branch in 1500)????

The details matter now

Orthodox Jews believe in Human Rights only for Jews we are seeing example of their believes in shape of the war against Palestinians and in this case , some Christian women, when scholar have highlighted this in their research people say they are anti Semite

The ruling of Jewish court is merely reflecting the point of view of Human Rights from their views
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