Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

And what Hamas did to stop illegal settlers in Gaza the Israeli army is roaming freely in Gaza and doing same as Israeli settlers are doing right now
There is no illegal settlers in Gaza, Hamas got rid of them. On the other hand, Palestinians authority and Oslo have made it much easier to steal land and build illegal settlements. So which is better?

The Israeli diaper forces attacks only civilians to punish Hamas because they can’t defeat Hamas. Hamas is still actively fighting and killing and destroying their tanks daily. They post daily videos of those attacks. I rarely see any videos of Israeli diaper forces actually fighting Hamas on the other hand. So who are they fighting? I did see plenty of videos of them shooting in empty rooms and desks. I guess they only know how to bomb civilians and shoot desks.
I’m going to reply this for him with a simply response.

Just because you choose to be a slave and live under occupation and oppression doesn’t mean people are going to have the same cowardice stance.

All you Zionists repeat the same bull crap. You blame Hamas for resisting but choose to ignore the crimes Israel commits BEFORE AND AFTER OCTOBER 7. Once again, this didn’t happen under a vacuum. They got tired of being oppressed and colonized with no justice for their people.

Stop blaming Hamas and blame the root cause of all these problems which is the Zionist occupation and oppression of a people for over 75 years.

Enough is enough!
What you gain in 75 years of resistance from your so called freedom struggle? Nothing but killing of millions of Palestinians since 75 years
There is no illegal settlers in Gaza, Hamas got rid of them. On the other hand, Palestinians authority and Oslo have made it much easier to steal land and build illegal settlements. So which is better?

The Israeli diaper forces attacks only civilians to punish Hamas because they can’t defeat Hamas. Hamas is still actively fighting and killing and destroying their tanks daily. They post daily videos of those attacks. I rarely see any videos of Israeli diaper forces actually fighting Hamas on the other hand. So who are they fighting? I did see plenty of videos of them shooting in empty rooms and desks. I guess they only know how to bomb civilians and shoot desks.
Ah give me backup of your claim Hamas has no power to stop these settlers in Gaza
What you gain in 75 years of resistance from your so called freedom struggle? Nothing but killing of millions of Palestinians since 75 years
What did we gain from Oslo? More land stealing and illegal settlements.

At least now even with limited weapons those Zionist occupiers have fled the northern occupied Palestine and surrounding areas by Gaza.

Which is better because in the end this is the same fate ?
Thats not what I said, you still did not answer my questions about my response to you about the fake peace process to build illegal settlements.

October 7 is the direct response to your continued land theft, oppression of Palestinians, arresting and killing Palestinians with impunity, control our life, checkpoints, hindering our economy, etc.

If you choose to be blind, that’s not my problem.

If you know it’s been going on for 75 years then you would stop peddle the same BS about October 7 while ignoring Israelis oppression and occupation.

The illegal settlements I have answered you that it disputably violate Geneva convention, not OSLO accord.

I've answered you many times for whatever reason starting a 7th oct attack means starting military war, as the 7th attack itself was already military war, so saying you want peace but start the attack 7th Oct is laughable. At least that how world sees this war.

I’m going to reply this for him with a simply response.

Just because you choose to be a slave and live under occupation and oppression doesn’t mean people are going to have the same cowardice stance.

All you Zionists repeat the same bull crap. You blame Hamas for resisting but choose to ignore the crimes Israel commits BEFORE AND AFTER OCTOBER 7. Once again, this didn’t happen under a vacuum. They got tired of being oppressed and colonized with no justice for their people.

Stop blaming Hamas and blame the root cause of all these problems which is the Zionist occupation and oppression of a people for over 75 years.

Enough is enough!

Then go ahead, continue the war that you justify as the resistant and dont complain with the result, find any opportunity to send rockets or troops to Tel Aviv.
Ah give me backup of your claim Hamas has no power to stop these settlers in Gaza
Yes they did. Hamas was constantly attacking those illegal settlements even with less weapons than they have now. This made it not worth keeping those illegal settlements because the cost of trying to keep their illegal settlers safe. Now Hamas is way stronger with better weapons. You think they can survive in Gaza now?
What did we gain from Oslo? More land stealing and illegal settlements.

At least now even with limited weapons those Zionist occupiers have fled the northern occupied Palestine and surrounding areas by Gaza.

Which is better because in the end this is the same fate ?
Israel is on the verge of wiping entire Gaza from the map on the world that's you want from Israel?
The illegal settlements I have answered you that it disputably violate Geneva convention, not OSLO accord.

I've answered you many times for whatever reason starting a 7th oct attack means starting military war, as the 7th attack itself was already military war, so saying you want peace but start the attack 7th Oct is laughable. At least that how world sees this war.

Then go ahead, continue the war that you justify as the resistant and dont complain with the result, find any opportunity to send rockets or troops to Tel Aviv.

In done with arguing with you because you didn’t answer anything. I’ve written everything for you plainly to read. All you do is talk in circles, you are not worth my time.
Yes they did. Hamas was constantly attacking those illegal settlements even with less weapons than they have now. This made it not worth keeping those illegal settlements because the cost of trying to keep their illegal settlers safe. Now Hamas is way stronger with better weapons. You think they can survive in Gaza now?
Source backup of your claim And I just don't believe only on your wording
Source backup of your claim And I just don't believe only on your wording
You think they left on the kindness of their heart while they still build illegal settlements in the West Bank?

Let me put it plainly for you because I know it’s hard to think for some people.

Gaza resistance = no settlements

West Bank no resistance= many illegal settlements being built to this day even after signing Oslo.

Easy enough for you to understand?
Yeah its because of Hamas Israeli are thinking in that direction
No because this didn’t start with Hamas, it has been going on for over 75 years long before Hamas existed.

Hamas is the result of continued oppression and occupation.

You continually oppress and colonize people, do you expect them to give you flowers and candy?

Israeli army casualties: 195 soldiers killed since start of ground assault​

Official figure - expect under reporting.

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