Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The difference is that the elderly woman is clearly 100% innocent.
and so are all the Palestinians children and and citizens Israel has detained and jailed over the past few decades- do you lack empathy for them? at least acknowledge them or else that explains your warped one- sided/support the wrong side argument here.
And the West Bank arrested people are not.
now your bias comes out- how can they not be innocent when iSrael is afraid to try them in court because it knows it can't convict them and hence it will need to release them? Neo-nazi state!
The difference is that the elderly woman is clearly 100% innocent.

And the West Bank arrested people are not.
My friends wife is Palestinian - her grandparents were blown up in their apartment. They were both in their 70s - they too were 100% innocent.
Is their blood different? Are some humans MORE equal than other humans in your colourful eyes?
If there is any silver lining in this horrendous conflict - is that Israel no longer has blue eyes in the views of Millennials and Gen Z of the west.. and they along with their supporters within the west are furious and aching about it. This also has impacted center and left Israelis who are seeing the horrors of a disproportionate response and it will come back on Bibi hence his want to keep the conflict perpetual.
If there is any silver lining in this horrendous conflict - is that Israel no longer has blue eyes in the views of Millennials and Gen Z of the west.. and they along with their supporters within the west are furious and aching about it. This also has impacted center and left Israelis who are seeing the horrors of a disproportionate response and it will come back on Bibi hence his want to keep the conflict perpetual.

Yup, and this is why the icj case is really really important, for the future.

It's also the only arena where Israel are on the back foot.

So in my view, people of good will should really really get smart and pay attention to it.
If there is any silver lining in this horrendous conflict - is that Israel no longer has blue eyes in the views of Millennials and Gen Z of the west.. and they along with their supporters within the west are furious and aching about it. This also has impacted center and left Israelis who are seeing the horrors of a disproportionate response and it will come back on Bibi hence his want to keep the conflict perpetual.
Netanyahu gambled on the standard western white response. He would propagate - civilians beheaded - innocent raped - civilians looted and venomous other deeds. The west are squirming and clearly feeling restless. Can’t publicly slap Israel - that would be a public sign of revolt - especially when they own congress.
Please do have a thought for the muslamic world silence - Turkey voicing great concern and rabid verbal attacks on Israel but not stopping the oil freely running from the pipelines.
All I can say is that thank God no white people were killed in Gaza.

Otherwise we would all be wearing black armbands and have to observe two minutes silence.
Netanyahu gambled on the standard western white response. He would propagate - civilians beheaded - innocent raped - civilians looted and venomous other deeds. The west are squirming and clearly feeling restless. Can’t publicly slap Israel - that would be a public sign of revolt - especially when they own congress.
Please do have a thought for the muslamic world silence - Turkey voicing great concern and rabid verbal attacks on Israel but not stopping the oil freely running from the pipelines.
Neither do the Saudis nor anyone else - because they have realized something:

The still cannot control the stability of their country(ies) because the west controls many elements and methods to topple them which is why they will play the cards they can without losing out the 20 year outlook they have.
Saudi-UAE plans to abandon Palestinians exposed

Some of the points he raises:
- Saudis now talk about accepting things that 'make life easier for Palestinians' in exchange for recognising Israel, not about a Palestinian state
- European diplomats were shocked that Saudi diplomats do not raise Gaza in conversations, and the European diplomats have to raise Gaza instead
- Saudi Arabia is putting pressure on Jordan to transfer custodianship of Al Asqa masjid to Saudi Arabia and UAE
- Kufiyas and any sign of pro-Palestine solidarity banned at hajj / in public events in Saudi Arabia

What he says sounds very credible. The Saudi's and UAE seem to have created an Axis with the apartheid state. As they say, the birds of a feather flock together.
All I can say is that thank God no white people were killed in Gaza.

Otherwise we would all be wearing black armbands and have to observe two minutes silence.
There probably were - but many outlets will ignore it because they have been "asked to" - its not conspiracy so much as control. See what is happening to US Universities.

At the end of the day - Muslims failed to understand - IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID! Make your people happier - create the system to help them prosper and it would work. Instead, Muslim leaders and even the social strata built around them are all COMPLETELY OK with letting gutters overflow so long as they can entice the ones suffering to say "death to XYZ".

As for Hamas - the old Sardarji and parrot on a place joke best applies to them.

Screenshot 2024-01-14 215915.png

Protestors attending the rally, who filed into the square past bag searches, barricades and police and security officers, held posters that bore the faces of those who were taken hostage, and others that read “100 days in hell”. Some brandished Iranian flags, depicting a sun and lion in the centre, which one man said represented opposition to the Iranian government.

A right bizarre bunch who seem to show up everywhere with these old Iranian flags.

All I can say is that thank God no white people were killed in Gaza.

Otherwise we would all be wearing black armbands and have to observe two minutes silence.

White journalists have died a lot.

Did you forget the Christians snipered from the church.

A new atrocity replaces the previous one.
Yes over the years there have been some prominent killings.

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