Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Thats why I said they have chosen war.
Breaking Oslo accord used as excuse to do military attack mean choosing war.

Furthermore establishing settlement in West Bank Zone C cannot be considered as breaking Oslo Accord as Oslo Accord doesn't mention about forbidding building settlement, but may violate Geneve convention, even this one is still debatable.

Ethnic cleansing in Gaza is just your accusation.

No. Which of my statement saying Israel is committing genocide like Nazis?
All I says it is fatalities, similar with UK bombard Dresden in 1945.
It’s a bit rich - you attempting to talk about the Geneva convention and Oslo accord - you broken every international law on the book and now want to look at the guidance of international committees?
No one has chosen to be carpet bombed - collective punishment - being starved of water and electricity - no one has chosen genocide. The fantasy of wiping out the Palestinian people has guzzumped all of humanity.
Your last comment - please don’t le and be selective. I saw what you edited yesterday. You accepted genocide was being committed - just the statistical figures were different. Don’t attempt to lie again - it’s something I object to. You know what you posted and so do I.
Are you this senile?

No we do NOT choose war. War has been chosen for us by our colonizers.

How can we live in peace with someone who arrest and kills our people with impunity?

How can we live in peace with someone who demolished our homes yet builds illegal settlements on our land?

THIS IS NOT A DEMAND. Stopping illegal settlements is the first step into a real initiative for peace. This has not happened even with Oslo. This shows the true intent of Israel and their fake peace process to steal land.

People says this kind of excuse/rhetoric is usually used by a terrorist to justify their terror attack.

You are not robot, you are human with free will; and nobody force you to do 7th Oct attack except your own desire /idealism, not your enemy, except they know you are much stronger than them.

It’s a bit rich - you attempting to talk about the Geneva convention and Oslo accord - you broken every international law on the book and now want to look at the guidance of international committees?
No one has chosen to be carpet bombed - collective punishment - being starved of water and electricity - no one has chosen genocide. The fantasy of wiping out the Palestinian people has guzzumped all of humanity.
Your last comment - please don’t le and be selective. I saw what you edited yesterday. You accepted genocide was being committed - just the statistical figures were different. Don’t attempt to lie again - it’s something I object to. You know what you posted and so do I.

You need to check whether the accusation you used are already well accepted fact in the first place.
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If you don't take care of Palestinians than stop your terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah they are hurting innocent Palestinian and if you so much pain for Palestinian cause why don't attack Tel Aviv by your so called MIGHTY BMs you're giving empty warnings to Israel and USA lol

You keep repeating the same old lie of Hamas hurting Palestinians without evidence. There would have been no Palestine without the resistance, Greater Israel would have been a real thing. "Why doesn't Pakistan nuke Israel?" "Pakistan has a stronger army, why doesn't it do more than Iran?". See, I can make low level troll comments as well. Iran has killed more Israelis than all Muslim countries combined. Now I asked you a question, where do YOU lie in that hadeeth and where does Iran?
So you denounce Oslo Peace Accord?

Which war that Israel started after Oslo accord? and what make you justifying attacking and killing civilians in festival 7th Oct?

Invaders need to go back. She is all we care about
People says this kind of excuse/rhetoric is usually used by a terrorist to justify their terror attack.

You are not robot, you are human with free will; and nobody force you to do 7th Oct attack except your own desire /idealism, not your enemy, except they know you are much stronger than them.

You need to check whether the accusation you used are already well accepted fact in the first place.
We did not choose to be colonized. This did not start on October 7, this has been going on for over 75 years.

You completely ignore my statement about a real peace initiative will be only achieved by stopping illegal settlements. You love to make excuses for Israel’s genocidal actions.
You keep repeating the same old lie of Hamas hurting Palestinians without evidence. There would have been no Palestine without the resistance, Greater Israel would have been a real thing. "Why doesn't Pakistan nuke Israel?" "Pakistan has a stronger army, why doesn't it do more than Iran?". See, I can make low level troll comments as well. Iran has killed more Israelis than all Muslim countries combined. Now I asked you a question, where do YOU lie in that hadeeth and where does Iran?
How do we even know he is Pakistani? Even if he is, he doesn’t speak for all Pakistanis. Sheep are in every country, he is just another sheep.

He is also just trying to instigate Iranians against Pakistanis and vice versa. Please ignore him.
We did not choose to be colonized. This did not start on October 7, this has been going on for over 75 years.

You completely ignore my statement about a real peace initiative will be only achieved by stopping illegal settlements. You love to make excuses for Israel’s genocidal actions.

You repeat again and again the same that has been answered.

You are not robot and nobody force to start attack except your own desire/idealism.
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Human shielding is killing civilianz..... a lot.

Why building tunnels under Hospitals and hiding there?

Human shield is a myth by the zionists who are on film using Palestinians as shields at gun point. It's not Hamas fault Israel willfully targets houses and refuge camps. They're on record telling civilians to go to an area as a safe haven, and then bombing them...thats all on Israel. There's no hamas in West Bank, but people are getting killed there still? Tunnels that Israel built? All fingers keep pointing back to Israel it seems. Why doesn't Israel go down in the tunnels and fight man to man instead of committing genocide? Israeli Diaper Force!
You repeat again and again the same that has been answered.

