Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Americans are begging their illegitimate child.

US continues push for ceasefire despite Israeli vow to fight Hezbollah with ‘full force’

The US said an international call for a ceasefire was co-ordinated with Israel, despite its apparent rejection by Israeli officials.

Resistance force of Palestine/Lebanon needs bigger yield bombs in order to level the playing field

The war head should be of similar size which Israel uses so they will also feel some punch

Looking at images it appears Israel is using high weight war heads vs the rockets which Resistance force of Palestine carry
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The Americans are begging their illegitimate child.

US continues push for ceasefire despite Israeli vow to fight Hezbollah with ‘full force’

The US said an international call for a ceasefire was co-ordinated with Israel, despite its apparent rejection by Israeli officials.

It’s a game for naive tools in Muslim countries who cheer for USA.
The Americans seeking a halt to conflict:

Israel secures $8.7bn US military aid packagepublished at 18:28 British Summer Time​

18:28 BST​

Israel's Ministry of Defense (IMoD) has announced it has secured an $8.7bn (£6.5bn) US aid package to support its current military campaigns.

In a statement, IMoD says the package includes $3.5bn for "essential wartime procurement", which has already been transferred, and $5.2bn for air defence systems such as the Iron Dome, David's Sling and an advanced laser system.

IMoD adds that negotiating this package underscores the US government's "ironclad commitment to Israel's security", particularly in addressing "regional security threats from Iran and Iranian-backed militias by ensuring Israel's overall capabilities".

Seems like you have exposed the Rats and Rat Masters

Would be nice to know the weight difference between what Israel uses in their drop Bombs vs the Stuff Resistance fighters use in Palestine

Looking at pictures it feels like the Palestinians/Lebanon resistance has weapons with smaller yield

As Israel actively censors many images of their losses
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10 years ago people of Syria were being evacuated or becoming Refugee , a very lovely country was destroyed

By outside interference, various factions controlled from outside

The one aspect which ended the intrusion was after Russia arrived in Syria with SAM systems

A similar intervention might be needed to arm up Lebanon
An interesting example of how the Zionists portray themselves as victims, women, Westerns and even as Americans! Screen caps from the current front pages of the Times of Israel and NY Times [NY Times is a subtle Zionist mouthpiece!].

NY Times. The story is about the displaced Israelis from Israel's north. How thoughtfully it is juxtaposed with the stories about the conflict with Hezbollah. Displaced white women in Western clothes.

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And the one below is from the Times of Square showing Netanyahu in some Churchillesque manner, standing in rain, a little haggard as, presumably, his blonde wife looking at him--like the American Presidents' wives do as the Mr. President makes public appearances!!!
No wonder the Americans, who already far too detached from the conflicts in a far away lands, keep falling for such gimmicks, done by a leeching presence in their midst!

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I just can't get over the mimicking of the American Presidents appearances especially by the woman next to him!! Just look and compare with how American Presidents have their ladies around them looking at them as if a mama looking at her son making a 4th grade speech!
Netanyahu is the wanna-be Churchill of the Middle East. He brings up Churchill and FDR etc during his speeches but conveniently leaves out the Soviets/Russians, who were the real liberator of the Jews from Hitler and who gave the most shelter to Jews during/after World War II, because the Russians are moving away now. How ingrateful!
This guy is vile. The vilest creature of our time! PS. I have bookmarked my own quoted post!
10 years ago people of Syria were being evacuated or becoming Refugee , a very lovely country was destroyed

By outside interference, various factions controlled from outside

The one aspect which ended the intrusion was after Russia arrived in Syria with SAM systems

A similar intervention might be needed to arm up Lebanon

This is a lesson for every country that lack a sophisticated Air Force. Atleast develop SAM systems. You dont need creme de la creme starte of the art system. Better develop something simple and good enough that you can also make them yourself in large quantities.

If you can launch and aim 30 cheap profuced SAM against a moving target, 29 of those SAMs may miss the target, but only 1 hitting is intended target is enough.

If those 50 SAMs together cost 5 million dollar can take down 1 single aircraft worth 50-100 million, then you will eventually deplete and cripple your opponent.
No wonder Israel and US already mentioned ceasefire with Hezbollah already...barely more than a month of intense fighting (with no ground forces part of the fighting). With Israel and Ukraine's MICs both damaged and almost non-existent (respectively), the US MIC will continue to work its magic by supplying both of them with all the weapons they can't manufacture for themselves, this will be very interesting to watch!
No wonder Israel and US already mentioned ceasefire with Hezbollah already...barely more than a month of intense fighting (with no ground forces part of the fighting). With Israel and Ukraine's MICs both damaged and almost non-existent (respectively), the US MIC will continue to work its magic by supplying both of them with all the weapons they can't manufacture for themselves, this will be very interesting to watch!
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Hah? Any ceasefire would be the ceasefire offered to Hezbollah already offered on October 8, 2023. A ceasefire between Hezbollah-Israel would be a trap!! Hezbollah's terms from Day One was to have a ceasefire IF Israel stop its slaughter in Gaza.
Please you all: Watch this carefully!


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