Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Right guys stick to the topic or action will be taken.
'Why did Arab states not join South Africa's case against Israel in the IC J?

"In the same vein as South Africa, 19
Arab states that are parties to the Genocide Convention could have invoked their status and filed cases against Israel in the ICJ.

So, why did Arab states not take any action?

Due to their severe violations of international human rights law, Arab governments would not face Israel or any other state before the ICJ or ICC to avoid facing similar cases before these international courts.

No Arab country stepped in to achieve this historical honour, as none dares to defy the US. Instead, they have a shameful history of human rights violations and are waiting for Israel to accomplish its mission of the destruction of Gaza"


Editor-in-Chief of Arabi 21 news website

& @middleeasteye
No you have not answered because I clearly outlined to you the sham of peace negotiations. It is a sham when one sides claims to want to negotiate but is just using it to buy time to steal more land.

If you want peace , maybe you should stop illegal settlements first. You don’t though because then you can’t steal more land then.

This is your right to decide the war. But to say you dont want war after 7th Oct attack is laughable.

Human shield is a myth by the zionists who are on film using Palestinians as shields at gun point. It's not Hamas fault Israel willfully targets houses and refuge camps. They're on record telling civilians to go to an area as a safe haven, and then bombing them...thats all on Israel. There's no hamas in West Bank, but people are getting killed there still? Tunnels that Israel built? All fingers keep pointing back to Israel it seems. Why doesn't Israel go down in the tunnels and fight man to man instead of committing genocide? Israeli Diaper Force!

UN Watch, a Geneva-based organization, uncovered a Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA staff members celebrating Hamas atrocities. This finding, along with the content of the UNRWA curriculum, indicates a systemic problem within the agency. Dina Rovner of UN Watch highlighted that more than 150 UNRWA staff have been found posting content inciting antisemitism and jihadism on Facebook since 2015.

UN Watch, a Geneva-based organization, uncovered a Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA staff members celebrating Hamas atrocities. This finding, along with the content of the UNRWA curriculum, indicates a systemic problem within the agency. Dina Rovner of UN Watch highlighted that more than 150 UNRWA staff have been found posting content inciting antisemitism and jihadism on Facebook since 2015.

So that gives Israel to commit war crimes in Gaza? 30,000 people massacred and ethnic cleansing taking place yet you want to focus on some retard celebrating 7th Oct?
On a daily basis we hear how Israeli are getting their deck chairs watching rockets destroy g Gaza - soldiers dancing round dead bodies.why have over 10,000 children been massacred? Is that what you would call collateral damage?
@Musings it is time to thread ban this nefarious individual, he contributes nothing to the thread expect spinning around same lies over again. If there is no here @Unknowntruth to rebuke him, he would occupy topic completely.
So, out of the courtesy to the @Unknowntruth you should ban this antonio guy from topic in order to respect valuable time, effort and position of our patient brother,
@Musings it is time to thread ban this nefarious individual, he contributes nothing to the thread expect spinning around same lies over again. If there is no here @Unknowntruth to rebuke him, he would occupy topic completely.
So, out of the courtesy to the @Unknowntruth you should ban this antonio guy from topic in order to respect valuable time, effort and position of our patient brother,

You dont propose good reason for ban a thread contributor.
Contributing thing is not necessarily giving opinion in agreement with yours/others.
Different point of view is good to enrich thread in fact.
You dont propose good reason for ban a thread contributor.
Contributing thing is not necessarily giving opinion in agreement with yours/others.
Different point of view is good to enrich thread in fact.

You arguments have been disected and refuted over and over again to death.

Yes, when these arguments are repeated over and despite being refuted, then its just propaganda.

Tell a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth.

Probably the most evil-minded armed forces i have witnessed.

When i think the Isrseli Army cant go lower they just take it one notch higher in the ladder of despicable terrorist acts against civillians.

Even razing graveyards and digging up newly buried graves.

Still they cry why the world despise them. «Its because we are jews».
No! Its because you are a stupid vile ethnic cleansing terrorist. Nobody really cares if you belive in this or that deity.
Probably the most evil-minded armed forces i have witnessed.

When i think the Isrseli Army cant go lower they just take it one notch higher in the ladder of despicable terrorist acts against civillians.

Even razing graveyards and digging up newly buried graves.

the way they behave is really shocking, even the US military would never behave like this
WSJ: Hamas Toll Thus Far Falls Short of Israel’s War Aims, U.S. Says

First known U.S. estimate of Hamas’s death toll shows the group’s resilience after months of war​

Israeli forces have killed 20% to 30% of Hamas’s fighters, U.S. intelligence agencies estimate, a toll that falls short so far of Israel’s goal of destroying the group and shows its resilience after months of war that have laid swaths of the Gaza Strip to ruin.

Kill 8,000-10,000 Hamas fighters, create 50,000+ Hamas recruits by killing 10,000+ children and systematically destroying every single building and infrastructure ... someone do the maths for me
@Musings it is time to thread ban this nefarious individual, he contributes nothing to the thread expect spinning around same lies over again. If there is no here @Unknowntruth to rebuke him, he would occupy topic completely.
So, out of the courtesy to the @Unknowntruth you should ban this antonio guy from topic in order to respect valuable time, effort and position of our patient brother,
@Musings yes please ban this zio troll as he is blatantly spreading lies. Also bam some hindutva trolls who's contribution is nothing more than mock on Palestinian sufferings.
@Musings it is time to thread ban this nefarious individual, he contributes nothing to the thread expect spinning around same lies over again. If there is no here @Unknowntruth to rebuke him, he would occupy topic completely.
So, out of the courtesy to the @Unknowntruth you should ban this antonio guy from topic in order to respect valuable time, effort and position of our patient brother,
Yes, sometimes it’s I think it’s better to argue with a brick wall than this guy. I have no problem with a different point of view but he’s something else. He never answers any questions , all he does is deflect.
This is your right to decide the war. But to say you dont want war after 7th Oct attack is laughable.

All you do is constantly type a reply with not even answering a single question and then you deflect to something else. Read my post again and answer my question. It’s not a hard thing to do, all you do is talk in circles.

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