Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This video, seemingly very recent, conclusively shows even a one hit to a tank/apc can at least disable, if not destroy those vehicles. Also note where they are fired from: An already destroyed building. What will an expensive missile fired from an aircraft achieve that?? I am sure Israelis try to target any source of fire as soon as that's done the reaction-time given to the Israelis is very little--it is literally hit and run and that's why most of the time we don't see in the videos burning tanks.

Looks like this is Israel's strategic long war of expulsion after all.
That is possible, but if it is true, that could also means a regional religious war, at the minimum. THe global war against Israel (such as Malaysia excluding Israeli ships from its ports) is also expanding as Israel persists in its abusive war against Palestinians in Gaza.
Steadily dropping off the main stream media, others are also losing interest..
Its not dropping off the radar of responsible Global and Muslim citizens.
Natanyahud playing the long game... haramipan and strategy inse seekho !
Long game to where? Israel's destruction? wrongly predicting the end of a war usually means a rest of national existence, Ukraine knows alot about this at this point.
for a while it looked as if they may be losing at least the propaganda war, but tenacious bastids..
Until we know the end, we dunno how "smart" or truly sneaky Israel's war plans could backfire and threaten the existence of the Jewish state, the stakes are high and almost irreversible.
Video (age restricted) - Stolen Lands: What is the Smotrich Doctrine?

In 2017, Bezalel Smotrich, a then far-right politician and now right-hand man of Netanyahu, put forward a new policy called the Smotrich Doctrine which gave Palestinians three options: emigrate, accept subordination or be annihilated.
But the policy isn’t new; the same protocol has been in place since the foundation of Israel in 1948….
Scenes of violence, children being pulled and thrown out of their homes, gunners daring you to raise your hand…

Palestinian woman sobbing, “They came in the morning. They’ve broken all the doors. They didn’t let me take my stuff…”

This is Palestine. This is Israel’s “right to defend itself”…

(December 26, 2023 / JNS)
“Austin, Austin, rise and shine, no sleep during genocide!” was one of the chants anti-Israel protesters shouted in front of the home of U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday.

There and outside the home of Jake Sullivan, the U.S. national security adviser, protesters aimed “to disrupt Christmas morning for two of President Biden’s top foreign affairs officials,” per the New York Post.

It's sad how dumbed down many or most Evangelical Christians are, including their brainwashed pastors. Traditional Christianity has never viewed Jews as the chosen people because they rejected God and followed the Talmud, not the bible.. Christianity was subverted over 100 years ago through the likes of Cyrus Scofield and endless money and propaganda. Moat bible colleges now teach a very distorted and disturbing version of Christianity.

Most of Revelations was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

If Christian or interested in true Christianity, I encourage you to watch a great documentary, Marching to Zion, which gets into the subversion operation of the Rockefellers and others.
New poll sheds light on racial divisions and fear within the occupation entity (Israel)

Among the 2 million Israeli Arabs (23% of the population):
- 46% do not feel comfortable speaking Arabic in public / around Jews
- 54% do not feel comfortable entering Jewish areas
- 76.5% do not feel comfortable contacting relatives or friends in Gaza and the West Bank
- 71% do not feel comfortable expressing themselves freely on social media

Is this a pluralistic democracy?

“Qatar and Egypt will not be a party to what happens in the Gaza Strip in the future. The only possible role for Egypt is to open its borders for the residents of the Gaza Strip to leave."

Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich

Ouch, what a humiliation for mighty egyptian regime and army.
If there is any healthy tissue within their army ranks they should make coup and overthrow sisi regime, cancel camp david threaty, that would be only proper response for ongoing provocations and betrayal of palestinians.

Ouch, what a humiliation for mighty egyptian regime and army.
If there is any healthy tissue within their army ranks they should make coup and overthrow sisi regime, cancel camp david threaty, that would be only proper response for ongoing provocations and betrayal of palestinians.
Sisi regime has no backbone whatsoever. He went on live television and said they say they just want to go in and destory the Palestinian Resistance and get out, they can do what they want. Everyone must know the moment one Palestinian is expelled out of Gaza is the moment the whole region will explode.

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