Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is angelic compared to its enemies, yes?

Hamas is in Gaza

Yet in the West Bank Muslims and Christians are being hunted down and removed from their ancestral homes.

In the West Bank.

For not being Jewish.
The White House: Iran is positioning itself and preparing to launch an attack on Israel.


!!️🚨Israeli media: A difficult event and bad news coming from the Gaza Strip.

Yes the most cross dressed army on the planet.

What's your obsession with female panties? Why are your soldiers compelled to rummage through destroyed homes looking for panties?

It's really much worse, a baby element is involved here

It's at the point I do not think they can try and explain it

So they hang around looking for a loophole

Ignore atrocity

Ignore the next one

Ignore the one after

Then the next one

Oh wait....i think I can score a point

I think it is important to declare which kind of Christian she was being abused by Jews
  • Cahtholic (Christian)
  • Orthodox (Christian)
  • Protestant (Invented religion branch in 1500)
The details matter now
Orthodox Jews believe in Human Rights only for Jews we are seeing example of their believes in shape of the war against Palestinians and in this case , some Christian women

This reminds me of my encounter with a lady who was on my college campus here in America for some outdoor event through 'Jews for Jesus'. They were distributing pamphlets to students. I approached them. A little conversation started. Apparently, they were Jews who were supporting Jesus and I think are considered heretics by most Jews. Anyway, she asked me who Jesus was. She probably thought I was Hindu (well, most Americans can't tell foreigners apart). I replied 'Jesus was a Prophet'. She immediately said 'Then you must be Muslim'. Hahahah!

Some days later a Jewish professor took me to a synagogue upon my request. It was a nice peaceful gathering and from the little Arabic I know, I picked up a few words from their prayers and told them those words--I dont know what their language was: Hebrew or something like that. They were pleasantly surprised. At a table, I found a beautiful young woman staring at me. Marriage material for a young man like me then. Yeah, I would have approached her. I don't care about people's faith to the point of changing them; my own wife is a Southern Baptist. At the table, I mentioned my recent encounter with the 'Jews for Jesus' lady. One of the guys at the table said 'Oh, they! They are heretics!' [or imposter].

@Solomon2 and @Davey Crockett especially might find this interesting account of true personal story.
A picture of Sergeant Yivam Cohen a few days ago after storming a house in the Gaza Strip... and yesterday his head was separated from his body by a Qassami sniper, just as he did on the doll shown in the picture.



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