Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I disagree same with 9/11 if they had stuck with military targets pentagon and stayed away from civilian targets international sympathy wouldn’t have been there, people would have said to the Israelis it is your policies that caused this, attacking a legitimate target like an army base instead of killing kids getting high on x in a rave would have been a different outcome.
Other than Israeli sources, there is no evidence of civilians being killed by Hamas.
I actually got this definition from google basically what I was saying about striking legitimate military targets alone versus a mixture of the both.
Typical for terrorists is to attack civilian and non-combatant targets; if terrorists would focus on military targets only, they would not be labelled terrorists but insurgents, guerrilla fighters, rebels, partisans, or perhaps resistance fighters

Hamas at one time had my respect for being resistance group that wanted to liberate Palestine but now it’s just like every other group who attains a certain level of power they don’t wish to relinquish that said power for the benefit of Palestine they have lost their way not the small group that had ideals, not saying all of them are like that but many on top are like that
What are you trying to say about Hamas?
Hamas has every right to resist an occupier and oppressor. There are many factions that took part on October 7. Hamas is well trained and focused on military targets. Did some people from smaller groups take advantage of situation and did cruel things? Possibly yes, and I do not condone them.

What proof do they have hamas did what they are saying? Like the 40 beheaded babies? Like false claims of raping women?

They even admitted to killing their own people. They did not differentiate between Hamas and civilians. Many testimonies of their own people claimed they were shot st by their own military. How many civilian were killed by their own hands? How many were killed by resistance fighters?

Did they not say, they have body cam footage of dead Hamas gunmen? Where is the footage and proof of their claims? The only thing I saw was a 40+ minute video released with a black screen. Only Israel can make unsubstantiated claims and it be accepted with no evidence at all. Just false claims that have been debunked like beheaded babies.

They even claimed more dead Israelis and backtracked later on saying they were burned so bad they thought they were their own people. Does that seem like they cared to distinguish their people from Hamas?
Of course they don't want peace, what use is peace with a occupier

They want freedom and independence

Sure, well understood from your persepctive.

But you can't complain if/when Israel continue warfare against Hamas as this is their right as a soverign country for self defence.
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she is UN reporter , she had access to UN personnel there and their testimonies

Then she need to help South Africa in ICJ by bringing evidence to prove the carpet bombing really happened - against Israel rebuttal.
What are you trying to say about Hamas?
Hamas has every right to resist an occupier and oppressor. There are many factions that took part on October 7. Hamas is well trained and focused on military targets. Did some people from smaller groups take advantage of situation and did cruel things? Possibly yes, and I do not condone them.

What proof do they have hamas did what they are saying? Like the 40 beheaded babies? Like false claims of raping women?

They even admitted to killing their own people. They did not differentiate between Hamas and civilians. Many testimonies of their own people claimed they were shot st by their own military. How many civilian were killed by their own hands? How many were killed by resistance fighters?

Did they not say, they have body cam footage of dead Hamas gunmen? Where is the footage and proof of their claims? The only thing I saw was a 40+ minute video released with a black screen. Only Israel can make unsubstantiated claims and it be accepted with no evidence at all. Just false claims that have been debunked like beheaded babies.

They even claimed more dead Israelis and backtracked later on saying they were burned so bad they thought they were their own people. Does that seem like they cared to distinguish their people from Hamas?
I don’t disagree with the right to resist and totally agree about the civilian death toll on the Israeli side being over exaggerated and as I said who actually killed who is debatable, but when you see Hamas officials living the high life in Qatar I have to say to their ideals have been diminished they have become autocratic and entrenched in Gaza neither they or PA are thinking about their citizens , I am 💯 for defending Palestine but it doesn’t mean I have to agree “leaders” who have stayed in power way to long.also sorry I was half asleep you have to read what statement was about what I wasn’t trying to minimizeOctober 7 one way or the other but yes if the attack was solely military stayed within the Gaza border attacks on military bases and so-called civilian defense forces this would have been seen as resistance to a military occupation,so yes if the minority of attackers hadn’t killed a few hundred civilians etc Gaza would have been battered but total invasion like this probably wouldn’t have occurred or if it did not with the support it had in the beginning and the powers that be would have ended it a lot quicker with massive gains for Hamas and Gaza
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Is deflection and changing of topic all you do? We were talking about hostages and I was explaining to you the thousands of Palestinians hostages you have in Israeli jail. The hostages you used as an excuse for genocide.

According to a recent news article, Israel believes that there are 132 hostages in Gaza, of which 112 are thought to be alive and 20 are thought to be dead 1 . The hostages include 113 men and 19 women, among them 2 children under the age of 18 and 10 over 75 years old. There are also 121 Israelis and 11 foreigners (8 Thailand, 1 Nepal, 1 Tanzania, 1 France/Mexico) 1 . The prime minister’s office considers those declared dead to still be hostages 1

How many hostages from Palestine that Israel is holding now?

What does Egypt have to do with this? By blaming Egypt, this is what you use to absolve yourself from the siege layed by you. I do not care for the corrupt Egyptian government installed by the West who overthrew Morsi to put Sisi. Flow of goods from Egypt were constantly flowing in before war alas strict control of goods. You however threatened to bomb the border crossing if any aid come in. It is you who is hampering the flow of aid by threatening to bomb anything that comes through without your ok. Egypt has been more than ready to send vital aid into Gaza.

