Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is doing a horrible textbook ethnic cleasing in Gaza. With full blessing of United States and some Europeans powers. And no its not about US or European national interests or strategic interests. Its about the Zionist elite which controls finance and media: two of the most effective instruments for power in modern politics.

Its embarassing to watch western MSM these days. Like if the world was born on Oct. 7, 2023. Previous 70 years of ethnic cleansing, force evictions, settler colonialism and the most brutal aprtheid occuption that surpass any other place on earth, all totally neglected somwhow, because of Oct. 7.

But the most embarassing is actually the arab kingdoms. Arabs may not percieve it themselves but rest of the world is seriously wondering what really goes in the mind of Arabs, when they are leaning back and not only watching, but actively enabling mass murder of their own bethren.
God bless this man. The Jewish terrorist whore witch would be executed in a Godly state for her disgusting Jewish supremacist hatred and blasphemy against God and Jesus. Nothing outrageous about it. Imagine Christians or Muslims starting attacking Moses or David the way these Jewish dark individuals attack Christian and Islamic religious figures.

Christians should beat the living shit out of her if she does it again.

Israel is doing a horrible textbook ethnic cleasing in Gaza. With full blessing of United States and some Europeans powers. And no its not about US or European national interests or strategic interests. Its about the Zionist elite which controls finance and media: two of the most effective instruments for power in modern politics.

Its embarassing to watch western MSM these days. Like if the world was born on Oct. 7, 2023. Previous 70 years of ethnic cleansing, force evictions, settler colonialism and the most brutal aprtheid occuption that surpass any other place on earth, all totally neglected somwhow, because of Oct. 7.

But the most embarassing is actually the arab kingdoms. Arabs may not percieve it themselves but rest of the world is seriously wondering what really goes in the mind of Arabs, when they are leaning back and not only watching, but actively enabling mass murder of their own bethren.
What do you mean Arabs? Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Asians, all the same thing. They don't what to do or lack courage to do something. We're going up against a Satanic cabal. Look what they did to Gaza for even standing up to the Satanic cabal. This is a religious war and the Christians and Muslims have to unite and respond. Numbers mean nothing. Jewish bastards underrepresent their population and than they have most of the global population under their shackle. They out number the genuine believers by a lot. But it's not a excuse and we still need to take it up with this satanic cabal.
Israel is doing a horrible textbook ethnic cleasing in Gaza. With full blessing of United States and some Europeans powers. And no its not about US or European national interests or strategic interests. Its about the Zionist elite which controls finance and media: two of the most effective instruments for power in modern politics.

Bolded part.
And one day, hopefully it's not too late by then, Americans are going to realize how their national interests were compromised by allowing a tiny remote country's lobby.

Israel cannot win the conflicts in its neighborhood and someone needs to tell Israel that--its last real victory was in 1967!!

Biden administration should take a stand--allow a vote on the existing UNSC Resolution calling for the restoration to the 1967 borders. Do that before it's too late. Yes, Biden will take a huge hit during the polls and who knows he may even be lynched by then by the combined Republican and Dems congressmen but he'd live in history.
Oh, WTH I am talking about!! Biden--a self-proclaimed, life-long Zionist, demented racist, taking a stand!?? I have more hopes in Kamala Harris and even in Trump!!
Bolded part.
And one day, hopefully it's not too late by then, Americans are going to realize how their national interests were compromised by allowing a tiny remote country's lobby.

Israel cannot win the conflicts in its neighborhood and someone needs to tell Israel that--its last real victory was in 1967!!

Biden administration should take a stand--allow a vote on the existing UNSC Resolution calling for the restoration to the 1967 borders. Do that before it's too late. Yes, Biden will take a huge hit during the polls and who knows he may even be lynched by then by the combined Republican and Dems congressmen but he'd live in history.
Oh, WTH I am talking about!! Biden--a self-proclaimed, life-long Zionist, demented racist, taking a stand!?? I have more hopes in Kamala Harris and even in Trump!!

The AIPAC lobby openly brags on their own websites about 100% success rate on electing candidates that they deemed pro-Israel.

The question then remains: is The United States of America still a open democracy with free and fair elections?

Gaza Government Media Office reports that the Israeli army violated the corpses of 80 Palestinians, delivering them mutilated with stolen organs. The Israeli army also refuses to disclose their names and the locations from which their bodies were taken in Gaza.
God bless this man. The Jewish terrorist whore witch would be executed in a Godly state for her disgusting Jewish supremacist hatred and blasphemy against God and Jesus. Nothing outrageous about it. Imagine Christians or Muslims starting attacking Moses or David the way these Jewish dark individuals attack Christian and Islamic religious figures.

