Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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This is my main position. The only reason why the Palestinian Genocide is happening today is because of the treason and cowardness of the so-called Muslim nations.

I don't blame Israel. Because you cannot blame a pig for being a pig, a demon for being a demon, but you should blame a Muslim for being a Munafiq. Period.

And I blame the Christian Nationalists and their cult for the genocide of Palestine.

And their general hostility towards Islam which is not what American Founding Fathers would approve of.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism Memes, Cartoons & Text Set No. 7 (17).jpg


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Einav Tsengauker, the mother of Matan, the abductee in Gaza, in a statement by the abductee's families: "We are about a step away from a war in the north, and this may be the last chance to return the abductees; Netanyahu is prolonging the war for personal reasons."



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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There are very gruesome images of children's body's torn apart and people ran over by tanks during the terrorist attacks on eastern Gaza city and Rafah. I don't want to post them as to not traumatize people. But, I do want to mention them to remind people that Gaza is still under the brutal war and assault and nothing has calmed down yet.

It's also difficult to get food into northern Gaza and there is no way to send money to Gaza. So people can't send money to their relatives or friends. Which is by design, intended to make civilian population suffer to maximum extent. Another violation of international law.

Mr. Green

Feb 4, 2024
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I think you are right about China and about HJ-8. And it is not a Chinese conflict anyway. Do Muslim countries go out of their way to support China against Taiwan or even about the South China Sea islands dispute? Not much.

But it does greatly benefit China and Russia to have the Americans bogged down in yet another Middle Eastern war!!
It would be a good opportunity for China to punish Israel which is America's policeman in Middle East. This will benefit China in gaining sympathies of the Muslims the World over especially Middle East and Iran which supply the oil that China needs. In this way China will gain a foothold in the Middle East and replace America as the major power there.

@Beijingwalker @Falcon29 @925boy @Mehdipersian

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