Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

All you do is constantly type a reply with not even answering a single question and then you deflect to something else. Read my post again and answer my question. It’s not a hard thing to do, all you do is talk in circles.

I did and often. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

@Musings yes please ban this zio troll as he is blatantly spreading lies. Also bam some hindutva trolls who's contribution is nothing more than mock on Palestinian sufferings.

I use references.

You arguments have been disected and refuted over and over again to death.

Yes, when these arguments are repeated over and despite being refuted, then its just propaganda.

Tell a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth.

Refute with denial is not enough.
Please explain why start attack on 7th Oct cannot be said as intention of war?
You arguments have been disected and refuted over and over again to death.

Yes, when these arguments are repeated over and despite being refuted, then its just propaganda.

Tell a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth.
Yes, time and time again people have exposed all his nonsense. I wish I could put a face to this foolishness. It’s just as bad for someone to spread lies to make excuses from genocide as Israel is for committing it.
I did and often. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

I use references.

Refute with denial is not enough.
Please explain why start attack on 7th Oct cannot be said as intention of war?
You are talking in circles again. This did not happen on October 7, this has been going on for over 75 years.

I already explain to use oslo and how Israel never fulfilled their promises and continues to steal and build illegal settlements.

Explain to me how can you negotiate with someone who does not want peace? Someone who uses peace negotiations to buy time to only further enrich themselves into West Bank by stealing more land? This is not peace.

It is not peace when you arrest and kill civilians in West Bank with impunity. You choose to ignore this has been going on for years and not on October 7. October 7 is the result of your continued oppression and theft.
You are talking in circles again. This did not happen on October 7, this has been going on for over 75 years.

I already explain to use oslo and how Israel never fulfilled their promises and continues to steal and build illegal settlements.

Explain to me how can you negotiate with someone who does not want peace? Someone who uses peace negotiations to buy time to only further enrich themselves into West Bank by stealing more land? This is not peace.

It is not peace when you arrest and kill civilians in West Bank with impunity. You choose to ignore this has been going on for years and not on October 7. October 7 is the result of your continued oppression and theft.

I know it has been going on for over 75 years. Why repeating?
Saying you have no intention to start war with 7th oct attack sounds ridiculous, as the attack will cause retaliation definitely. The attack itself is already war wanted.
I know it has been going on for over 75 years. Why repeating?
Saying you have no intention to start war with 7th oct attack sounds ridiculous, as the attack will cause retaliation definitely. The attack itself is already war wanted.
Thats not what I said, you still did not answer my questions about my response to you about the fake peace process to build illegal settlements.

October 7 is the direct response to your continued land theft, oppression of Palestinians, arresting and killing Palestinians with impunity, control our life, checkpoints, hindering our economy, etc.

If you choose to be blind, that’s not my problem.

If you know it’s been going on for 75 years then you would stop peddle the same BS about October 7 while ignoring Israelis oppression and occupation.
A group photo. Mass death. This is what happened in Juhr al-Dik. More than 60 officers and soldiers were killed. Planes transporting the wounded and dead have not stopped since last night.
Until now, sadness now prevails over everyone

Allahu Akbar. Our brothers in Palestine have turned Gaza into Zionists' butcherhouse. Freedom fighters are hunting down these war criminal Zionist who take shelter to hide in Gaza's destroyed buildings. While these war criminal Zionists were able to reach somewhat deep in the northren Gaza but they really had no control on those areas. So, it might very well be a strategy of the Hamas fighters to let these Zionist war criminals in only to be sent to the hell fire. Allhu Akbar.
Because you want the land without the Palestinians, this is why you kill. This is why you occupy and steal land.
What they (Hamas) gain to have a resistance against Israel release few Palestinians from the prison of Israel, for how much land grabs they stopped from the Israel settlers?
Kill 8,000-10,000 Hamas fighters, create 50,000+ Hamas recruits by killing 10,000+ children and systematically destroying every single building and infrastructure ... someone do the maths for me
And this is what Elon Musk tried to warn against but the power of the Israel Lobby in America is so great that even the world's richest man had to backpaddle and go to Israel and lick Netanyahu' shoes.
I think the number of dead people in Gaza are far higher--buried under the rubble--with bodies decomposing and no resources to dig them out right now .
And this is what Elon Musk tried to warn against but the power of the Israel Lobby in America is so great that even the world's richest man had to backpaddle and go to Israel and lick Netanyahu' shoes.
I think the number of dead people in Gaza are far higher--buried under the rubble--with bodies decomposing and no resources to dig them out right now .
Israel does not care about Hamas or oct 7. More hate against them and more Hamas is what they want so they can justify their genocide as long as possible.
What they (Hamas) gain to have a resistance against Israel release few Palestinians from the prison of Israel, for how much land grabs they stopped from the Israel settlers?
Not everyone wants to live under oppression and occupation, some people rightfully so choose to resist.

