Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Iran/Hezbollah vs Arab govt supporting the Palestinians argument had been going on heatedly since this conflict began on October 7 in the old PDF and here too. I have tried not get involved in that argument because I, like most others here, would be only speculating. But looking at the emerging scenario, as confirmed by an Israeli POV column I posted just a few pages above, the Iranian calculations seems to save Hezbollah in case of dire needs, such as attack on Iran itself or in case of the imminent / total loss by the Gazans. But none of those scenarios have materialized yet--on the contrary, the Gazans are holding their own and may well deal Israel a strategic blow. So why risk Lebanon's destruction? Why pull in Americans who are desperately trying not to escalate?
If the purpose of Hezbollah is to come into the defense of Iran, then Iran and its allies should be direct and straightforward with this rather than claiming to form this whole 'resistance' to come into the defense of Palestine and liberate it. Gaza is being destroyed and the people are suffering immensely. It's not okay to let Israel feel there is no red lines in Gaza if you're a supposed ally of Hamas and Palestine and are sitting on a deadly weapons arsenal that can save many Palestinian lives. Gaza is almost becoming inhabitable and the people are at risk of forced expulsion.

American's aren't gonna do anything and have no business in the fight. It's a excuse Israel and Iran mutually can use that America is providing. And people won't forgive it when the tables are turned.
Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant: Israel is facing attacks on seven fronts

Israel’s defence minister has warned of a growing risk of a regional conflict in the Middle East as tensions with Iran increase.

Yoav Gallant on Tuesday told a parliamentary committee that Israel was being attacked in a “multi-arena war” from seven areas, which he identified as Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran.

“We have already responded and acted in six of these arenas and I say here in the most explicit way — anyone who acts against us is a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone,” he said.

Israel declared war against Hamas in Gaza following the Palestinian militant group’s surprise cross-border attack on October 7, and quickly launched a wide-scale military operation in the occupied West Bank against Hamas and other militant operatives.

Israel has also exchanged daily fire with the Iran-backed Hizbollah militia in Lebanon across their shared frontier, with the episodes intensifying in recent weeks.

Also on Tuesday, Egyptian authorities confirmed that a drone, likely to have been launched from Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthi rebel group, had been intercepted over the Red Sea resort town of Dahab.

“For the foreseeable future Israel will have to retain overriding security responsibility over Gaza,” Netanyahu wrote, rejecting any future role for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority.

Who believes this nonsense? One attack originating from one geographical area does not make it a 'front'. There was maybe one attack from Iraq. Two or three from Syria. They can easily absorb these kind of token strikes. Hezbollah is acting very restrained as Israeli's want them to. In the West Bank they're invading and murdering Palestinians for no reason other than bloodlust.

Only Gaza is actually a front. In Yemen they're not doing anything to counter it. The US is doing it on their behalf. Israel is not capable of fighting a multi-front war if it was actually multi-front war and not face-saving token strikes. It simply cannot without US and NATO intervention. It would come out having lost the war. The Jewish terrorist idiots claim others are trying to destroy them which isn't true and never was the objective in any Arab-Israeli wars. In a multi-front war, if it took massive damage and casualties and needed US intervention, it lost the war, period. Projecting objectives unto their enemies to make themselves look better doesn't make it true.
Ancestral Jewish land? How do white jews who converted to Judaism a few hundred years ago have a claim to the land?

A land is ancestrally tied to its parent faith.

And blood.




Cheers, Doc
This is a very confusing post.

Its a concept that is shared by ancient faiths. Zoroastrianism. Hinduism. Judaism.

Not, understandably, by newer Abrahamic ones birthed into a world with a population largely already followers of established theologies.

Cheers, Doc
Secret meeting but they release a photo? I mean brother, I really wish and pray this entire nonsense comes to an end but these "meetings" come to nothing, meanwhile bombs still pound the streets of Gaza.

Its an a concept that is shared by ancient faiths.

Not, understandably, by newer Abrahamic ones birthed into a world with a population largely already followers of established theologies.

Cheers, Doc
Yar faith ho na ho behja to hain na? Are you saying just because I worship a different god my brain cannot comprehend basic concepts? No, your post to the original question from @That_Guy was rather confusing and deflective.

All this nonsense about blood and soil and land, lol. Land is land, soil is soil, the soil you and I tread on has seen many like you and me come and go, it is still here. How many kings, generals, thinkers, artists etc etc.

Nahi yar this philosophy is better suited to a philosophical thread not a thread discussing the current crisis in the region and mass civilian casualties. Dumping the entire malba on "faith" is a nonstarter.

Agreed, the guy retweeting it was mocking the 'meetings' essentially. As they're of no value unfortunately.
Problem is my brother that leadership in the Arab world have been unable to unify and gain any traction for their messages, it took them 1 whole month to come together and pass a unified statement, and even then there were differences between Saudi and Qatar and Jordan.

These people can't make up their minds, meanwhile the only people suffering are the people of Gaza. There is a very famous quote from one of the Legendary Urdu/Farsi poets and it goes like this

"Lest we forget: It is easy to be human, very hard to be humane"

Problem is not just the Arab world but the western world and collectively international community are blind, deaf and dumb to the plight of Palestine, because there is no political mileage in supporting them against the status quo.

You had more supportive condemnation from western leaders during the Hong Kong riots. And we understand that certain countries for Geo-political reasons have decided to place their lot with Israel, but when collective punishment becomes the norm it sets a very dangerous precedent one which SHOULD NEVER be repeated.

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