Was Egypt working with Israeli government to put strict enforcement on goods and people coming into Gaza? Yes, like I said above that Egyptian leader is a puppet from the West who overthrew democratically elected president Morsi. You overthrow him because he was freely letting in goods or whatever Gaza needed. This is what you do, you bomb, overthrow, etc anyone who supports Palestine.

You don't wage war against Egypt for the same reason, but you use this reason to wage war against Israel as it is one of excuse for the attack on 7th Oct 2023, because you demand Israel to loose the border with Gaza to liberate Palestine.
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According to a recent news article, Israel believes that there are 132 hostages in Gaza, of which 112 are thought to be alive and 20 are thought to be dead 1 . The hostages include 113 men and 19 women, among them 2 children under the age of 18 and 10 over 75 years old. There are also 121 Israelis and 11 foreigners (8 Thailand, 1 Nepal, 1 Tanzania, 1 France/Mexico) 1 . The prime minister’s office considers those declared dead to still be hostages 1

How many hostages from Palestine that Israel is holding now?

You don't wage war against Egypt for the same reason, but you use this reason to wage war against Israel as it is one of excuse for the attack on 7th Oct 2023, because you demand Israel to loose the border with Gaza to liberate Palestine.
You have thousands of Palestinians hostages in your jail so don’t cry about hostages. You will get yours as soon as you release ours.

Egypt is not the one stealing our land and oppressing us, are they? Not to mention Sisi is Israels dog.
I don’t disagree with the right to resist and totally agree about the civilian death toll on the Israeli side being over exaggerated and as I said who actually killed who is debatable, but when you see Hamas officials living the high life in Qatar I have to say to their ideals have been diminished they have become autocratic and entrenched in Gaza neither they or PA are thinking about their citizens , I am 💯 for defending Palestine but it doesn’t mean I have to agree “leaders” who have stayed in power way to long.also sorry I was half asleep you have to read what statement was about what I wasn’t trying to minimizeOctober 7 one way or the other but yes if the attack was solely military stayed within the Gaza border attacks on military bases and so-called civilian defense forces this would have been seen as resistance to a military occupation,so yes if the minority of attackers hadn’t killed a few hundred civilians etc Gaza would have been battered but total invasion like this probably wouldn’t have occurred or if it did not with the support it had in the beginning and the powers that be would have ended it a lot quicker with massive gains for Hamas and Gaza
What minority of attackers killed hundreds of civilians? Where is the proof of this? Apache helicopters were mowing down civilians as well as Hamas gunmen. Israeli tanks were firing at civilians also. Who killed who? Hamas had body cams so where are those supposed killings from their body cams? Let’s not kids ourselves here. I cannot speak for those leaders in Qatar but I do know Hamas have gave up their lives to fight occupation. They have lost family members,, mothers, daughters, sons, etc. Do not finish their sacrifices.

Where is the PA? what have they done besides collaborate with our occupiers?
Again like I said debatable who killed who
Then why are you making accusations without any proof of those baseless allegations?

You are falling into their propaganda to diminish our resistance against our oppressors.
i would but most of them on ignore for me, every israel apologetic here same like that or in hidden, it was not without base people request to restrict those cynical pscyhopats from the begining but mods had different approach.
Me personally i would ban every pro israel post and user from this thread, at least they should not spread here there murderous apologetic filth and depravity calling it justice and other convinient fancy words.
Anyone who supports genocide either directly or tacitly should be banned.
You have thousands of Palestinians hostages in your jail so don’t cry about hostages. You will get yours as soon as you release ours.

Enlighten us please ... give us the credible source about it, coz we dont know yet about it.

Egypt is not the one stealing our land and oppressing us, are they? Not to mention Sisi is Israels dog.

Accusation of stealing land and oppressing is subjective; you can't bring this claim to ICJ/UN as Israel existence and right to self defense is legitimate.
What minority of attackers killed hundreds of civilians? Where is the proof of this? Apache helicopters were mowing down civilians as well as Hamas gunmen. Israeli tanks were firing at civilians also. Who killed who? Hamas had body cams so where are those supposed killings from their body cams? Let’s not kids ourselves here. I cannot speak for those leaders in Qatar but I do know Hamas have gave up their lives to fight occupation. They have lost family members,, mothers, daughters, sons, etc. Do not finish their sacrifices.

Where is the PA? what have they done besides collaborate with our occupiers?
You have to give them time to fabricate evidence, it's not easy you know-"so where are those supposed killings from their body cams?"
Enlighten us please ... give us the credible source about it, coz we dont know yet about it.

Accusation of stealing land and oppressing is subjective; you can't bring this claim to ICJ/UN as Israel existence and right to self defense is legitimate.
Stop with the BS, your settlements are illegal under international law. Yes, you are oppressing and I’ve given you sources for your apartheid from your own human rights organizations in Israel (btselem). I am not gonna to keep playing this circle game with you after I’ve debated you and cited many evidence. Go through our conversations , if you have a small memory and can’t think back a few days.

And I know you keep rehashing the same crap just because you have nothing new to say. You have been humiliated every time like it’s child play.

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