Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

when one side reject all peaceful ways , tore unsc resolutions , and each day kill civilian and destroy lands . when one side exile civilians on daily bases . when one side keep civilians in prison without charging them for a decade . well the rules tends to change
Hey @Hack-Hook good for you being a moderator
Israel continues to murder civilians in Lebanon

The atrocities are comitted in the midst of Arab lands. KSA, UAE, Jordan and Egypt are all cowards. Scared of Iran they sacrifice their own bethren in altar of geopolitics. Doing so they unwittingly diminish their own legitimacy. But we all know why these Kingdoms are acting the way they do: for they are carved out with assistance from Zionist controlled western nations and wouldnt last very long without it.

The Arabs willingly fight and murder their own in Syria, Iraq, Yemen. But lack the courage to stop decades old Israeli brutal human right vilations in Palestine.

Some say its only the leaders who are to blame but i strongly disagree. Its a collective Arab failure, when the masses arent able to provide competent leaders who are smart and brave enough to shield its own populace against 70 years of occuption and ethnic cleansing. By contrast Arabs seems satisfied to an extent with their despotic Kings and Generals, whom actively welcomes foreign interference and even millitary bases on their own soil.

No self-respecting people behaves like this.
Well said. The same powerful Arab kingdoms hate Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, and fight against their own Arab kin across the region, yet turn a blind eye to Israel's genocide against their Arab kin in Gaza. Even worse, they are complicit by imposing the blockade on Palestinians in Gaza or acting as Israel's forward air defence base by intercepting Iranian-supplied missiles/drones launched towards Israel from across the region. It's sickening.

Iran is not even Arab yet 1) does not recognise Israel, 2) does not have any economic relations / trade with Israel, 3) does not back stab or condemn Hamas for their resistance and 4) is the only country in the world that actively seeks to assist the Palestinian Resistance militarily.

In recent weeks we saw Hezbollah flags in the West Bank, truly a pivotal moment as Palestinians recognise that only the Iran-led Axis of Resistance stands with them, while the Arab states have all abandoned them.
I am very much aware that Iran wont directly engage Israel, as long as the United States and Europe stands firmly behind the latter.

Still its a huge sign of failure when arch enemy Iran, is orchestrating the resistance against the settler colonial Israeli regime.
Iran is not orchestrating anything. PLO's fronts against Israel in the 70's and 80's put Iran to shame. You couldn't even do 5% of what the PLO did. All Iran attempted orchestrating since it's a revolution was a revolution against Saddam in Iraq.

Hezbollah existed and was not founded by you. Neither were Houthi's. So far, let's be real, Iran has organized token strikes and well wishes and prayers for Gaza. Gaza is facing a Holocaust and the token strikes by Iran's allies, with exception of Houthi's, has led to 12 causalities for Israel. Over 80+ days. Anything short of activating Hezbollah in Lebanon is inaction and indifference to the existential struggle in Palestine.

Maybe go look at the PLO attacks against Israel. Much more impressive than Iran or what anyone else was capable of. And wasn't restricted to the Middle East but also targeted Israeli assets in Europe. Iran is not a resistance. It's a country just like Saudi Arabia advancing it's national interests and won't sacrifice them for anti-Israel struggle.
Iran is not orchestrating anything. PLO's fronts against Israel in the 70's and 80's put Iran to shame. You couldn't even do 5% of what the PLO did. All Iran attempted orchestrating since it's a revolution was a revolution against Saddam in Iraq.

Hezbollah existed and was not founded by you. Neither were Houthi's. So far, let's be real, Iran has organized token strikes and well wishes and prayers for Gaza. Gaza is facing a Holocaust and the token strikes by Iran's allies, with exception of Houthi's, has led to 12 causalities for Israel. Over 80+ days. Anything short of activating Hezbollah in Lebanon is inaction and indifference to the existential struggle in Palestine.

Maybe go look at the PLO attacks against Israel. Much more impressive than Iran or what anyone else was capable of. And wasn't restricted to the Middle East but also targeted Israeli assets in Europe. Iran is not a resistance. It's a country just like Saudi Arabia advancing it's national interests and won't sacrifice them for anti-Israel struggle.

FYI i am neither Iranian nor affliliated with Iran. Neither am i affilited with any arab nation.

PLO today is a paficified organization, largely due to bribes from the West. Israel has built almost 500 000 new settlements in WestBank since Abbas became the leader. Abbas is a compromised individual.

The Yemeni naval blockade of Israel is largely achieved through posession of drones and cruise missiles provided by Iran. Either blueprints or ready made weapons.

