Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The occupation's war on Gaza aims to annihilate and kill any chance of life there. The war is not only against humans, but also against universities, hospitals, streets, roads, and scientists.This is a list of some of the scholars, academics, and university professors who were intentionally and plannedly assassinated by the occupation


1-Professor Sufyan Tayeh
2- Professor Muhammad Eid Shabir
3-Professor Omar Farwana
4- Professor Tayseer Ibrahim
5-Professor Ibrahim Hamid Al-Astal
6-Professor Naeem Baroud
7-Professor Ezzo Afaneh
8- Professor Muhammad Bakhit
9-Professor Mahmoud Abu Duff
10-Professor Salem Abu Markham
11- Dr. Muhammad Dabour Asaad
12- Dr. Osama Al-Muzaini
13- Dr. Refaat Al-Arair
14- Dr. Wael Al-Zard
15- Dr. Ismail Abu Saada
16- Dr. Khaled Al-Ramlawi
17- Dr. Muhammad Al-Najjar
18- Dr. Saeed Al-Dahshan
19- Dr. Raed Qaddoura
20- Dr. Muhammad Abu Zour
21- Dr. Youssef Juma Salama
22- Dr. Nidaa Afana
23- Dr. Moamen Shweidah
24- Dr. Saeed Al-Badda
25- Dr. Siddiq Nassar
26- Dr. Muhammad Nassar
27- Dr. Ahmed Abu Saada
28- Dr. Jamila Al-Shanti
29- Dr. Ahmed Abu Absa
30- Dr. Muhammad Jamil Al-Zaanin
31- Dr. Ismail Al-Ghamri
32- Dr. Rizq Ali Arouq
33- Dr. Walid Al-Amoudi
34- Dr. Abdullah Al-Amoudi
35- Dr. Hassan Al-Rafid
36- Dr. Muhammad Abu Amara
37- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Louh
38- Dr. Khaled Al-Najjar
39- Dr. Sherif Al-Asali
40-University lecturer Muhammad Hassouna
41- Dr. Muhammad Abdel Ghafour
42- Dr. Hazem Al-Jamali
43- University lecturer Amin Dabour
44 - Dr. Khitam Al-Wasifi
45- Dr. Nesma Abu Shaera
46- Dr. Medhat Muhaisen
47 - Dr. Hammam Al-Louh
48- Dr. Muhammad Yahya Adwan

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500 kg semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.
Worthless... No weapon how advanced is of any worth unless it is used.
Clever move by the Israelis.

It will be much more costly for Israelis to have thousands of Indian workers instead of the local Palestinian employed but I guess Israelis will have to make do with whatever they can find--but hard to believe Indian govt is going allow its citizens to work in a war zone like that. It is a powder-keg in Palestine and things can really really blow up!

the world has to come together to stop these genocidal maniacs

in 100 days what did they achieve in Gaza? every time they claim victory in an area and withdraw, the next second Hamas is back there and firing rockets back into Israel

so what can they achieve with even 1000 days in Lebanon? only killing tens of thousands more babies.
According to Houthi Sources, a Senior Houthi Official alongside 2 Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran were Killed earlier today in a U.S. Airstrike against a Missile Launch Site in the Al-Bayda Governorate of Western Yemen.
According to Houthi Sources, a Senior Houthi Official alongside 2 Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran were Killed earlier today in a U.S. Airstrike against a Missile Launch Site in the Al-Bayda Governorate of Western Yemen.
why are we hearing this news from Houthis instead of IRGC?

Would explain this tweet:

How pathetic!!

Indian workers desperate for jobs in Israel despite war: "If it's in our destiny to die, then we can die either here or there"

Masons, painters, electricians, plumbers and some farmers said they were looking for jobs in Israel with some willing to risk going into a conflict zone because they could make five times more money in a year than they would at home​

Thousands of men queued in India's northern state of Harayana during a recruitment drive to send workers to Israel, where the offensive in Gaza, now in its fourth month, has caused a shortage of labor.
Masons, painters, electricians, plumbers and some farmers said they were looking for jobs in Israel with some willing to risk going into a conflict zone because they could make five times more money in a year than they would at home.
Disgusting! Just Disgusting! Dying for child killers.
It will be much more costly for Israelis to have thousands of Indian workers instead of the local Palestinian employed but I guess Israelis will have to make do with whatever they can find--but hard to believe Indian govt is going allow its citizens to work in a war zone like that. It is a powder-keg in Palestine and things can really really blow up!
I guess the conclusion is Indians happy to take the basic sustenance the Gazans had.

Btw, should definitely have in place the clause in work contracts not to touch Jewish women. 😐
the world has to come together to stop these genocidal maniacs
in 100 days what did they achieve in Gaza? every time they claim victory in an area and withdraw, the next second Hamas is back there and firing rockets back into Israel
so what can they achieve with even 1000 days in Lebanon? only killing tens of thousands more babies.

Israel can't achieve its most important strategic goals that it set about after October 7: Eliminate the Gazan resistance and push back Hezbollah. If Israel still pushes itself to broaden and intensify the war, with the hope of bringing in the Americans to help them, then still Israel will not be able to achieve its goals.
It is futile. It is basically over: Gaza can't be occupied or Gazans be expelled, meaning the threat from Gaza will remain. And it is up to the Americans to force Israel to a ceasefire; that would be humiliating to Israel but better than the destruction of Israel towns/infrastructure and thousands of Israelis killed.
Full map of escalations


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