Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hezbollah video from today? I doubt these Israelis soldiers survived. But this looks different from the other attack where 9 Israeli soldiers were injured as they went to rescue someone from a church.

Hezbollah video from today? I doubt these Israelis soldiers survived. But this looks different from the other attack where 9 Israeli soldiers were injured as they went to rescue someone from a church.

Should have fired a bit more earlier ? I think they still got sent to hell a good shot
I don't know how old this one is but look different from others I have seen--another Jeep/Humvee being blown up--in Gaza.

This Jewish-American terrorist slaughter and Holocaust has to stop. People need to get the addresses of all AIPAC officials and other Jewish-American terrorists enabling this genocide and camp outside their homes. The Jewish-American terrorist community won't stop until pressure is put on them.

Iran propaganda bots on Twitter are already making up lies. It's a fraud propaganda regime at best, and at worst a freemason regime running a sophisticated pysch ops long term agenda in the region. In order to see the truth you need pressure on both regimes. To force the truth out of them. At least the Arabs tell you to your face they're sellouts and shills instead of pretending to be a Islamic Resistance movement ready to intervene to end the Holocaust in Gaza.

The political change or regime change, is only acceptable and justifiable when pursued through peaceful, democratic, and lawful means. International norms and principles advocate for the resolution of political disputes through dialogue, negotiations, and democratic processes.

Not through war, more over by suppressing and suspending people's (of Israelian) right.

The regime changed by foreign government will not be sustainable without oppression and genocide and not only will invite international condemn but also military sanctions.

This is by assuming you have military power that is capable to change the Israel government. :geek:
when one side reject all peaceful ways , tore unsc resolutions , and each day kill civilian and destroy lands . when one side exile civilians on daily bases . when one side keep civilians in prison without charging them for a decade . well the rules tends to change
If you / Palestine commit peace and recognition of Israel existence like what Egypt did, then I think your enemy will also settle the occupation issue, the way as Israel did when she returned the captured Sinai to Egypt. But if you continue to promise to destroy Israel then you give them reason to continue what she is doing now.
because whenever there was any chance of peace Israel started a new settlement , made something to anger Palestinian , depopulated some Arab neighborhood , send a war criminal into al-Aqsa with military escort......
Obviously the people of Gaza are not okay and need help. How much more longer for the people in the region to get it ? Does this look like they're okay? One airstrike murders 60 civilians, mostly children and women. They're killing thousands of Palestinians each day in this Holocaust. Deliberately targeting the whole population. The world has to intervene. It does not make you tough or scary that you can exterminate people in a tiny strip of defenseless land with full US and NATO backing. Jewish people are not were never tough or scary. It's only the pathetic dead people in the region that allowed them to raise their heads.


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