Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Im just lost for words. Jordan and Egypt should open their borders to led Mujahidin cross, any volunteers from the world who want to liquidate some Nazis Zionists should be assisted, I would say its a duty of Muslim countries to stop this genocide not sit and watch and say a few words.

Muslim countries have neo-liberal Munafiqs running them.
Watch these two parts

3:00 Israeli hostages describes the fear that she was gonna die not from Hamas but Israeli missiles.

6:00 secret recording of Ohad Zvi Lapidot whom describes the hostages as pawn in a chess game. Their intention was never to free the hostages. It is to kill and expel Gazans from their home to steal their land.

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Not both sides.... It was always one sided.
Only Isra-hell is culprit... As they were the ones who came and settled on other's lands.
They did massacres, forced displacement, and all sorts of crimes I already mentioned above.
Don't pretend as ignorant. White skinned tourists from all the Europe canes here with the help of especially UK and did all sorts of crimes and stayed here with the help of USA.

Both your claim above and Israel's claim are one sided claims.

Lol tell me who was living before the illegal creation of Israel by west in 48? Rouge nation is Israel not palestine, and mostly Muslims don't lie but non Muslims always lies to become innocent, and whole world sees the carpet bombing of Gaza from various twitter videos from day one Lol you're in a delusional mode can't change the facts that Israel is doing genocide in Gaza

Relative. Before year 48 could be from 5000 years go up to 1947 AD. So which year do you want to refer and why?

Jewish in Palestine were also Palestine. So saying they were not Palestine is wrong. Saying they had no right to live and settled in Palestine is also same wrong.

If the world see carpet bombing, of course it will be easy for you to bring the evidence rather than interpretation/mere perception.

Claim genocidal Israel is same one sided narrative; South Africa still struggle to convince ICJ about her indictment.
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Of course Israel will reject it. The problem is they are hardly going to put their hand up and say - yes we are carpet bombing Gaza.
More bombs have been dropped on Gaza than the Americans dropped on Afghanistan in a whole year - look at the difference in land mass....Look at Gaza pre Oct 7th and after - its obvious what has happened.
This isnt WW2 - technology has taken over and drones and satellite imagery proof clearly shows the world the Israeli are lying about the carpet bombing. So your argument about 1 sided characterization is actually selective and only applies when the commentary is pro israeli.

Where do you get this data or assumption?

I couldn't find in google how much TNT that US has dropped during war in Afghanistan.

🔹 *Al Jazeera correspondent from Tel Aviv :*
*The security event in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, is very large*
🔹 *Urgent Hebrew media*:
*We are preparing for a harsh and difficult announcement in the coming hours*
*Urgent| Israeli President Isaac Herzog :*

*This morning is a sad and harsh morning.*
*Israeli occupation army spokesman: Our mission is proceeding under harsh security conditions, and what happened yesterday is a real disaster*.

*War has a very high and heavy price*

*Israeli occupation army spokesman: The battles in Khan Yunis are very harsh and we are paying a heavy price there.*
Conclusion: According to informed and private sources, the enemy has lost more than 112 officers and soldiers in Khan Yunis since yesterday until this morning. It is expected that the enemy will announce this disaster in instalments, but what is certain is that it is still trying to rescue soldiers under the rubble, and the Qassams are seizing any unit that approaches. Of the buried bodies and things may be bigger than what is known so far, and wait for the surprises.

⭕Occupation army investigations: The disaster began when one of the resistance fighters emerged from a tunnel opening and targeted a tank with an anti-armor missile, killing two soldiers. Then another group targeted a nearby building with an anti-armor missile, causing the detonation of huge quantities of explosives that were prepared to destroy homes, and two buildings collapsed with dozens of soldiers inside them.

الله اكبر ولله الحمد

Not one source but several. What Google are you using? Made In Netanyahu?
You’re just wasting your time with him. All he does is talk in circles, deflects, and call every source we site false since it’s not “IDF”. He even calls Israeli sources like Btselem false even though it’s their own human rights organization. His only counterpoint is but but but “KHAMAS”.

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