Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We will have to see what they mean with the statement "the army is preparing for a change in the fighting in the #Gaza Strip."

It is obvious they failed with their military campaign to dislodge the mujahideen from Gaza. It was a wishful thinking on their part from the beginning any way. No army in the world can dislodge guerillas in their turf with their tunnels and local arms production without suffering very high casualty rate.

They would most likely opt for aerial campaign. Even the buffer Zone they announced won't work in the long run as the mujahideen will keep hitting them and they will have to abandon it as well at some point.
It is obvious they failed with their military campaign to dislodge the mujahideen from Gaza. It was a wishful thinking on their part from the beginning any way. No army in the world can dislodge guerillas in their turf with their tunnels and local arms production without suffering very high casualty rate.

They would most likely opt for aerial campaign. Even the buffer Zone they announced won't work in the long run as the mujahideen will keep hitting them and they will have to abandon it as well at some point.

Even the aerial campaign is unsustainable per an Israeli source I read yesterday saying something like 'war economy' meaning, dropping an expensive bomb on an already destroyed building where maybe a few Gazans are fighting from.
For the first time I think this --and I am very cautious--Israel can't achieve its goals in Gaza.
I am going to go on the assumption that you are being geniune here.

Israel simply does not accept the Palestinians as a nation. They never offered a fully sovereign state.

What was on the table is a series of bantustans in the West Bank and in Gaza. All airspace, water and borders would be controlled by Israel forever.

Egypt is different as that is not considered part of the "core" Zionist territories and so they were willing to give back Sinai in order to take out the most powerful Arab nation against them.

Like already mentioned this land dispute will be settled by force and rights-wrongs are meaningless anymore. Unless Israel can genocide/cleanse the millions of Palestianians in Gaza and the West Bank then their future looks like that of the Crusader States, as the balance of power swings away from the West to China, especially on the Asian continent.

This conclusion will be valid only if Palestine ever tried to accept and recognize Israel and forget their intention to destroy israel in the first place.

Since Palestine never recognize israel and after multiple attack on Israel and they + their supporters are so eager to get rid of Israel and claiming Israel land, then now it is hard for Israel to believe Palestine genuine intention to live together in peace with ISrael.

But I think Palestine still need to try, because currently Palestine has no option. China's willingness to intervene the war is still far away.
Stop posting long BS posts no one has time to read them

Occupation leads to radicalization

Stop occupation issue will be solved

Which occupation are you talking about?

The Oslo Accords, signed in the 1990s, divided the West Bank into three areas (A, B, and C) with different levels of administrative and security control:
  1. Area A: Under the Oslo Accords, Area A is designated for full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority (PA). This includes major Palestinian cities like Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Jenin.
  2. Area B: Area B is designated for Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control. This includes some towns and villages.
  3. Area C: Area C represents the largest portion of the West Bank and is under full Israeli civil and security control. It includes many Israeli settlements and is of strategic importance.
If you want to stop Oslo accords then Israel might be justified to demand Gaza and west bank back to Israel.

Your a racist sympathiser you just proved it with your nonsense post. Israel is apartheid now go stick your head in the sand, your a complete waste of time.

Apartheid accusation is a decades old lie conceived by arab & soviet propaganda machine ....
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Trying too hard. Not working as much.
You are right. I just ignore his posts. And not just his but just about all posts which bring the historic explanations about this conflict. As I keep saying, time for that kind of discussion is long gone and time to decide the conflict, through violence, has come.

Speaking of violence, this is THE conflict which is going to settle things between the Israelis and the Palestinians for decades, if not permanently. Israelis are already calling it a 'multifront war' today: Possible first serious US casualties happened yesterday in Iraq by the militias, Hezbollah is more active daily, W. Bank is in a mini-insurgency, Houthis have blocked Eilat and are preparing for me, and who knows what kind of Non State Actors are gathering in Egypt--while Sisi may not be supporting the Gazans there are certainly many in Egypt who do. Plus expect Syria to be in the news more and more. All that, on top of the Gaza conflict.

An Israeli columnist yesterday correctly identified this as a war of attrition--something we have been saying on PDF for the past several months. According to him, low key wars to drain Israeli resources and moral, leading to Israel's 'destruction' is the plan. Israeli economists are predicting GDP deficit (whatever that is) to rise from 2.5% to 5.9% for the next year--and that's not even factoring in Hezbollah involvement. The Gaza conflict is only budgeted through Feb. 2024 and after that taxes to be raised and/or development projects to be cut down. There is anger in lots of Israelis because of businesses shut down and lots of income. The promised American $14 billion will only help so much--much of that is military aid anyway. Israelis are now having to carefully use their weapons in Gaza because their reserves are depleted enough to cause a shortage in case of a northern front. Israel defense industry is finding it harder to procure hardware from other countries because, in addition to this conflict, the Ukraine-Russia conflict had much depleted the global reserves. The despair is so much that one Israeli columnist even suggested to give up 90% of the West Bank by removing most Settlements to create a 'civil separation' of Jews and Arabs, allow full repartition of Palestinian refugees back to the Palestinian controlled land, to allow a quasi-independent Palestinian state with security controls by the IDF.

Above paragraph is my summary of reading various Israeli newspaper last night and clearly shows a sense of despair and futility. I don't think the Gazans/Palestinians have lost this conflict--at least not yet!

I wonder if the conflict and war supporters like you ever realized the suffering that Palestinian has to bear because of the conflict and war?

Gaza is about to be flatten and their people has not many option other than flee as refugees. Is that what you want?
I wonder if the conflict and war supporters like you ever realized the suffering that Palestinian has to bear because of the conflict and war?
Gaza is about to be flatten and their people has not many option other than flee as refugees. Is that what you want?
Okay, taking the bait because this is not about a useless 'historic' narrative.
Firstly, it is not what I want--it is what those in that region want and they are to bear the price and the rewards; in my personal capacity, I can only observe and try to predict. Secondly, most independence movements against colonists have been brutal--and this one is not even a tenth of the Vietnam war in brutality yet. That's how the world / humanity has worked. Israel's own foundation was laid through violence/wars. And it will be only through violence/wars that Israel will come to either some sensible compromise or vanish.
And as far as I can tell now, the destruction of Gaza is going to lead to the Palestinians' betterment in their quest for a nation. Violent resistance against colonialism often pays off!!

Wow, he is getting really desperate now, don't take the bait!
Some posts are worth replying to. But thanks for the warning.

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