Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You think they left on the kindness of their heart while they still build illegal settlements in the West Bank?

Let me put it plainly for you because I know it’s hard to think for some people.

Gaza resistance = no settlements

West Bank no resistance= many illegal settlements being built to this day even after signing Oslo.

Easy enough for you to understand?
Ok continues your nonsense about Hamas
No because this didn’t start with Hamas, it has been going on for over 75 years long before Hamas existed.

Hamas is the result of continued oppression and occupation.

You continually oppress and colonize people, do you expect them to give you flowers and candy?
They had have no intention before Hamas, maybe they had slight intention because of PLO in past
Israel does not care about Hamas or oct 7. More hate against them and more Hamas is what they want so they can justify their genocide as long as possible.

I think the good old 'mowing the grass' strategy has majorly backfired! Israelis underestimated the Gazans' resolve and now will face even more determined Gazans, along with emboldened regional militias. Even the US is unable to stop Hezbollah from attacking northern Israel nor can the Americans stop the Houthis. Yesterday, the local militias escalated their attack on the US base in western Iraq, causing casualties. They are NOT afraid of the Superpower's Power!

Things look dire for Israel already.

There is absolutely no way Israelis can have the prosperity and relative peace they became accustomed to before October 7 unless they come to a reasonable compromise with the Palestinians. While Israelis are trying to hide the economic impact of the ongoing war, there is already $60 billion loss to the Israel economy and that number will shoot up to astronomical levels if this becomes a regional war.

Israel, as a good member above said, is on a 'lose-lose' track!
They had have no intention before Hamas, maybe they had slight intention because of PLO in past
You still choose to ignore my statements regarding Palestinian Authority. PLO gave up their guns and signed oslo, right? What did that achieve ? More illegal settlements and more oppression. They used peace negotiations only to enrich themselves of more land theft. It made settlements worse in the West Bank without any resistance.

Nothing changed, so do you expect people to not resist after nothing has been accomplished?
In done with arguing with you because you didn’t answer anything. I’ve written everything for you plainly to read. All you do is talk in circles, you are not worth my time.

Thanks for denial.

If a toilet was a brain this poster has one .
Swirling round and round in faecal matter .

The one with toilet brain is the one who like to be denial and the cheer leaders.
You still choose to ignore my statements regarding Palestinian Authority. PLO gave up their guns and signed oslo, right? What did that achieve ? More illegal settlements and more oppression. They used peace negotiations only to enrich themselves of more land theft. It made settlements worse in the West Bank without any resistance.

Nothing changed, so do you expect people to not resist after nothing has been accomplished?
PLO did better than these rag tag terrorists called Hamas before Oslo
I did and often. Your denial doesn't negate my answer.

I use references.

Refute with denial is not enough.
Please explain why start attack on 7th Oct cannot be said as intention of war?
It was a suppressed nation defending themseves against brutal, Zionist occupational forces, who are the oppressor and committing genocide of local indigenous Palestinian and ethnic cleansing of since eight decades.
What you expect from resistance???
It is you who is a Zionist apologist who lacks any critical thinking.

It’s like blaming the girl for fighting her raper. This is your thinking or lack of it.
Do you will do anything to stop genocide of Palestinians and force down Israel to stop?
PLO did better than these rag tag terrorists called Hamas before Oslo
This doesn’t answer what has Oslo achieved besides more oppression and land theft.

You keep saying peace but Palstinians tried that already and were only rewarded with more oppression and illegal settlements. Now in the West Bank, they lack the guns to force them to come to the negotiating table or at least freeze any settlements. I see that as far worse for the Palestinian cause.
This doesn’t answer what has Oslo achieved besides more oppression and land theft.

You keep saying peace but Palstinians tried that already and were only rewarded with more oppression and illegal settlements. Now in the West Bank, they lack the guns to force them to come to the negotiating table or at least freeze any settlements. I call that far worse.
Tell him to do his own research. His talking mostly rubbish
Do you will do anything to stop genocide of Palestinians and force down Israel to stop?
Do you think Palestinians giving up resistance is gonna stop Israel from continually oppressing and stealing their land?

There is no good option because in the end you are met with the same fate because Israel wants all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

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