You are not robot and nobody force to start attack except your own desire/idealism.
No you have not answered because I clearly outlined to you the sham of peace negotiations. It is a sham when one sides claims to want to negotiate but is just using it to buy time to steal more land.

If you want peace , maybe you should stop illegal settlements first. You don’t though because then you can’t steal more land then.
Human shield is a myth by the zionists who are on film using Palestinians as shields at gun point. It's not Hamas fault Israel willfully targets houses and refuge camps. They're on record telling civilians to go to an area as a safe haven, and then bombing them...thats all on Israel. There's no hamas in West Bank, but people are getting killed there still? Tunnels that Israel built? All fingers keep pointing back to Israel it seems. Why doesn't Israel go down in the tunnels and fight man to man instead of committing genocide? Israeli Diaper Force!
He is only here to just make excuses for genocide. He is not here to debate in good faith. The only thing these people know is Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. This is what they will use to justify their genocides. When there is oppression, there will always be resistance. If it wasn’t Hamas or Hezbollah, it would be another group who are tired of being subjected.

An oppressor and an oppressed people can never be at peace. They will only be peace when everyone is giving their rights.
He is only here to just make excuses for genocide. He is not here to debate in good faith. The only thing these people know is Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. This is what they will use to justify their genocides. When there is oppression, there will always be resistance. If it wasn’t Hamas or Hezbollah, it would be another group who are tired of being subjected.

An oppressor and an oppressed people can never be at peace. They will only be peace when everyone is giving their rights.

This is why jihad fi sabeel Allah is prescribed. I dont give a damn about the beliefs and methodology of atheists and non-Muslims, those who have eeman and take their religion seriously know that there is a time for peace, when the other side is sincere and genuine, and a time for war like now.
This is why jihad fi sabeel Allah is prescribed. I dont give a damn about the beliefs and methodology of atheists and non-Muslims, those who have eeman and take their religion seriously know that there is a time for peace, when the other side is sincere and genuine, and a time for war like now.
Unfortunately, we have spineless leaders who act with our oppressors. How many Muslim countries must be attacked and how many Muslims must be killed for them to wake up? I guess they refuse to believe that they will be next in line.
The occupation's war on Gaza aims to annihilate and kill any chance of life there. The war is not only against humans, but also against universities, hospitals, streets, roads, and scientists.This is a list of some of the scholars, academics, and university professors who were intentionally and plannedly assassinated by the occupation


1-Professor Sufyan Tayeh
2- Professor Muhammad Eid Shabir
3-Professor Omar Farwana
4- Professor Tayseer Ibrahim
5-Professor Ibrahim Hamid Al-Astal
6-Professor Naeem Baroud
7-Professor Ezzo Afaneh
8- Professor Muhammad Bakhit
9-Professor Mahmoud Abu Duff
10-Professor Salem Abu Markham
11- Dr. Muhammad Dabour Asaad
12- Dr. Osama Al-Muzaini
13- Dr. Refaat Al-Arair
14- Dr. Wael Al-Zard
15- Dr. Ismail Abu Saada
16- Dr. Khaled Al-Ramlawi
17- Dr. Muhammad Al-Najjar
18- Dr. Saeed Al-Dahshan
19- Dr. Raed Qaddoura
20- Dr. Muhammad Abu Zour
21- Dr. Youssef Juma Salama
22- Dr. Nidaa Afana
23- Dr. Moamen Shweidah
24- Dr. Saeed Al-Badda
25- Dr. Siddiq Nassar
26- Dr. Muhammad Nassar
27- Dr. Ahmed Abu Saada
28- Dr. Jamila Al-Shanti
29- Dr. Ahmed Abu Absa
30- Dr. Muhammad Jamil Al-Zaanin
31- Dr. Ismail Al-Ghamri
32- Dr. Rizq Ali Arouq
33- Dr. Walid Al-Amoudi
34- Dr. Abdullah Al-Amoudi
35- Dr. Hassan Al-Rafid
36- Dr. Muhammad Abu Amara
37- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Louh
38- Dr. Khaled Al-Najjar
39- Dr. Sherif Al-Asali
40-University lecturer Muhammad Hassouna
41- Dr. Muhammad Abdel Ghafour
42- Dr. Hazem Al-Jamali
43- University lecturer Amin Dabour
44 - Dr. Khitam Al-Wasifi
45- Dr. Nesma Abu Shaera
46- Dr. Medhat Muhaisen
47 - Dr. Hammam Al-Louh
48- Dr. Muhammad Yahya Adwan

Clear genocidal attempt, decapitate peoples elite individuals in order to disperse collective populations easier in future and deprive them of social fabric needed for prosperous society.
Same serbs did to us.
I wish Indians that support Israel like crazy would take a step back, overlook their hatred for Pakistan/muslims and try to think rationally. The zionists and Israeli's think very low of Indians, they are racist people. They will use indians and if they start to work in that apartheid state they will be used and abused openly. The Indians who are hindu will also be hated by the religious jews, they will see them as idol worshipers and will get zero respect. Look how they are treating Palestinian people both muslim, christian, including non Palestinians who are not jews as well. This is a racist state which is looking more and more like Hitlers germany.

They will discover what colonialists used to think about indians.

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