Well for one, at least Hamas forced them to remove their illegal settlements in Gaza .

What has the PA (Palestinian Authority) achieved by signing Oslo and giving up their guns? They got rewarded with more oppression and continued illegal settlements. This made the situation in West Bank worse because Israel is doing what it wants freely now with no opposition.
You keep repeating the same old lie of Hamas hurting Palestinians without evidence. There would have been no Palestine without the resistance, Greater Israel would have been a real thing. "Why doesn't Pakistan nuke Israel?" "Pakistan has a stronger army, why doesn't it do more than Iran?". See, I can make low level troll comments as well. Iran has killed more Israelis than all Muslim countries combined. Now I asked you a question, where do YOU lie in that hadeeth and where does Iran?
What I lie I told to you Hamas hurting Palestinians definitely because they attacked Israel and put the innocent unarmed Palestinians in front of evil Israeli forces to die and hide like a cowards

And what Hamas gain to stop Israel from butchering innocent Palestinians? Did Hamas stopped land grabbing from Israeli settlers,? The only thing Hamas gain to release few Palestinians from the Israeli prisons

And Pakistan is currently nowhere to support Palestinians cause militarily, Pakistani population wants to support Palestinian cause but our political system is corrupt to core if we will attack Israel do you know what's consequences for any Muslim country that's want to support Palestinian cause by force?

And read the islamic history first before you post our prophet preached if you are weak didn't able to sustain a fight with more powerful enemy you should retreat and regain your power than you will attack
What I lie I told to you Hamas hurting Palestinians definitely because they attacked Israel and put the innocent unarmed Palestinians in front of evil Israeli forces to die and hide like a cowards

And what Hamas gain to stop Israel from butchering innocent Palestinians? Did Hamas stopped land grabbing from Israeli settlers,? The only thing Hamas gain to release few Palestinians from the Israeli prisons

And Pakistan is currently nowhere to support Palestinians cause militarily, Pakistani population wants to support Palestinian cause but our political system is corrupt to core if we will attack Israel do you know what's consequences for any Muslim country that's want to support Palestinian cause by force?

And read the islamic history first before you post our prophet preached if you are weak didn't able to sustain a fight with more powerful enemy you should retreat and regain your power than you will attack
I’m going to reply this for him with a simply response.

Just because you choose to be a slave and live under occupation and oppression doesn’t mean people are going to have the same cowardice stance.

All you Zionists repeat the same bull crap. You blame Hamas for resisting but choose to ignore the crimes Israel commits BEFORE AND AFTER OCTOBER 7. Once again, this didn’t happen under a vacuum. They got tired of being oppressed and colonized with no justice for their people.

Stop blaming Hamas and blame the root cause of all these problems which is the Zionist occupation and oppression of a people for over 75 years.

Enough is enough!
Not everyone wants to live under oppression and occupation, some people rightfully so choose to resist.

Well for one, at least Hamas forced them to remove their illegal settlements in Gaza .

What has the PA (Palestinian Authority) achieved by signing Oslo and giving up their guns? They got rewarded with more oppression and continued illegal settlements. This made the situation in West Bank worse because Israel is doing what it wants freely now with no opposition.
And what Hamas did to stop illegal settlers in Gaza the Israeli army is roaming freely in Gaza and doing same as Israeli settlers are doing right now

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