Christians should beat the living shit out of her if she does it again.

What do you mean Arabs? Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Asians, all the same thing. They don't what to do or lack courage to do something. We're going up against a Satanic cabal. Look what they did to Gaza for even standing up to the Satanic cabal. This is a religious war and the Christians and Muslims have to unite and respond. Numbers mean nothing. Jewish bastards underrepresent their population and than they have most of the global population under their shackle. They out number the genuine believers by a lot. But it's not a excuse and we still need to take it up with this satanic cabal.

The atrocities are comitted in the midst of Arab lands. KSA, UAE, Jordan and Egypt are all cowards. Scared of Iran they sacrifice their own bethren in altar of geopolitics. Doing so they unwittingly diminish their own legitimacy. But we all know why these Kingdoms are acting the way they do: for they are carved out with assistance from Zionist controlled western nations and wouldnt last very long without it.

The Arabs willingly fight and murder their own in Syria, Iraq, Yemen. But lack the courage to stop decades old Israeli brutal human right vilations in Palestine.

Some say its only the leaders who are to blame but i strongly disagree. Its a collective Arab failure, when the masses arent able to provide competent leaders who are smart and brave enough to shield its own populace against 70 years of occuption and ethnic cleansing. By contrast Arabs seems satisfied to an extent with their despotic Kings and Generals, whom actively welcomes foreign interference and even millitary bases on their own soil.

No self-respecting people behaves like this.

The atrocities are comitted in the midst of Arab lands. KSA, UAE, Jordan and Egypt are all cowards. Scared of Iran they sacrifice their own bethren in altar of geopolitics. Doing so they unwittingly diminish their own legitimacy. But we all know why these Kingdoms are acting the way they do: for they are carved out with assistance from Zionist controlled western nations and wouldnt last very long without it.
Iran is committing atrocities in Arab lands too. In Syria we saw that. Fyi, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi's, and Iraqis are Arabs too. Unless you thought otherwise ? All you look for is advancing Iran's interests in the Arab world in light of this Holocaust in Gaza, and not helping the people of Gaza. If anything, if there were be to a big war against Israel, it would be led and executed by Arab people. Unless you think Iranians would ever do so?

You're not different than Arabs. Just attach Quds to your name and throw around unity-of-fronts slogans. May as well change all of that if this is what it comes to.

Iran is committing atrocities in Arab lands too. In Syria we saw that. Fyi, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi's, and Iraqis are Arabs too. Unless you thought otherwise ? All you look for is advancing Iran's interests in the Arab world in light of this Holocaust in Gaza, and not helping the people of Gaza. If anything, if there were be to a big war against Israel, it would be led and executed by Arab people. Unless you think Iranians would ever do so?

You're not different than Arabs. Just attach Quds to your name and throw around unity-of-fronts slogans. May as well change all of that if this is what it comes to.

I am very much aware that Iran wont directly engage Israel, as long as the United States and Europe stands firmly behind the latter.

Still its a huge sign of failure when arch enemy Iran, is orchestrating the resistance against the settler colonial Israeli regime.

As an outside observer, one is baffled by the official arab apathy for Palestine.
The question then remains: is The United States of America still a open democracy with free and fair elections?
The United States is a very good democracy on city/county levels. But when it comes to the foreign policy, especially about the Middle East, it is a shameful observation that AIPAC is contributing $100 million to unset the very very few Congressmen who spoken up for the Palestinians. In the American electoral system, the Primaries are called 'The Kiss of Death': Pour in enough money and you can unseat all but the most entrenched politician. That's NOT a democracy when a foreign lobby actively forms your own government. AIPAC is not like the NRA or some Senior Citizens or some labor union or some pro immigration lobby: Those lobbies work for American citizens' interests. AIPAC works for a foreign govt. to the point of not just influencing but also ELECTING American lawmakers!! Never in human history one has seen a situation like this if you bring in a Superpower vs a tiny remote pi$$ ass country.
The atrocities are comitted in the midst of Arab lands. KSA, UAE, Jordan and Egypt are all cowards. Scared of Iran they sacrifice their own bethren in altar of geopolitics. Doing so they unwittingly diminish their own legitimacy. But we all know why these Kingdoms are acting the way they do: for they are carved out with assistance from Zionist controlled western nations and wouldnt last very long without it.

I think you and others might want to watch this short video. Not only this explains the Egyptian role but also confirms some news that Israel is indeed running low on ammos AND that maybe other nations are waiting for the time when Israel exhausts its weaponry.


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