Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Stop with the BS, your settlements are illegal under international law.

Only for the West Bank Zone C case.... while you demand whole Israel land as yours.
We are still waiting evidence from you regarding your claim thousands of Palestinian hostage kept by Israel.

Yes, you are oppressing and I’ve given you sources for your apartheid from your own human rights organizations in Israel (btselem). I am not gonna to keep playing this circle game with you after I’ve debated you and cited many evidence. Go through our conversations , if you have a small memory and can’t think back a few days.

And I know you keep rehashing the same crap just because you have nothing new to say. You have been humiliated every time like it’s child play.

But the fact UN / ICJ can't accept your accusation which is based on your own expectation and considered unrealistic.
Only for the West Bank Zone C case.... while you demand whole Israel land as yours.

UN / ICJ can't accept your accusation which is based on your own expectation and considered unrealistic.
That is false, you practice apartheid in the entire area and have many discriminatory laws for “Arab” Israelis.

This is not my accusations, they are illegal under international law.

Do you have anything new to add or are you gonna rehash the same crap again and again and again?
You have to give them time to fabricate evidence, it's not easy you know-"so where are those supposed killings from their body cams?"
They keep repeating the same nonsense after you refute them, it’s like walking in circles. I’m gonna have to start bookmarking our conversations so I just give them the link to our previous conversations.
We are still waiting evidence from you regarding your claim thousands of Palestinian hostage kept by Israel.

Even they say over 2,000 without charge or trial. Not to mention thousands more who have been falsely charged because you know you are a racist colonizer state.
That is false, you practice apartheid in the entire area and have many discriminatory laws for “Arab” Israelis.

This is not my accusations, they are illegal under international law.

Do you have anything new to add or are you gonna rehash the same crap again and again and again?

We need evidences... not one sided accusations.

UN/ICJ never agree with your one sided accusations.
We need evidences... not one sided accusations.

UN/ICJ never agree with your one sided accusations.
You are the one making one sided accusations. When I replied to you, you didn’t have anything about hostages because you edit your reply. I just sent another reply.

Look above for the hostages you have in your jail on last reply.

This is for illegal settlements and human rights violations.

Need more sources?

Israeli human rights organizations. From their mouth….
You are the one making one sided accusations. When I replied to you, you didn’t have anything about hostages because you edit your reply. I just sent another reply.

Thats why we need evidence based on UN resolution or ICJ verdict.

Look above for the hostages you have in your jail on last reply.

This is for illegal settlements and human rights violations.

Need more sources?

Israeli human rights organizations. From their mouth….

OK. The hostages from various occasions different from their latest attack after 7th Oct.


Neutrality of HRW as NGO is also questionable.
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I’ve heard reports of Indians going onto the frontline and being killed.
Could you please share these reports? A few Israelis of Indian descent were reported to have been killed, but there is no frikking way that Indians can travel to Israel to fight.
Thats why we need evidence based on UN resolution or ICJ verdict.

OK. The hostages from various occasions different from their latest attack after 7th Oct.

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Neutrality of HRW as NGO is questionable.
You ask for sources I provided you sources even your own human rights calling you apartheid. Stop wasting my time

You reply to me with a picture of what and who? What source is this ? Every source saying you are a criminal state you are going to ignore and claim
Well this certainly disproves the theory that limiting a country to only fighter jets (ie refusing medium/heavy bomber sale requests) so they won't cause widespread destruction...doesn't work.
well I believe f-15 can double as medium bomber
You ask for sources I provided you sources even your own human rights calling you apartheid. Stop wasting my time

It is accusation from an NGO named HR Watch, and their neutrality and credibility has been questioned by NGO monitor.

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Then she need to help South Africa in ICJ by bringing evidence to prove the carpet bombing really happened - against Israel rebuttal.
lol there is no need for that already there is enough evidence of indiscriminate bombing , targetting hospitals , attacking unarmed civilian , targetting reporters attacking schools and .....
It is accusation from an NGO named HR Watch, and their neutrality and credibility is being questioned by NGO monitor.

lol ok whatever you say.

What about your own human rights Btselem calling you apartheid? You gonna try to discredit them too?

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We, as global citizens, have witnessed with horror and despair as some members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have supported or even actively engaged in acts of genocide. The power of veto, held by a select few nations within this council, has been used not as a tool for justice but as an umbrella to protect their interests and inflame conflicts. This undemocratic practice undermines global peace and security.

The UNSC's failure to prevent or thwart genocides is a stark betrayal of the values that our civilised world holds dear. The heart-wrenching scenes from genocides around the globe are etched into our collective memory - bloodshed, cruelty and barbarity that could have been stopped in their early stages if not for the UNSC's ineffectiveness.

This personal trauma shared by many worldwide is further exacerbated by witnessing how these so-called superpowers are either supporting or actively engaged in such atrocities themselves. This has brought disrepute upon the entire United Nations organisation and turmoil around the globe

It is time for change. It is time for us to demand that no nation within the UN should hold veto power which undermines democracy and threatens global peace. It is time we call upon the United Nations General Assembly to vote on disbanding this ineffective Security Council.

You are all urged to demand a more democratic and effective system within our international community - one that truly upholds peace and prevents atrocities rather than enabling them.
Enlighten us please ... give us the credible source about it, coz we dont know yet about it.
as of 2022 there was 450 Palestinian in administrative detention without right of a trial without even being charged beside several thousands in prison
some of them in administrative detention are several years in prison without being charged

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