The question is; Iranians are largely united regardless of provincialism and sects. Then why arent arabs still able to unite the same way? And i am leaving out the Maghreb.
Occupied Palestine: 6 martyrs in a bombing by Israeli occupation aircraft targeting Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

FYI i am neither Iranian nor affliliated with Iran. Neither am i affilited with any arab nation.

PLO today is a paficified organization, largely due to bribes from the West. Israel has built almost 500 000 new settlements in WestBank since Abbas became the leader. Abbas is a compromised individual.

The Yemeni naval blockade of Israel is largely achieved through posession of drones and cruise missiles provided by Iran. Either blueprints or ready made weapons.

The question is; Iranians are largely united regardless of provincialism and sects. Then why arent arabs still able to unite the same way? And i am leaving out the Maghreb.
The point is PLO resistance's makes Iran's resistance look like a joke. You can do a lot with a small number people if you have the willpower and intent.

If Iran is Iran united because it is has Kurds and azeris, then other Arab nations are united as they contain multiple ethnicities as well. Arabs have over a dozen nations unlike Iran which is one. It's not easy to unite a large number of nations into a singular agenda.
Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant: Israel is facing attacks on seven fronts

Israel’s defence minister has warned of a growing risk of a regional conflict in the Middle East as tensions with Iran increase.

Yoav Gallant on Tuesday told a parliamentary committee that Israel was being attacked in a “multi-arena war” from seven areas, which he identified as Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran.

“We have already responded and acted in six of these arenas and I say here in the most explicit way — anyone who acts against us is a potential target, there is no immunity for anyone,” he said.

Israel declared war against Hamas in Gaza following the Palestinian militant group’s surprise cross-border attack on October 7, and quickly launched a wide-scale military operation in the occupied West Bank against Hamas and other militant operatives.

Israel has also exchanged daily fire with the Iran-backed Hizbollah militia in Lebanon across their shared frontier, with the episodes intensifying in recent weeks.

Also on Tuesday, Egyptian authorities confirmed that a drone, likely to have been launched from Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthi rebel group, had been intercepted over the Red Sea resort town of Dahab.

“For the foreseeable future Israel will have to retain overriding security responsibility over Gaza,” Netanyahu wrote, rejecting any future role for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority.

I am very much aware that Iran wont directly engage Israel, as long as the United States and Europe stands firmly behind the latter.
Still its a huge sign of failure when arch enemy Iran, is orchestrating the resistance against the settler colonial Israeli regime.
As an outside observer, one is baffled by the official arab apathy for Palestine.

The Iran/Hezbollah vs Arab govt supporting the Palestinians argument had been going on heatedly since this conflict began on October 7 in the old PDF and here too. I have tried not get involved in that argument because I, like most others here, would be only speculating. But looking at the emerging scenario, as confirmed by an Israeli POV column I posted just a few pages above, the Iranian calculations seems to save Hezbollah in case of dire needs, such as attack on Iran itself or in case of the imminent / total loss by the Gazans. But none of those scenarios have materialized yet--on the contrary, the Gazans are holding their own and may well deal Israel a strategic blow. So why risk Lebanon's destruction? Why pull in Americans who are desperately trying not to escalate?
I hope so.

I have zero sympathy for Muslims on ancestral Jewish land. As a displaced Zoroastrian.

But I'm a dad. And I hate what's happening. It needs to stop now.

Cheers, Doc
Ancestral Jewish land? How do white jews who converted to Judaism a few hundred years ago have a claim to the land?
If so
Palestinians and the Middle East have repeatedly wanted to destroy the Jews and completely erase Israel from the world map.

then lost continuously.
If someone stole your land and house, murdered your family and oppressed you with apartheid, what would you do? Hypocrit jews complain about Hitler but use his playbook to genocide Palestinians.
The Iran/Hezbollah vs Arab govt supporting the Palestinians argument had been going on heatedly since this conflict began on October 7 in the old PDF and here too. I have tried not get involved in that argument because I, like most others here, would be only speculating. But looking at the emerging scenario, as confirmed by an Israeli POV column I posted just a few pages above, the Iranian calculations seems to save Hezbollah in case of dire needs, such as attack on Iran itself or in case of the imminent / total loss by the Gazans. But none of those scenarios have materialized yet--on the contrary, the Gazans are holding their own and may well deal Israel a strategic blow. So why risk Lebanon's destruction? Why pull in Americans who are desperately trying not to escalate?
They will destroy Lebanon sooner or later , denial and hope is surity for defeat later on. Now is the time for all Arabs to rise and fight, it's even in Egypt's interest to fight the Zionists now rather than later..

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