Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

what you call this, precision strike ?


Well this certainly disproves the theory that limiting a country to only fighter jets (ie refusing medium/heavy bomber sale requests) so they won't cause widespread destruction...doesn't work.
I really don’t want to play this game there have been many instances of Israeli force’s killing intentionally and unintentionally elderly honestly one of my favorite and saddest moments of idf cruelty they tied and bound a Palestinian in the West Bank left him there and he died from a heart attack not fake news but happened, im not here saying Hamas is without blame in this conflict but many in the idf are no saints and pretty much everyone in the Israeli government is disgusting and outright evil again you just have to listen their remarks and their actions.
I forgot to add those soldiers who killed that elderly man like all other instances of idf killing innocent Palestinians be it young or old got away with either light slap on wrist or nothing at all………don’t get us all starting with settlers I personally agree I don’t think all Israelis or Jewish people are demonic but damn the ones who are in control make up for all the evil and self righteousness for any normal Israeli @BHAN85
That elderly man that they left to die after beating him was a family member. He was coming home after playing cards. They stopped him, zip tied him, beat him, blindfolded him, and left him to die after he had a heart attack. He was also an US citizen so they are targeting anyone including Us citizens.
That elderly man that they left to die after beating him was a family member. He was coming home after playing cards. They stopped him, zip tied him, beat him, blindfolded him, and left him to die after he had a heart attack. He was also an US citizen so they are targeting anyone including Us citizens.
Yes I know, i didn’t know you were Palestinian I’m from dar abed bireh
Correct. But if you read our esteemed Moderator's logic, he is clearly implying it was Hamas who started this conflict AND implying war is unfair blah blah. And said to see even an otherwise sane Moderator like @RescueRanger often 'Likes' this guy and even partially agrees with him.
That Moderator was an apologist of the American NeoCons in the old PDF and he remains so, while doing lip-service to the civilian losses in Gaza.
There is no moral equivalence between the Gazans and the Israelis: Gazans, if they don't violently resist, are history along with Palestine!
Oct 7. was a huge escalation, sure it was bad before, but people weren't being slaughtered in thousands.

People who were cheering on that day are crying ever since.

I personally expected a more swift operation by Israel but they decided to slowly bleed Gaza, which is actually worse. Many more thousands will die.
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Oct 7. was a huge escalation, sure it was bad before, but people weren't being slaughtered in thousands.

People who were cheering on that day are crying ever since.

I personally expected a more swift operation by Israel but they decided to slowly bleed Gaza, which is actually worse. Many more thousands will die.
Well I don’t know if your saying the Palestinians deserved this collective destruction of society or not kind of weird how you stated but I’m going to step away from it because it could be you chose your wording wrong, I may not agree with some of things that happened on October 7 yes killing of any civilian is wrong be it Muslim Christian Jew or whatever, I totally agree with the military attacks of army bases that are putting a chokehold on Gaza if they had stayed just attacking military targets the support Israelis got to destroy gaza wouldn’t have manifested.
Well I don’t know if your saying the Palestinians deserved this collective destruction of society or not kind of weird how you stated but I’m going to step away from it because it could be you chose your wording wrong, I may not agree with some of things that happened on October 7 yes killing of any civilian is wrong be it Muslim Christian Jew or whatever, I totally agree with the military attacks of army bases that are putting a chokehold on Gaza if they had stayed just attacking military targets the support Israelis got to destroy gaza wouldn’t have manifested.
they would have portrayed it as a massive terrorist attack equivalent to 1 million 9/11s with invented stories about beheadings and rapes no matter what
Everything else has failed, Israel is being condemned across the world, this is the last roll of the dice to try and control the border with Egypt to trap the Palestinians

If the Egyptians were any kind of men they would act
The Philadelphia Corridor is becoming a flash point in this conflict. Israelis have been careful in not directly blaming Egypt thus far but the support the Gazans got to enable them to confront Israel for this long couldn't have been possible without complicity from Egyptians--official or not. it is possible, if not likely, that Egypt is going to do something against Israel over the Corridor. It is something to pay attention to!!

There probably were - but many outlets will ignore it because they have been "asked to" - its not conspiracy so much as control. See what is happening to US Universities.
At the end of the day - Muslims failed to understand - IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID! Make your people happier - create the system to help them prosper and it would work. Instead, Muslim leaders and even the social strata built around them are all COMPLETELY OK with letting gutters overflow so long as they can entice the ones suffering to say "death to XYZ".
As for Hamas - the old Sardarji and parrot on a place joke best applies to them.
Not just Muslims--just about everyone--from Indo China to Latin America to Africa to even Ukraine have been victims of the warmongering Neo Cons. Muslims are in a sharp relief because they hug the rich global north from the western shores of Africa to Pakistan/Afghanistan. That's a very large region!! It is like tectonic plates colliding!!
Oct 7. was a huge escalation, sure it was bad before, but people weren't being slaughtered in thousands.
People who were cheering on that day are crying ever since.
I personally expected a more swift operation by Israel but they decided to slowly bleed Gaza, which is actually worse. Many more thousands will die.

I wonder what would you say when the Gazans would be marching in Gaza City in some weeks or months, like Hezbollah did in 2006?
they would have portrayed it as a massive terrorist attack equivalent to 1 million 9/11s with invented stories about beheadings and rapes no matter what
I disagree same with 9/11 if they had stuck with military targets pentagon and stayed away from civilian targets international sympathy wouldn’t have been there, people would have said to the Israelis it is your policies that caused this, attacking a legitimate target like an army base instead of killing kids getting high on x in a rave would have been a different outcome.
I actually got this definition from google basically what I was saying about striking legitimate military targets alone versus a mixture of the both.
Typical for terrorists is to attack civilian and non-combatant targets; if terrorists would focus on military targets only, they would not be labelled terrorists but insurgents, guerrilla fighters, rebels, partisans, or perhaps resistance fighters

Hamas at one time had my respect for being resistance group that wanted to liberate Palestine but now it’s just like every other group who attains a certain level of power they don’t wish to relinquish that said power for the benefit of Palestine they have lost their way not the small group that had ideals, not saying all of them are like that but many on top are like that
Imran Khan tried to get us out of Saudi and GCC Arabs influence and make more independent relations with states like turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc and that got Imran Khan removed the same way Morsi was and got a nuclear capable nation of 240 million stuck in a hole

GCC whores.

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